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Topic: Mayor Walling Twitting; Official City of Flint blog off site

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City Speak - The official blog of the City of Flint

Flint Mayor Dayne Walling, promised a transparent administration, consider this blog as your "Insider to Flint City Hall." We'll keep you connected to what's going on at city hall and the Mayor's office.

Source: http://www.blogger.com/profile/00278969625276054515

Dayne Walling (Mayor Walling) on Twitter

On the City of Flint official website cityofflint.com the last News Release from the office of the mayor was 7/30/09 – pre-Walling! As a taxpayer in the City of Flint I want to see my mayor communicate from the official website and not from a simply social network site like TWITTER! Twitting for him is building up a political fan base, not running the city. If he and his communication director Dawn Jones are going to devote any time online it should be on the official website, or at least be linked to the official City of Flint website which it is not so far. And the City of Flint website should be updated on a regular basis with what's going on at City Hall. People complained about the previous mayor going off on a tangent and doing things on his own. Are we to expect the same from this young, fresh face? Twitting!!! Get serious, Dayne! I'd have written Dawn Jones a comment on her blog but there's no link to do so. And I'm not going to join the TWITTING bunch, I don't have time and I would think the mayor shouldn't have time either.

Anyone else?
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:54 pm 
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Dan Moilanen

00SL2 schreef:

City Speak - The official blog of the City of Flint

Flint Mayor Dayne Walling, promised a transparent administration, consider this blog as your "Insider to Flint City Hall." We'll keep you connected to what's going on at city hall and the Mayor's office.

Source: http://www.blogger.com/profile/00278969625276054515

Dayne Walling (Mayor Walling) on Twitter

On the City of Flint official website cityofflint.com the last News Release from the office of the mayor was 7/30/09 – pre-Walling! As a taxpayer in the City of Flint I want to see my mayor communicate from the official website and not from a simply social network site like TWITTER! Twitting for him is building up a political fan base, not running the city. If he and his communication director Dawn Jones are going to devote any time online it should be on the official website, or at least be linked to the official City of Flint website which it is not so far. And the City of Flint website should be updated on a regular basis with what's going on at City Hall. People complained about the previous mayor going off on a tangent and doing things on his own. Are we to expect the same from this young, fresh face? Twitting!!! Get serious, Dayne! I'd have written Dawn Jones a comment on her blog but there's no link to do so. And I'm not going to join the TWITTING bunch, I don't have time and I would think the mayor shouldn't have time either.

Anyone else?

Oh please Rolling Eyes. Every major politician uses twitter, it's become a major staple to politics in general. You can easily update from your mobile in between meetings. Just because you're unwilling to utilize an extremely useful social networking site, doesn't mean that the mayor shouldn't use something that is widely utilized. What about Facebook? He has a facebook profile that he frequently updates as well. Are you going to condemn him for using different forms of technology and sharing information via multiple platforms?

Are you that desperate to find something on which to criticize him?


"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:58 pm 
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Maybe Dayne should focus on running the city and picking good people to help him rather than being on twitter and appointing Donna Poplar.
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:01 pm 
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Dan Moilanen

LakeWoman50 schreef:
Maybe Dayne should focus on running the city and picking good people to help him rather than being on twitter and appointing Donna Poplar.

Man, there is seriously NOTHING that he can do that will please some of you.

Seriously, you do not present a sound argument at all. Twitting is the quickest and easiest way for politicians to inform their constituents what they're doing for them. Go on Twitter and you will see ANY major politician utilizing it.

Twitter requires zero time and is one of the best ways to have a transparent government, which is something in which he (and I as well) firmly believes. Unless you think that he shouldn't be sharing what's going on with the people of Flint? Hmmm? One of the best ways to run a city is to understand your constituency and to share as much information with them as possible. People should want to know what he's up to, this is one of the best ways that he can do so, in addition to receiving potential feedback from citizens of Flint. I think it's a great way of utilizing new technology and social networking to determine what must be done with Flint.

Also, to touch on the Donna Poplar issue. She was more than qualified for the position, people make mistakes and move on with their lives. I know her personally and she is a very honest and decent person. But go ahead and take the Flint Urinal editorial board's views over mine. They're struggling to sell papers so if they can stir up controversy, it works in their favor.


"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:12 pm 
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Dan, are you in touch with what this white boy is doing? Do you realize he appointed Donna Poplar and fired John Carpenter?
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:07 am 
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Dave Starr

How does the Mayor communicate with the citizens that don't have twitter, or internet access?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:24 am 
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Dave Starr schreef:
How does the Mayor communicate with the citizens that don't have twitter, or internet access?

He communicates with them through his open door policy meetings every Wednesday; His "Ask The Mayor" segments on WNEM; his weekly radio shows; and just going out and talking with the citizens and business owners.
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:55 pm 
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Dan Moilanen

Honestly, I really think that a lot of you are simply looking for something to criticize him about because you didn't support him in the election. Utilizing Twitter isn't something to criticize him for, but rather commend him for an innovative way of communicating with constituents. This is something that none of our past mayors have EVER done. Already, he's leagues ahead of what Williamson did in regard to transparency. How can you criticize him for that?


"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:27 pm 
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Dan Moilanen schreef:
Are you that desperate to find something on which to criticize him?
Dan, first you didn't have to quote my entire post. Next, it's not that I'm looking for things to criticize, I'm actually looking forward to Dayne Walling helping to resolve some issues. He says "together" we can, and he is now the leader we look to, to make things happen. The City of Flint has long had a website presence that has not been adequately maintained. Since he is of the more literate computer generation and says he wants transparent government I had high hopes the City of Flint website would be one of the first things he would "fix" to maintain that open spirit of communication and City presence on the web. Not only for taxpaying residents, but also for the world to learn about the progress and happenings in our city. I don't want to have to watch TV and listen to radio, or chase down his Twits or Dawn's blog to see what he's doing on my taxpaying dime. I had no idea he'd go off on a tangent on Twitter and Dawn's blog, and all the media making social contacts--are his own parents able to keep up with it all?

As of today there's a link to his Twitter page (you have to join), and Dawn's blog on the City of Flint home page, well and good. Last night I was unable to comment anywhere on that website even though there was an invitation to do so. The email link didn't work then, but it did today. Now let's hope they follow up by updating all the information on the website, including city council meeting agendas and minutes, and updated city ordinances.

Another thing needing attention is the Comcast problem. Is there a valid Franchise Agreement now? Comcast rates and services are being changed too frequently. There are problems every Sunday viewing the city council meetings (freezing, not being aired at all, or 10-minute committee meetings being aired twice in two hours, but nothing else; poor quality audio, volume too low or too high from one channel to another when your own volume control hasn't been moved. Has a telecommunications committee been appointed yet? Or is this a problem for the city attorney to handle?

The City's website should show the mayor's actual plan for community policing and crime watches, and to provide volunteers information on how to get involved. We're waiting!

We need an online update for city ordinances. Online ordinances are only through 2005. There are frequent questions at our community watch meetings but no way to confirm whether an ordinance has been changed except by calling the clerk's office another day.

We need a way to communicate ideas and to get current information concerning this city. A City of Flint website with good email addresses (for individuals who are computer literate), an active Webmaster link, and current ordinances would help tremendously!

* * *
As for your last post, Dan, about transparency. I'm not impressed with Twitter being something that shows government transparency. It's still in testing stages. It's a way of gathering one-liners, not showing serious details that count. Many have already burned out, realizing it shows no substance. But on this subject I'm a single voice in the wind and I won't hold my breath waiting to be proven right or wrong. I just want my mayor to do the best job he can possibly do during normal working hours. I don't socialize where I work, I don't expect him to either.
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:46 pm 
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The reality is the mayor can not communicate with every individual in the city of Flint every day but I think a few minutes a day keeping the most "in touch" residents up to date is worthwhile. There could be various other benefits to this strategy other than just "campaigning for the next race".

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:23 pm 
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I am critical of Walling's selection of Poplar, I am critical of some of the other stuff he will probably do in the future. But him using Twitter ,to me, shows some great insight and common sense. It is fiscially intelligent ( it is free!) , quick and easy to use. Dayne, I have to admit , really shows a willingness to want to reach as many people as he can, far different than a lot of the other mayors in Flint's past.
So for those who don't have cell phones or computers to use or be in Twitter they can check out on Channel 17 on ComCast. City Council meetings and a lot of info can be found there, The Journal covers some of it too. I will suggest Dayne hire some pyschics to communicate to the rest of those people who don't take the opportunities to become informed and involved, that or we all learn to read smoke signals . Naww, scratch that idea, EPA would be all over the city for that. How about messenger piegeons? They are messy though. Damm, I guess this is a quandry isn't it?

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:03 pm 
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Dave Starr

For those of us that don't use twitter, facebook, etc., and don't have Comcrud, how about the mayor putting regular updates on what he's doing on Dawn's blog? it would also be nice if there was a section on the blog where those unable to go to the mayor's open door to post legitimate questions and get answers.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:57 am 
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Ted Jankowski

00SL2:: Another thing needing attention is the Comcast problem. Is there a valid Franchise Agreement now? Comcast rates and services are being changed too frequently. There are problems every Sunday viewing the city council meetings (freezing, not being aired at all, or 10-minute committee meetings being aired twice in two hours, but nothing else; poor quality audio, volume too low or too high from one channel to another when your own volume control hasn't been moved. Has a telecommunications committee been appointed yet? Or is this a problem for the city attorney to handle?

Well, Unfortunately this is another failing left to us from the Williamson Administration. The city settled with Comcast when they shouldn't have. We've been ripped again. If you remember correctly. All of Flint's Politicians in Lansing sold their votes to AT&T so ATT wouldn't have to follow the same rules that COMCAST had to. When they opened the flood gates. Comcast took advantage of it. Now the crazy thing to all of this is (which BTW is still really confusing) that ATT and Comcast are essentially the same company. They worked the good cop bad cop play and snowed all of them. We tried to explain to them and everybody what was going on. Fell on mostly deaf ears.

If you want the comcast public access channel to run correctly again. YOU NEED TO CALL JOHN GLEASON, DEB CHERRY, LEE GONZALES, Tell them to fix it. They all voted to dismantle it and set it up to be dismantled. But none of them seem to be willing to fix it. Adam Ford had looked for me at one time how much money ATT (SBC) put in their campaigns. It's on this website somewhere. The only new hope would be for Woodrow Stanely to take up the cause and decide to fix it. Since you can't get through to his office. I don't know what else I can say. Except that he must have the same people working for him that Brenda Clack did. I do occasinally email him on face book. But haven't heard back from him on my last email from over a month ago.
Post Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:58 pm 
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