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Topic: Flint Journal endorses Lynne Waybright
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Dave Starr

Here's the link to the article.


I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:59 am 
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the journal???? aw jeees!! i hope the curse of the journal is gone.. Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:04 pm 
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The Flint Journal may have done something right this time! I saw Ryan Eashoo's show , Lynn is great canidate I think. Wish you the best luck Lynn!

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:29 pm 
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Sorry about the lateness of this reply, but I just got a chance to read the endorsements of the candidates. I thought the choice in the 5th Ward was a major step forward in the Journal's effort to show readers that they can make the right political choice! That being said, let me talk about that endorsement.

The Flint Journal, after what I heard was a very lengthy interview, has endorsed Lynne Waybright as the 5th Ward Councilperson. I have read earlier articles on her where I was left wondering why they wrote about the minor accomplishments, when there were so many bigger issues that she has resolved. But when you actually interview somebody and get to know them, it is amazing what you can learn about them. The result in this case is a GLOWING endorsement of Mrs. Waybright. For those who have not read the article, I hope you do.

I would just like to finish by saying, "Congratulations Mrs. Waybright, you deserve it!" I hope I can say the same thing Tuesday night! If I can, I think Flint and definitely the 5th Ward will be a better place for it.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:25 am 
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Mr. Waybright works for the Genesee County Land Bank and gets paid to clean up those lots.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:55 pm 
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El Supremo

Wrong Derrick.
Neither Lynn nor her husband Bruce were paid to clean those lots. They did supervise and worked along side youth who were paid with stimulus money for their labor.
Bernard Lawler doesn't have a clue about the problems of the ward. The Flint Journal ran that story on his nephew shot while trying to get his life together. Read earlier comments from residents who live in the area. Residents allege the shooting was actually retaliation for an earlier shooting involving Lawler.
The huge RIP memorial stayed in the parkway for over a month. The large plywood sign was used as a hiding place for someone called "Chris" when he jumped out and robbed an individual. The sign itself showed Hugh Lawler's gang name and portrayed a gangbangers holding an automatic rifle.
His mentoring group is in the Third Avenue Foss Avenue Church instead of being focused on the Fifth ward. All of his other volunteer work is also in the Third Ward.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:59 pm 
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It really does annoy me when people make statements without checking the facts. I checked with one of my contacts in the Landbank. Mr. Waybright does not work for the Landbank and never has. He started a non-profit that is involved with the Clean and Green project. My contact said that the reason his group was admitted into the Clean and Green program was that the previous year, Mr. and Mrs. Waybright and their family were out cleaning lots (some Landbank, some not) on their own. They were cutting down severely overgrown lots and abandoned houses so local Block Clubs could maintain them. My contact also said they went WAY beyond what was called for in the contract with the Landbank. The contract is finished for this year, but they are still out cleaning lots. My contact said that based on the pay that the non-profit receives, it works out to only $17.14 per time they clean each lot. This person then checked the record and said that based on just Landbank lots, Mr. Waybright’s non-profit only averaged $14.00 per lot per clean up. I was also informed that Landback properties only accounted for about half of the lots that they cleaned. $7.00 per lot, probably doesn’t even cover expenses.

Derrick1965, would you do one of those clean-up for $7.00 even if you were getting paid?

Go to Landbank and you will find that there has never been a check made out to Mr. Waybright. My contact also said that when they clean a lot, they don’t just pick up the papers and mow the grass. They go in and prune the shrubs if they are salvable, or cut them down if they are too far gone. They trim trees and cut the lower branches up high enough so neighbors can see down the street. That is a crime prevention technique that the Waybrights were using before the Crime Prevention Expert came to town and said that doing so can really help proactively reduce crime! I had talked to one of the City inspectors a few weeks ago. He told me he could always tell when a lot was cleaned by the Waybrights, because they didn’t just pick up and mow but they “manicured” the lot. That was the exact term he used, “Manicured.” Don’t believe me, go to www.LynneWaybright.com and look at some of the clean-ups they have done. Why it is some people have to attack those that are actually doing good things in our communities.

Mr. Waybright has also never drawn a salary or wages from the Non-Profit that he runs. The money that the non-profit receives pays for equipment, maintenance, safety equipment, reimbursement of expenses and operation of the non-profit.

Making a claim that Mr. Waybright is being paid by an organization where he VOLUNTEERS, is the same as making the claim that any volunteer is being paid when the non-profit that they are volunteering for receives money.

Check your facts, or you have no credibility!
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:34 pm 
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ouch!!!!!!!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:31 pm 
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SO Mr or Mrs never received one dime directly or indirectly from the Land Bank?

untanglingwebs schreef:
Wrong Derrick.
Neither Lynn nor her husband Bruce were paid to clean those lots. They did supervise and worked along side youth who were paid with stimulus money for their labor.
Bernard Lawler doesn't have a clue about the problems of the ward. The Flint Journal ran that story on his nephew shot while trying to get his life together. Read earlier comments from residents who live in the area. Residents allege the shooting was actually retaliation for an earlier shooting involving Lawler.
The huge RIP memorial stayed in the parkway for over a month. The large plywood sign was used as a hiding place for someone called "Chris" when he jumped out and robbed an individual. The sign itself showed Hugh Lawler's gang name and portrayed a gangbangers holding an automatic rifle.
His mentoring group is in the Third Avenue Foss Avenue Church instead of being focused on the Fifth ward. All of his other volunteer work is also in the Third Ward.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:37 pm 
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Mr. Lawler is a good man!

untanglingwebs schreef:
Wrong Derrick.
Neither Lynn nor her husband Bruce were paid to clean those lots. They did supervise and worked along side youth who were paid with stimulus money for their labor.
Bernard Lawler doesn't have a clue about the problems of the ward. The Flint Journal ran that story on his nephew shot while trying to get his life together. Read earlier comments from residents who live in the area. Residents allege the shooting was actually retaliation for an earlier shooting involving Lawler.
The huge RIP memorial stayed in the parkway for over a month. The large plywood sign was used as a hiding place for someone called "Chris" when he jumped out and robbed an individual. The sign itself showed Hugh Lawler's gang name and portrayed a gangbangers holding an automatic rifle.
His mentoring group is in the Third Avenue Foss Avenue Church instead of being focused on the Fifth ward. All of his other volunteer work is also in the Third Ward.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:38 pm 
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You have shown your true colors. You are not swayed by the facts; you have your opinion and think everyone else should follow your lead like a puppy. Here a few points of clarification.
• The two non-profits that the Waybrights started are totally run by volunteers. Nobody in their organizations receives pay for their work. The work they are doing is strictly for the good of the community. So no, neither Mrs. nor Mr. Waybright receives pay for their work.
• You didn’t answer my question in the previous post. Would you do those cleanups for $7.00 per lot? Would you even get up from in front of your computer for $7.00? Not many people would get out and do that work for free, or even if they were getting paid $7.00 per lot.
• You listed on one of the other threads the website www.BernardLawler.info. After checking out that site, can you still say that “Mr. Lawler is a good man?” Four different violations of various laws. After looking at the site, somebody obviously knows how to use the Freedom of Information Act. The accusations are supported by documents and photos. Talk about Facts! You stated fact on your post, but where is your research or documentation? If Lawler is so good, why does he keep violating the law?
• Derrick1965, I attended all the forums and noticed something interesting in the last forum. When Mr. Lawler had to answer first, he stumbled over his words and skirted the issue without ever really answering the question. When asked about the budget, he repeated almost word for word a response from the second forum about local Universities hiring police. When he answered after other candidates spoke, he just repeated what others said. Not one original idea from the man and people in the audience were mumbling about how he wasn’t even answering the questions. In Mr. Lawler’s closing statement, he made a telling statement. I don’t remember the exact terminology that he used, but he said that he was looking forward to the influence of being a councilperson. If you are looking for influence, go into something else. Flint needs councilpersons that are looking out for their wards and the city.
• The League of Women Voters asked the candidates about if they had full time jobs putting in 8-10 hours a day and possibly being out of town, how could they represent their constituents? Mr. Lawler never answered or even addressed the issue. Somebody please help me on this one. City Council is an elected political position. Mr. Lawler works for the State of Michigan. Since the Hatch Act prohibits doing political work using government resources. Would it even be legal for Mr. Lawler to accept calls or perform any other type of council duties while he is on State time?

Derrick1965, keep an open mind! Don’t be so gullible as to believe everything you are told. That is why it is important to check out the facts!
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:03 pm 
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back again

i predict mrs. waybright by 377 votes. Cool

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:07 pm 
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Concerned Citizen Mr. Lawler has done a good job and has the support of the Mayor. He has and will improve the 5th ward.

ConcernedCitizen schreef:

You have shown your true colors. You are not swayed by the facts; you have your opinion and think everyone else should follow your lead like a puppy. Here a few points of clarification.
• The two non-profits that the Waybrights started are totally run by volunteers. Nobody in their organizations receives pay for their work. The work they are doing is strictly for the good of the community. So no, neither Mrs. nor Mr. Waybright receives pay for their work.
• You didn’t answer my question in the previous post. Would you do those cleanups for $7.00 per lot? Would you even get up from in front of your computer for $7.00? Not many people would get out and do that work for free, or even if they were getting paid $7.00 per lot.
• You listed on one of the other threads the website www.BernardLawler.info. After checking out that site, can you still say that “Mr. Lawler is a good man?” Four different violations of various laws. After looking at the site, somebody obviously knows how to use the Freedom of Information Act. The accusations are supported by documents and photos. Talk about Facts! You stated fact on your post, but where is your research or documentation? If Lawler is so good, why does he keep violating the law?
• Derrick1965, I attended all the forums and noticed something interesting in the last forum. When Mr. Lawler had to answer first, he stumbled over his words and skirted the issue without ever really answering the question. When asked about the budget, he repeated almost word for word a response from the second forum about local Universities hiring police. When he answered after other candidates spoke, he just repeated what others said. Not one original idea from the man and people in the audience were mumbling about how he wasn’t even answering the questions. In Mr. Lawler’s closing statement, he made a telling statement. I don’t remember the exact terminology that he used, but he said that he was looking forward to the influence of being a councilperson. If you are looking for influence, go into something else. Flint needs councilpersons that are looking out for their wards and the city.
• The League of Women Voters asked the candidates about if they had full time jobs putting in 8-10 hours a day and possibly being out of town, how could they represent their constituents? Mr. Lawler never answered or even addressed the issue. Somebody please help me on this one. City Council is an elected political position. Mr. Lawler works for the State of Michigan. Since the Hatch Act prohibits doing political work using government resources. Would it even be legal for Mr. Lawler to accept calls or perform any other type of council duties while he is on State time?

Derrick1965, keep an open mind! Don’t be so gullible as to believe everything you are told. That is why it is important to check out the facts!
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:29 pm 
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Untanglingwebs has done a terrific job laying it all out , but as we see here, people still have their choices firmly in mind. By the way Untanglingwebs, you have lifted the entire series of threads into another realm of inteliigent dialouge than prior to your postings, I welcome this. Please keep your posts coming, this forum needs what you bringing to the table .

Derrick1965 schreef:
Concerned Citizen Mr. Lawler has done a good job and has the support of the Mayor. He has and will improve the 5th ward.

ConcernedCitizen schreef:

You have shown your true colors. You are not swayed by the facts; you have your opinion and think everyone else should follow your lead like a puppy. Here a few points of clarification.
• The two non-profits that the Waybrights started are totally run by volunteers. Nobody in their organizations receives pay for their work. The work they are doing is strictly for the good of the community. So no, neither Mrs. nor Mr. Waybright receives pay for their work.
• You didn’t answer my question in the previous post. Would you do those cleanups for $7.00 per lot? Would you even get up from in front of your computer for $7.00? Not many people would get out and do that work for free, or even if they were getting paid $7.00 per lot.
• You listed on one of the other threads the website www.BernardLawler.info. After checking out that site, can you still say that “Mr. Lawler is a good man?” Four different violations of various laws. After looking at the site, somebody obviously knows how to use the Freedom of Information Act. The accusations are supported by documents and photos. Talk about Facts! You stated fact on your post, but where is your research or documentation? If Lawler is so good, why does he keep violating the law?
• Derrick1965, I attended all the forums and noticed something interesting in the last forum. When Mr. Lawler had to answer first, he stumbled over his words and skirted the issue without ever really answering the question. When asked about the budget, he repeated almost word for word a response from the second forum about local Universities hiring police. When he answered after other candidates spoke, he just repeated what others said. Not one original idea from the man and people in the audience were mumbling about how he wasn’t even answering the questions. In Mr. Lawler’s closing statement, he made a telling statement. I don’t remember the exact terminology that he used, but he said that he was looking forward to the influence of being a councilperson. If you are looking for influence, go into something else. Flint needs councilpersons that are looking out for their wards and the city.
• The League of Women Voters asked the candidates about if they had full time jobs putting in 8-10 hours a day and possibly being out of town, how could they represent their constituents? Mr. Lawler never answered or even addressed the issue. Somebody please help me on this one. City Council is an elected political position. Mr. Lawler works for the State of Michigan. Since the Hatch Act prohibits doing political work using government resources. Would it even be legal for Mr. Lawler to accept calls or perform any other type of council duties while he is on State time?

Derrick1965, keep an open mind! Don’t be so gullible as to believe everything you are told. That is why it is important to check out the facts!

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:52 pm 
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Dave Starr

Derrick1965 schreef:
Concerned Citizen Mr. Lawler has done a good job and has the support of the Mayor. He has and will improve the 5th ward.

What, specifically, has he done for the 5th ward? EVERYTHING he lists as an accomplishment has been in the 3rd ward.

What about all the violations shown at www.bernardlawler.info??????

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:01 pm 
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