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Ryan Eashoo

Mott Park residents meet outside Flint City Hall to protest shooting of elderly man
By David Harris | Flint Journal
October 23, 2009, 3:37PM
FLINT, Michigan — Thursday’s shooting of a 77-year-old man in the Mott Park neighborhood is the “tipping point of an epidemic of crime.”

That’s what Marta Wyngaard-Tavakoli, president of the Mott Park Neighborhood Association, said outside Flint City Hall today. About 25 people gathered outside city hall to meet city officials. It came the day after Pat Gillespie, 77, was shot in the groin Thursday afternoon while unloading groceries.

“We, the Mott Park residents, come to march against the economy of crime that is festering like a cancer and taking our neighborhood,” she said

Mayor Dayne Walling’s spokesperson Dawn Jones, sixth ward city councilman Sheldon Neeley and Flint Police Chief Alvern Lock met with the residents to ensure them safety is a top priority.

Gillespie could not make it to the gathering because he was too sore from the shooting and is resting at home, family said.

“Hopefully something good will come out of this,” said his son, Mike Gillespie of Linden.

Resident Don Perdue, 52, who was with Pat Gillespie moments before he was shot, was critical of the Flint Police Department.

“The system they have is not working,” he said.

Jones said Walling is working on a “comprehensive public safety plan” that would put a police precinct in each ward.

“We ask citizens to get engaged in this process by calling 911 or the anonymous tip line when they see crime,” she said. “There’s no quick fix, and it’s going to take all of us working as a community.”

Police have made no arrests and do not have any suspects in the shooting, said Sgt. Jeff Collins.

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:08 pm 
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El Supremo

Mott Park and the Kettering students have been victimized by increased crime for years. I saw the story on 12 and focused on what they wer saying. After my friend pointed out to me that these residents were left out in the rain, I becamee both incensed and eembarassed that I didn't notice it. Thee lobby is large and other arrangements could have been made.
And why did the Chief just stand there and didn't address these reesidents.
Who can forget how ACORN stormed City Hall and it's lobby. Shame on the Walling administration1
Post Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:33 pm 
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Dave Starr

The chief saying nothing doesn't surprise me. I was at a question & answer session with him a while back at a 5th ward meeting, & his answer to every question was: "Call 911".

This is not a cynical or snarky statement, but I get the impression that the shooting of a older white man stirs up more emotions in some people that the almost weekly shooting of young black people.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:43 pm 
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back again

well....thats a bit much dave. Crying or Very sad

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:11 pm 
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Dave Starr

There should be equal outrage for EVERY shooting.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:59 am 
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back again

i don't disagree with that statement.

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:38 pm 
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Well if white people say anything about the shooting of blacks by blacks they are told that is non of their business . I will get pissed off by the shooting of any all people by thugs , outrage should be the response of all people at attacks on the innocent . But here the police leaders in Flint seem to want us to call 911 and what? What happens ? IF they get there at all they usally don't seem to be all that interested in doing much anyway,want to know why? Because the court system.Even if the judge enforces the law, can't send the bad guys to jail or prison because Michigan can't afford it. And isn't it great we as a country continue to send money overseas to the Israel and Palestine and the other countries instead of spending that money here to bolster our own communties? We make attempts to buy our friends,tell me, does it seem to an effective approach? We can't change anything until our governments ( local and state and federal) decide the priorities they should be pursuing are closer to home and not in attempts at nation building and "peace-keeping' efforts abroad. That goes for old Bush 2's two wars as well as keeping troops in over 100 nations for god only knows what agenda.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:01 am 
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Where are the people at? The low turnout of 25 people tells me that people don't really care. The response from Mayor Walling shows me that he and his administration don't care either.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:02 am 
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Quoting from Ryan Eashoo's posting of Flint Journal article above:

"Jones said Walling is working on a 'comprehensive public safety plan' that would put a police precinct in each ward."

That's the first I've heard of putting a police precinct in each ward; I wonder if it's a mis-statement. Walling's been promising to put a police ministation in each ward (before and after the election). As far as I've seen, there's been no action to change what already exists as far as ministations are concerned. He's done a lot to get his smiling face in the press frequently but what to solve crime issues.

A journalism student at UM-Flint started an article about her day in the mayor's office with "Flint Mayor Dayne Walling giggled like a goofy little kid." First impressions lasting impressions? He's building a lot of press and photo-ops but what is he getting done for Flint?

Article dated 10/12/09: http://tinyurl.com/ykdhck5
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:12 am 
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El Supremo

The Ballenger road mini-station is being re-opened and Haskell has been re-opened. Haskell will be a mini-station and may be a detention center for Neeley's curfew ordinance. Other mini-stations are the Southeast in Howard Estates, West Flint off Court, Sothside behind Cody School on Fenton rd and the Northside mini-station off M L King. There may be one in Flint Housing off Carpenter rd.
The problem is we may lose 10 officers because of the State's revenue sharing cuts.
Can the city sustain these mini-stations. All cuts must come from the general fund.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:44 pm 
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El Supremo

Derrick1965 I disagree. Many times in Flint a group of 25 people is good. It was a work day and not everyone could attend.
Walling and his aministration cold be more receptive. A police Chief with an understanding of crime prevention, directed patrols and other measures might help.
Walling is placing his emphasis on a master plan and putting together a planning office of about 8 people. There are anumber of plans done around concerning downtown and the college areas. Each cost over $200,000. Imagine the cost of a master plan and how difficult it will be to fully implement in this uneasy economic times.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:55 pm 
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I sit back in my Grand Blanc home and laugh and these dumb Flint people.
Opening a mini station doesn't reduce crime! The Mayor has appointed and hired losers and he is no different than Mayor Williamson was.

untanglingwebs schreef:
Derrick1965 I disagree. Many times in Flint a group of 25 people is good. It was a work day and not everyone could attend.
Walling and his aministration cold be more receptive. A police Chief with an understanding of crime prevention, directed patrols and other measures might help.
Walling is placing his emphasis on a master plan and putting together a planning office of about 8 people. There are anumber of plans done around concerning downtown and the college areas. Each cost over $200,000. Imagine the cost of a master plan and how difficult it will be to fully implement in this uneasy economic times.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:00 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
Walling is placing his emphasis on a master plan and putting together a planning office of about 8 people. There are anumber of plans done around concerning downtown and the college areas. Each cost over $200,000. Imagine the cost of a master plan and how difficult it will be to fully implement in this uneasy economic times.
A master plan should include the entire city, not just sections. What will be the cost of hiring 8 new people and how will this be approved? If they are hired why would the master plan cost any more than their salary? When you say the "number of plans done" concerning downtown and the college areas cost over $200,000 each are you saying that's the cost of each plan or the cost to implement each plan?
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:39 pm 
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The way to combat crime is connected to the suggestion that Larry Flint made; tear down houses, put up cameras on the utility poles. Also do what the Mayor of New York, Rudy Gulliani ( he was a former prosecutor ) did while mayor, enforce vagarancy laws, loitering laws , do unannouced sweeps of areas ,checking for squatters in buidlings and people using empty homes for drug houses. Get some of the stimulus money that Obama and Bush's administrations are spraying out like broken fire hoses and use it to pay the cops . If the houses that are empty are torn down then the rats (both 4 legged and 2 legged variety) will simply have no place to go to. Give them no cover, give them no place to establish a foothold. Yes,this expensive, but in the long run the tearing down of these empty buildings will be very cost effective. An open area with no place to hide makes that area much easier to patrol. The camera idea is fairly easy to do and not that expensive, Comcast could easily provide the wiring assistance. And perhaps it is possible to even use wireless cameras in some areas and have the signal sent to a repeater station . I would be even in favor of revisiting the idea of having wireless internet if I was the mayor, if it was used for something like this would make more easily to justifiable to the citizens.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:58 pm 
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El Supremo

There iare theplans for Kettering, Hurley, U of M, Grand Traverse District and more. Yes Each cost over $200,000 to create. Where will this money for a planning office come from? Flint is losing revenue sharing money which is the primary source for general fund monies. What would you propose be cut to accomadate a master plan. Some of the plans, created in 2005 and sooner are already obsolete.
A master Plan is not a cure all.
I agree that we should tear down what can't be salvaged. Cameras are a great idea and at one time there ws plns for more. Even the Arab american Council was willing to help. Somehow the plans were derailed.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:54 pm 
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