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Topic: A rich capitalist, Michael Moore, tells us how bad it is.
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The guy with the beached whale look who got rich off the system tells all who are dumb enough to listen how its evil and needs to be replaced. All you commie fans listen up now.


"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:29 am 
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I read in a book called THE ORIGINS OF CAPITALISM : A Longer View by Ellen Meiksins Wood, a noted Marxist professor that it isn't capitalism until there are very tight controls on the means of production very rigorously enforced. So that is the sort of cop out Michael Moore would likely use, he is just a creative source and others are the ones who control the marketing and distribution and all that sort of dirty work. According this book , prior to the development of control over the means of production all other economic activities would be desribed as being 'commerce". Now I would like to know is when the means of production was ever left to random chance? A farmer would want a better yield ,so he (or she) would try to find ways to optimize output. So in a way it seem the author of this book is advocating production standards that are sloppy and inefficent as the only ways to avoid the dirty "capitalist" label . Wonder if Mikey would want that for his films? And all this claptrap I hear from alleged 'artists" that they don't want to sell out and destroy their "art" I would like to ask this, if your stuff doesn't resonate with anyone else isn't that entirely self-indulgent and selfish? The very same thing people like Moore charge everyone else of being.Hey Mike, would you be able to afford the house up North if all those filthy capitalists you work with didn't have those sort of tawdry concerns in mind?

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:21 pm 
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He is the perfect spokesperson for the leftisit whackos and they eat it up. Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:26 pm 
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It is strange how these socialist minded people fail to see things clearly. In Moore's case he made how much money making movies ridiculing the same system he was using? From other people of his mind set who had money to spend due to jobs these filthy capialists paid them for jobs they did for said capitalists? And get this, these capitalists,who people like Moore claim control everything, allow people to go in theatres to see movies that ridicule the capitalist class. Damm, I would fault the capitalist with being far too lienient on those who criticize their actions. Far more tolerant than certain representatives have accorded critics of Obama's health care ideas at these Town Halls being held around the country. And here is the kicker,these arrogant politicans are mocking and trying to silence the very people they work FOR. How do you think of these shocking displays of arrogance Twotap?

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:31 pm 
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I just had a another thought, perhaps Moore is right trying to make a case against capitalism. For it seems quality control is not an issue at with these people. Look who they allow to make movies in this country.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:36 pm 
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Thats nothing when they become POTUS look who they appoint. Laughing Laughing Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:51 pm 
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back again

as usual you kats have manufactured a false idiom and are discussing nothing with a fervor...... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

can you name any democrat or progressive who's stated capitalism is evil??? i didn't think so. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:11 pm 
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If you libs dont agree with old Mikey I guess that means his latest fact filled film will be a flop???

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:08 am 
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Obama and libs often talk about how "capitalism has failed" in areas like the financial system when really it was government regulastions that helped cause the collapse.
Post Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:11 am 
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I just watched an HBO documentary "The Last Truck" about the closing of the Morraine Ohio plant.
IT shows all those UAW members who supported every liberal democrat the union told them to vote for getting tossed out on the street because of loss of SUV sales caused by high gas prices. Hmm lets see what party was it that pissed and moaned everytime a new oil supply was found or a new refinery was planned. Cant drill there might upset some supposed possibly extinct critter.Who ridicules the notion of drill here drill now as a solution to the high gas prices and which party actually believes a replacement for the internal combustion engine has been found or is just around the corner. Who claims their is some supposed phenominum known as global warming being caused by those evil SUVs once again the same bunch. Now one of their spokespersons old lard ass Mike has another of his Cannes film festivel award winners telling them once again what an evil place America is and of course they being the good sheep they are will flock to it and it will be all the talk while they sip their $5 lattes at starbucks and reconfirm to themselves just how more enlightened they are than the masses.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:47 am 
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Elias12 schreef:
Ellen Meiksins

I just want to stop real quick and say.. I have a read a lot of Marx, a lot of Marxist theory/philosophy (it's hard to escape Marxist Theory in sociology) and I have never heard of this woman in my life. I only note this because you should be careful, Elias, of creating a red herring before anybody even has the time to step up and defend. This woman, despite her background, is not the end-all-be-all of Marxist/Socialist thinking.

Elias12 schreef:
Now I would like to know is when the means of production was ever left to random chance? A farmer would want a better yield ,so he (or she) would try to find ways to optimize output. So in a way it seem the author of this book is advocating production standards that are sloppy and inefficent as the only ways to avoid the dirty "capitalist" label .

I don't know that she is saying that (haven't read the book) but if she were.. then she would be a very poor theorist. Farmers that are involved in communal farming techniques still want to achieve high yields. Even in a "Marxist Utopia" (quotations applied to imply appropriate likelihood hah) farmers would still want to produce as much as was needed. Of course that's different than getting the most out of any yield, but it certainly doesn't say anything about being sloppy and inefficient. A does not lead to B in this case, and I don't see why you think it does.

twotap schreef:
He is the perfect spokesperson for the leftisit whackos and they eat it up.

I don't think it is that easy. I know a lot of fairly rational people who love Michael Moore. Personally, I find him distasteful and dishonest. I also know a lot of otherwise rational people who listen to Limbaugh and O'Reilly. Sad, I know, but there is some draw for people to these pundits other than being "wackos." That is an unfortunate label.

Elias12 schreef:
It is strange how these socialist minded people fail to see things clearly. In Moore's case he made how much money making movies ridiculing the same system he was using? From other people of his mind set who had money to spend due to jobs these filthy capialists paid them for jobs they did for said capitalists? And get this, these capitalists,who people like Moore claim control everything, allow people to go in theatres to see movies that ridicule the capitalist class.

Who are these "socialist minded people?" I am just curious, the language is unclear. Do you mean all socialists? Or just those that listen to Moore?

Beyond any of that, as to your last point - it is in the best interest of the capitalist to "allow" people to go to theaters. It is in their best interest to allow people pleasures of many kinds, because if they didn't they would have a lot of bored, angry and annoyed people on their hands. They don't work as well and they are much more likely to get up and break stuff, including the capitalist's face.

Adam schreef:
Obama and libs often talk about how "capitalism has failed" in areas like the financial system when really it was government regulastions that helped cause the collapse.

Care to explain that position, Adam? Running under a principle of "business regulated by the government and supported by the government" the US saw some of the most successful and industrious of years. After we switched in the late 60s to early 70s to a very strong "free market" a whole lot of shit fell to pieces. That switch was conducted at the behest of the "market" who then took their new found freedoms and started screwing things up. Take the international oil crisis of the late 70s, take the bank disasters of the same time. Time and time again business does stupid things and then looks to the government and says, "Oh god, save our collective asses." Business, when left to fend for itself in the absence of regulation becomes destructive and dangerous. That's been proven time and time again throughout history. Exploitation, killing, stealing, damaging - government regulation based on a free market system fails. Government regulation based on systems that we had pre-70s worked pretty goddamn well.

So be careful - many modern day businesses were established and prospered initially under US assistance. They wouldn't be here if 60 odd years ago they hadn't been propped up by tax-payer money.

Elias12 schreef:
Hmm lets see what party was it that pissed and moaned everytime a new oil supply was found or a new refinery was planned. Cant drill there might upset some supposed possibly extinct critter.

Protecting the environment, Elias12, is something every person should be supporting. Every person. Beyond that - which party was it that rallied incredibly against Carter's proposal for higher fuel efficiency? Which party was it that tore solar panels off the White House to prove... something? Had we been listening to Carter on a number of things some years ago, we wouldn't be worrying about another oil crisis, we wouldn't be concerning ourselves with destroying the environment. I think it's insane that you look at this and go, "Stupid libs, always crying whenever we want to drill somewhere else." Obviously there are deeper concerns here. When you turn the environment into a political issue, there is a very serious problem. Protecting the ONLY PLACE WE HAVE TO LIVE seems like a top priority to me, not ensuring that Big Oil has a new well.

twotap schreef:
Who claims their is some supposed phenominum known as global warming being caused by those evil SUVs once again the same bunch. Now one of their spokespersons old lard ass Mike has another of his Cannes film festivel award winners telling them once again what an evil place America is and of course they being the good sheep they are will flock to it and it will be all the talk while they sip their $5 lattes at starbucks and reconfirm to themselves just how more enlightened they are than the masses.

Global Warming isn't a just a myth. Even old GW Bush acknowledged that some crazy shit was going down. Denying science to fit better with your economic outlook is completely insane. Hiring bad scientists to do bad science in an effort to back up your economic position is also insane.

What's wrong with sipping lattes? I don't care for them, but when did that become a bad thing? Conservatives don't go to Starbucks now? This place is so insane - you have these crazy images of what it is to be a liberal, and yeah they have crazy images of what it is to be a conservative. No doubt you people are so pitted against each other that you dehumanize one another. That process allows you to make issues of really important things, and that shit is just completely crazy.

Last edited by Domet on Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:04 pm 
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Well somebody sure is supporting old fat mike and his goofy ideas I mean they made him rich beyond his hippy dreams. As far as who prevented us from keeping up with our energy needs their is no debate there. Global warming??? that myth gets more disproven everyday.

As far as the lattes comment thats just a rebuff to one of your counterparts picturing rednecks with a large can of I believe it was schlitz the otherday. Laughing And of course quoting what old Dubya believed or didnt is convenient when it might happen to fit what the libs agree with any other time he was a friggin dimwit.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:15 pm 
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back again

i knew you wouldn't answer my question.. your all hot stale air... Laughing Laughing Laughing

i'm gonna LOVE mike's new movie about republican capitalism. Laughing Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:51 pm 
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As a point for clarifaction, I never said anything about Starbucks or any of that stuff,so either somone is postng under my name or someone took the quotes from someone else and attributed them to me. And Domet, the author I quoted is a recent known Marxist, not in the same era as Marx or his followers. And I did make the point about movie goers seing movies that Moore and other critics of capitalism make, and this is the point was aiming at, indeed it does serve the capitlaist well to not try to stop people from seeing such movies, and in fact capitalist love when their is controversies and even rabid debate going on. It is almost assured that some capitalist will be making money from any and ,perhaps, all sides of the debate. Guess what folks, this means that the capitalist is far less likely to stifle such debates because they don't want to shut themselves from any income stream. Now ask yourselves who would benefit from impeding the discourse and exchange of ideas, get back to me when you think this one over.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:38 pm 
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i'm gonna LOVE mike's new movie about republican capitalism.

And there you have it hey backagain ever hear of George Soros?

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:39 pm 
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