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Topic: How did you celebrate earth day?
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Obama's Earth Day Message
April 22, 2009 01:24 PM ET | Maura Judkis | Permanent Link | Print
President Obama is in Iowa today, celebrating Earth Day by touring a wind turbine factory.

I spent my earth day reading about one of its founders. Rolling Eyes What a guy.

Ira Einhorn, Earth Day's Dirty Secret
By Ken Anderson

On this, the 39th anniversary of Earth Day, it is only fitting to speak of one of its founders, Ira Einhorn.
You won't find Ira Einhorn's name listed in any of the Earth Day promotional literature, as the organizers have taken great pains to distance themselves from this man, at least since he became better known for composting his girlfriend in a trunk in his closet for a couple of years in the late 1970s.

Earth Day organizers and publicists don't want to have anything to do with Ira these days. Since he was convicted of murder, he hasn't been very useful to them. But that wasn't always the case. In 1970, during the first Earth Day event, which was televized throughout the globe, Ira Einhorn was on stage as master of ceremonies.

Or so he claims, and it seems likely that he was.

A friend and contemporary of Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, and acquaintance of authors Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsburg, Timothy Leary, Alvin Toffler, and Isaac Asimov, Einhorn held the floor for a half hour, during the first Earth Day celebration, in Philadelphia, kissing Edmund Muskie on the lips before surrendering the microphone to the Senator from Maine. There is no evidence that Muskie rejected his advances, or that anyone associated with the event had ever voiced any disagreement with Einhorn's place as a key organizer until after his arrest for the murder of Holly Maddux.

Ira Einhorn knew all of the right people. Executives from Sun Oil and AT&T showered him with support, financial and otherwise. Ira Einhorn was the man who could make Earth Day happen as, it seems, he did, denials notwithstanding.

Due in large part to his influence, Einhorn escaped punishment for his crime for a quarter of a century.

After bludgeoning his girlfriend of five years to death, fracturing her skull in a dozen places, Ira stuffed her body into a trunk, which he packed into a closet where it remained until discovered by the police nearly two years later.

When Holly Maddux disappeared in the fall of 1977, Einhorn was named as a suspect by the girl's parents, who knew that Einhorn had threatened their daughter with violence. Yet, after briefly questioning him, while the body of his murdered girlfriend lie decomposing in a trunk stored in a closet of his apartment, police accepted his denial of any knowledge of her whereabouts.

When she failed to reappear, the murdered girl's parents hired an investigator who very quickly came up with sufficient evidence for a warrant to search Einhorn's apartment. A downstairs neighbor told of a liquid leaking from Einhorn's apartment into the kitchen below, describing it as being dark in color and smelling of putrefaction. He also testified to hearing a scream, as well as "several sharp thuds", at the time of Holly's disappearance.

When the private investigator presented this evidence to the police, they finally obtained a search warrant, which was served on March 29, 1978.

The battered and partly mummified body of Holly Maddux was found in a trunk in a bedroom closet, packed in styrofoam, newspaper, and air fresheners.

Arrested, Einhorn's attorney was considering a run for the Senate. His name was Arlen Spector, of Pennsylvania. The darling of New Age society, politicians, Ivy League professors, and corporate executives alike, Einhorn had no shortage of friends during his bail hearing. With his great love for the earth, surely Ira would not have murdered anyone. Released on a mere $40,000 bail, of which he had to pay only ten percent, Einhorn fled to Sweden, remaining as a fugitive in Europe until 1997, when he was found living in France under another name.

While a fugitive, Einhorn was convicted in absentia in 1993, and sentenced to life in prison. The government of France, however, refused to extradite Einhorn unless the death penalty was taken off the table and he was promised a new trial. Eventually, this was agreed upon. Ira Einhorn, the founder of Earth Day, was once again convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Today, we celebrate Earth Day, sacrosanct, proclaimed by none other than our Republican President George Bush, and every president since 1975, when President Ford first proclaimed and urged observance of Earth Day on the March equinox.

We're living in a time where wacky is in, and life doesn't mean very much.

While it is likely that Einhorn's violent history is not shared by other Earth Day founders, the observance is nevertheless bizarre.

Underlying the themes of Earth Day is a call for mankind to align itself with nature, and against itself, enlisting human beings to take part in a battle that seeks to place humanity under the control of an enlightened elite, one that values the interests of nature above that of people.

The process of our destruction is termed sustainable development, a destructive scheme that is in direct opposition to Christianity, which holds that man is to have dominion over nature, which is given to us for our use.

Ira Einhorn took the life of one woman, while the movement that he had a hand in founding seeks to steal the life from all of us.

Ira Einhorn, Master of Ceremonies, Earth Day Rally on Belmont Plateau in Fairmount Park, Apr. 22, 1970. Maicher, Michael J., photographer. This image and many other images are available in Temple's Archival Collections Database.


Barack Obama on earthday 2009 showing his green side. Laughing Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:59 pm 
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I read up on the procedures of disposing of and dealing with the breakage of an ultra efficient light bulb.

my favorite part is that if any part of the broken bulb comes in contact with your clothing, DO NOT wash them, just throw them out.
Post Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:32 pm 
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Well duh!! if ya wash em all that nasty stuff will wind up where ever your wash water gos. Just throw the duds away and use Barackos stimulus dollars to buy new earth friendly duds and of course another ALGORE endorsed light bulb. You did get a bunch of barcko stimulatin dollars didnt you??? Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:36 pm 
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Speaking of Al Gore, I spent earth day pressure washing my deck with my gasoline engine 2600 PSI pressure washer.

A government big enough to give you everything is also powerful enough to take it all away.
Post Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:57 pm 
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There's also concerns about radiation .

A study by the Health Protection Agency in the U.K. showed that some compact fluorescent lightbulbs, which have a visible coil emitted ultraviolet (UV) radiation above the recognised safety limits. Basically it’s saying that those lights that giving you a tan. Now that would be a good thing if you needed it, but sitting in front of one for 8+ hours a day is definitely more than you should get.

About 20% of the CFL bulbs tested emitted UV-C radiation which is more harmful than the more common UV-A or UV-B, and and it’s the same kind that’s used in hospitals to kill germs, and can cause DNA damage, leading to skin cancer.

The highest levels of UV radiation, about an inch away from the bulbs, was the same as exposure in direct summer sunlight, the agency said.

Now this doesn’t apply to all bulbs, but the most common bulbs do have this problem. So stop sitting so close to the light, cuz that burning sensation you feel in your eyes may or may not be just simple eyestrain. Oh well, on the bright side, I guess it gives me a legitimate reason to take more breaks during work…
Post Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:12 pm 
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Well whatever ya do dont ever and I mean ever question Algore about those lightbulbs or anything to do with his psycho scheme of global warming.

Report: Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing
Thursday, April 23, 2009By Marc Morano
'House Democrats don't want Gore humiliated'

Climate Depot Exclusive - Updated

Washington, DC -- UK's Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, claimed House Democrats have refused to allow him to appear alongside former Vice President Al Gore at a high profile global warming hearing on Friday April 24, 2009 at 10am in Washington. Monckton told Climate Depot that the Democrats rescinded his scheduled joint appearance at the House Energy and Commerce hearing on Friday. Monckton said he was informed that he would not be allowed to testify alongside Gore when his plane landed from England Thursday afternoon.

“The House Democrats don't want Gore humiliated, so they slammed the door of the Capitol in my face,” Monckton told Climate Depot in an exclusive interview. “They are cowards.”

According to Monckton, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), Ranking Member on the Energy & Commerce Committee, had invited him to go head to head with Gore and testify at the hearing on Capitol Hill Friday. But Monckton now says that when his airplane from London landed in the U.S. on Thursday, he was informed that the former Vice-President had “chickened out” and there would be no joint appearance. Gore is scheduled to testify on Friday to the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment's fourth day of hearings on the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. The hearing will be held in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.

According to Monckton, House Democrats told the Republican committee staff earlier this week that they would be putting forward an unnamed 'celebrity' as their star witness Friday at a multi-panel climate hearing examining the House global warming bill. The "celebrity" witness turned out to be Gore. Monckton said the GOP replied they would respond to the Democrats' "celebrity" with an unnamed "celebrity" of their own. But Monckton claims that when the Democrats were told who the GOP witness would be, they refused to allow him to testify alongside Gore.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:00 pm 
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have you ever read national geographic??? or anything other than the rightwing-nut web sites. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

i know, i know "drill and drill now!!" Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

"from my cold dead hands" Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:48 pm 
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Algore the gutless wonder all you sheep get in line now and please no hard questions. Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:23 am 
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back again, when you get a well-rounded idea from reading MANY resources, from "natgeo" to science weekly, to associated press among others, along with the tons of information I saved from when I was a young environmentalist in elementary school, (seriously, I was a little 10 year old hippie) you get a pretty good idea that no one really knows exactly what they are talking about.
Post Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:07 am 
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Thank you young lady.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:42 pm 
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actually tegan i agree with you. i do know the earth is changing, now whether or not it's because of man i don't know. i also know it is idiotic to believe as earth humans, we have a right to continually use up resources in a manner harmful to the planet. some things take nothing more than common sense. if we continue to put chemicals in the air we breath, something has to give. if we continue dumping trash and garbage into the ocean, more species will disappear and the water will foul. i have seen pictures of coastline taken from satelites (sp) that clearly show a ring of pollution. 2 + 2 does equal 4. as human beings of the planet, there is no such thing as "manifest destiny". it's not ours to destroy. Shocked

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:49 pm 
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back again, exactly, but sometimes the things that are supposedly helping the situation are actually hurting them. the light bulbs, for one. the advocacy of vinyl windows as energy efficient is another. (vinyl windows, unlike wood windows cannot be repaired, only replaced. therefore, they are taking up more space in landfills than wood windows).

I even read an article about how in the 1970s when scientists thought that the earth was going to enter a new ice age, they had plans to put chemicals in the air to warm the earth. luckily, the scare died off.
Post Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:32 pm 
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i concur tegan and i am bowing to intelligence! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:16 pm 
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I even read an article about how in the 1970s when scientists thought that the earth was going to enter a new ice age, they had plans to put chemicals in the air to warm the earth. luckily, the scare died off.

And now we have the same bunch including that great climate expert Woody Harrilson of the famous "the earth has only 10 years before the iceage" comment along with our new POTUS going in the opposite direction. Laughing

Obama looking at cooling air to fight warming

WASHINGTON — Tinkering with Earth's climate to chill runaway global warming — a radical idea once dismissed out of hand — is being discussed by the White House as a potential emergency option, the president's new science adviser said Wednesday.

That's because global warming is happening so rapidly, John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month.

The concept of using technology to purposely cool the climate is called geoengineering. One option raised by Holdren and proposed by a Nobel Prize-winning scientist includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays.

Using such an experimental measure is only being thought of as a last resort, Holdren said.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:33 pm 
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uhhhh, in case you didn't now 2tap, the government has been involved and funding "weather modification" since the mid 50s Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

woody who??? what the hell are you reading???? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:16 pm 
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