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Topic: Ted Kennedy
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Let's just get this right:

Do you like your state and not the federal government controlling the curriculum of your kids' schools? Thank Ted Kennedy.

Do you like being able to vote starting at age 18? Thank Ted Kennedy.

Do you think low-income people should get help with heating their homes in the winter? Thank the man.

Do you think the federal government should fund cancer research? Yep.

Do you believe that Meals on Wheels is a good thing? Ditto.

Does your daughter (or you, if you're female) like playing soccer or basketball or softball at school? That'd be because of Ted Kennedy.

Do you think that disabled people should be able to go to school? Have access to buildings? Not be discriminated against for housing and loads of other things? Kennedy, big time.

You like your cheap airfares? You know the answer.

You think people on welfare oughta get jobs? So did Kennedy.

You think mental institutions should treat people humanely? Yeah, so did your new friend, Ted Kennedy.

You believe that the Defense Department should provide child care for the kids of soldiers? Kennedy did.

You think a woman shouldn't lose her job if she gets pregnant? You think 100,000 more cops on the street's a good idea? You think poor kids should have health care? You think soldiers in Iraq should have the proper armor? Just tick those things off the list. Some of them would have been accomplished without him; many would not have been.

You agreed with Ted Kennedy far, far more than you want to think you did, dear conservatives. Still, go ahead and dance your mad jigs on his still-warm corpse. Why not? We on the left certainly did when Jerry Falwell, Strom Thurmond, and Jesse Helms kicked. Hell, one asshole blogger even celebrated the death of Ann Coulter's father. But know that you dance in ignorance. Ask Orrin Hatch.

But, of course, you want to address the far more pressing issue of whether or not Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne back at Chappaquiddick all those decades ago, no matter what the investigations said. There's only a couple of things to say about that: The glib response is, "Yeah, and Thomas Jefferson nailed his slaves. What's your point?" More directly, Kennedy asked the people of Massachusetts if they wanted him to quit. They did not. The rest of the nation may have not wanted him as president, but for Massachusetts, Chappaquiddick quickly became a settled issue and distant history. That's all that mattered to keep him in the Senate, just like Louisiana will have to judge whether or not a prostitute-lovin' David Vitter should go back. That's democracy, gang, like it or not.

And Ted Kennedy did more for real, actual democracy than almost anyone else in our entire history as a nation.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:43 am 
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I'm sure were all impressed and overwhelmed by the Booze loving senators voting record which of course is no different than any other lib senators. And you are correct that many of us want to remember him more for what he got away with than what he accomplished. From him living his privileged life thanks to his dads illegal gains in the bootlegging business. (H mm wasn't Al Capone in the same line of work)? to his womanizing ways a trait of the Kennedys for sure to his never doing an honest days work many of us have or had little if any respect for him.
Your reference to Vitter and his dalliances with a hooker in comparison to a drunken poontang chasing senator who caused the death of a young lady is laughable for sure. Without the availability of his daddy's illicit millions old Ted would have been sent to the slammer for sure and maybe even the all lib all the time Massachusetts voters might have awoken from that Kennedy fairy tail they seem mesmerized with. You remember old Teddy any way you want but many of us know the real tale of Camelot. Rolling Eyes

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:51 am 
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You really are an ignorant ass, aren't you?

Let's say one of your redneck buddies (or yourself) accidentally shot another of your redneck buddies while hunting. You may have had a Schlitz or two (isn't that what redneck's like you drink?) and you killed the poor bastard. Do you think you should go to jail?

Just answer with a yes or no. And, if you think you should go to jail, for how long? Certainly not 40 plus years, right? So, why don't you give this shit up about Kennedy and Mary Jo. It's old, everyone has moved passed except for apes like you.

And, everything I listed didn't just have Kennedy's vote. He either wrote the legislation or was the major force in the Senate in getting it passed. So, that's pretty impressive.

Hell, even conservative icon Orrin Hatch wrote a song about the passing of Teddy. So, why was he so beloved by Republicans as well as Democrats if he was such a bad person - a killer even? I've seen firsthand the most conservative Senator (Tom Coburn) walking with Teddy in the Capitol building and believe me, he had nothing but respect for the man.

But hey, if you want to continue to talk about Kennedy being a womanizer, go right ahead. I respect a womanizer a lot more than a closeted homosexual who acts and votes in the most hypocritical of ways (Larry Craig and many other Republicans who I won't mention because you're too dumb to even know their names)
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:04 am 
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You could make the majority of politicians look good if you used as jaded partisan tributes to them.

If you check his record I think you'd find Kennedy voted for government expansions that are helping to lead towards financial ruin.

I do think he was right about the Iraq war which has been far too costly though.

I don't debate Kenndy was a strong fighter for what he believed in but I don't think he was fighting for the right things all the time.

Overall Kennedy is a liberal as well. If you like the feds running things then Ted should be one of your heroes. I think the big bloated overspending federal government is what helped get us to where we are today.

Ted did do a good job working with neocon Republicans like Bush passing government expansions. If it wasn't for socialist Republicans like Bush I'd be happier with Ted's legacy.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:12 am 
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Damn old Fstars on the rag today. Laughing Laughing Laughing Now about that illegal bootlegging Kennedy fortune?

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:17 am 
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Adam, you're right. Kennedy made no qualms about his liberal ideology. So, disagree with him on the grounds of policy. That's fine. In fact, it used to be that R's and D's disagreed on the issues but after the Senate or House adjourned they were friendly - or the very least, cordial. There are stories that Kennedy would give a fire and brimstone speech full of liberal rhetoric on the Senate floor and after he was done, he'd walk over to Orrin Hatch, put his arm around him and say "how was that?" That's civility - on both parts. There aren't many of those types of pols in Washington anymore and Kennedy was the best at it. He was the consummate legislator. The same could be said for any number of Republlcans back in the day. I disagree with their policy stance but in the end, we all knew everyone was doing what they thought would make this country better. That's why Kennedy's passing is such a loss.

Twotap, admit it, you have a crush on me. I know you do.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:06 pm 
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Maybe baby.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:16 pm 
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Dave Starr

If Ted was anyone other than who he was, would he have gotten away with what he did regarding Mary Jo? If one of us did anything like what he did, we'd still be in prison.
Claiming to be Catholic while favoring abortions - even Eunice didn't do that.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:17 pm 
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back again

there is no question ted kennedy was a GREAT MAN. Cool

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:20 pm 
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Dave, what did he get away with?

An investigation was done and closed. Besides, you think the liberal Kennedy's are the only one's who've avoided jail time because of their money? Hell, that's probably more than half of the republican party. Think about the corporate ceo's, insurance industry executives. What about the tobacco company executives who knowingly led the American public to believe that smoking was not hazardous.

So, give it up. You could care less about Mary Jo Kopechne or her family. You just hate the Kennedy's and allow your blind hatred to cloud your very feeble brain.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:36 pm 
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Dave Starr

What did he get away with? Manslaughter or negligent homicide, at the least.

Hate the Kennedys? No, I don't hate anyone; it's a waste of time & energy.

Can I get a cell with a view when I'm sent to the "reeducation camp"?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:56 pm 
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there is no question ted kennedy was a GREAT Liberal MAN. There fixed it for ya.

Hey Dave aint it wonderful the things you can learn about yourself on this forum. I discovered im an ignorant redneck who probably gets good and smashed before I go hunting and you learned that you never gave a rats ass about MaryJO and that you have a feeble mind for not kneeling at the alter of Camelot. We also learned that TED Kennedy should not be singled out for vehicular homicide because a bunch of folks are or were to stupid to give up cigarettes. Nothing like letting a lib rant and rave and throw around the insults to keep ya entertained.

Heres some more fun stuff about the great Kennedy, enjoy libs.

About that Kennedy-Dodd waitress sandwich .......
another of fatboy Teddys moments.

Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 9:38:01 PM by dennisw

In the Summer of 1989 Kennedy and fellow Senator Chris Dodd were having lunch at famous Washington D.C. restaurant La Brasserie. Kennedy requested the attendance of waitress Carla Gaviglio. According to the Washington Times "When she put in an appearance in their private retreat - 'The Teddy Kennedy Fun Room' - the Massachusetts senator picked her up and heaved her onto a table. The crystal candlesticks and champagne glasses shattered as he grabbed her again and flung her on top of Dodd.

"Then Kennedy threw himself on top of the woman. The waitress implored Mr. Kennedy to 'Get off me!'

"Another waitress entered to find 'things all tipped over and Kennedy was on top, [the waitress] was in the middle and Dodd was on the bottom.' At that point the sandwich was disassembled."

Last edited by twotap on Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:24 pm 
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FStar schreef:
Adam, you're right. Kennedy made no qualms about his liberal ideology. So, disagree with him on the grounds of policy. That's fine. In fact, it used to be that R's and D's disagreed on the issues but after the Senate or House adjourned they were friendly - or the very least, cordial. There are stories that Kennedy would give a fire and brimstone speech full of liberal rhetoric on the Senate floor and after he was done, he'd walk over to Orrin Hatch, put his arm around him and say "how was that?" That's civility - on both parts. There aren't many of those types of pols in Washington anymore and Kennedy was the best at it. He was the consummate legislator. The same could be said for any number of Republlcans back in the day. I disagree with their policy stance but in the end, we all knew everyone was doing what they thought would make this country better. That's why Kennedy's passing is such a loss.

Twotap, admit it, you have a crush on me. I know you do.

Considering the Republicrats in the house and senate it's no wonder Ted got along with those guys so well. Teddy wouldn't have been half as successful without the "crossovers"/traitors.

Overall I think Ted's legacy should at least be consider tainted along with the Bushwacked Republicrats that helped lead us towards financial ruin on the Osama plan for America .

It's pure dilusional for Republicrats and Democrats to think we can afford to do things like police the world and run a big government welfare state at the same time.

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:55 pm 
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What is shocking is the arrogance and ability for Fstar to engage in this very typcial hero worship the people of the Left loved to engage in in regards to the recently departed Edward Kennedy. Yeah , all the things he accomplished ( Kennedy) were listed just fine. Question remains is, should all of what he accomplished been accomplished? I don't think so. But Fstar is typical of most expansionist's liberals in that he seems to totally disregard what is SUPPOSED to be allowed . I don't like a highly resposive goverment style. The federal government is, in my opinion, only supposed to be engaged in a few functions . And now, it is in these functions they fail at miserably.
But go ahead Mr Fstar, erect another monument to one of of your fallen "heroes" . Never mind that you are totally disregarding several ,very unpleasant actions Mr Kennedy committed in his lifetime. Why look at reality when yor dream vision offers you so much solace? And since when did a death of a person depend of mere public opinion to make it worthy of inquiry? I thought we had laws to govern such concerns. But then we are talking about "Prince Teddy" , so laws be dammed! His public stated they didn;t care if the questions around Mary Jo's death were not answered better, he was a Kennedy, one who is above the laws of the land.Yes Virginia, character does matter,unless you are a Kennedy.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:54 pm 
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Dave Starr

Joe Sr. - Bootlegger. Major contributor to FDR's campaign. Named ambassador to England, but dismissed when his admiration of Hitler became too obvious. Rumors abound that he bought the 1960 election for jack.

Joe Jr. - The one Sr. was grooming to be president, but died in WWII.

John - Transferred to the Pacific when it was found out he was having an affair with a German spy. War hero. Serial cheater on his wife. Died young.

Bobby - Nailed Marilyn Monroe, along with Jack. Rumors still persist about her "suicide". Died young. Hated J. Edgar Hoover, so he wasn't all bad.

Teddy - Abandoned Mary Jo in the car. Well known as a sex addict & alcoholic. Never met a liberal cause he didn't like. Claimed to be a Catholic, but championed abortion. Unlike his sister Eunice, who vehemently opposed it.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:57 am 
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