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Topic: Michigan Library Association Opposes Plan to Divide Library

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Ryan Eashoo

Michigan Library Association Opposes Plan to Divide Library of Michigan Assets and Slash Funding

LANSING, Mich. -- The Michigan Library Association board of directors today expressed serious concern with Gov. Jennifer Granholm's plan to divide state library assets and the Senate-passed budget that would slash statewide library funding.

"The library community opposes the Governor's Executive Order because it diminishes the position, influence and stature of the library community and the State Library of Michigan without recognizing the value of the resources," said Larry Neal, Michigan Library Association President. "The cost savings and effective delivery of statewide library services achieved through the leadership of the Library of Michigan and the collaboration, group purchasing and resource sharing of the entire statewide library community are being ignored as well."

The MLA board said it understood the governor's plan to disband the Department of History Arts and Libraries as a cost saving measure, but opposes many parts of the Executive Order.

"The MLA is not opposed to the elimination of HAL, we are realistic about the difficult economic times facing Michigan. What we do not understand is breaking up the Library of Michigan without any proposed cost savings or the lack of discussion about its central role in providing cost effective services that citizens value," Neal continued. "More and more people walk into their public library to search for a job online, write a resume or file for unemployment and now those services are at risk."

The Governor's Executive Order calls for the creation of the Michigan Center for Innovation and Reinvention Board which would serve as an advisory board. While the nine member board would be comprised of a variety of people with different knowledge and backgrounds, it does not include any library representation.

"The Board has been asked to 'preserve and maximize the benefits to the public of existing state library and historical resources including collections, buildings and skilled personnel' but does not include anyone with experience in this area," Neal said.

The MeLibrary, MeLCat and MeL Tests and Tutorials - all resources used for research, educational purposes, job seeking and job preparation - are in jeopardy. In the 2007-08 budget state aid to libraries was cut by 17 percent. State library funding has not been increased since 1998.

"Public Act 89 mandates libraries receive $1.50 per capita, and they are currently receiving 96 cents per capita - slightly more than half of what is mandated by law. The Senate recently passed a budget that cuts library funding from $10 million to $7.5 million - less than half of what is statutorily required. If this budget is enacted, the entire statewide resource sharing and interlibrary loan system could collapse," said Gretchen Couraud, MLA Executive Director. "As Michigan transitions to a knowledge-based economy dependent on technology and information, Michigan's libraries play a pivotal role. We are already working at funding levels below what should be generally accepted, additional cuts will have a substantial impact on the future of the state."

MLA is Michigan's oldest and largest library association spanning three centuries. Guided by the belief that free access to information is the cornerstone of a free society, the Michigan Library Association has advocated for libraries on behalf of the state's residents for over 100 years. MLA defends the right to read, advocates for adequate library funding, clarifies library governance issues, promotes librarian education, and works for free access of information to all residents. For more information on MLA, please visit www.mla.lib.mi.us.

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:48 pm 
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