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Topic: Nehimiah man or just more dirty politics

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El Supremo

Word from the north end is that Foss Avenue Baptist Church Associate Pastor and candidate for fifth ward council, Bernard Lawler, is planning to distribute a flyer alleging Waybright really did not have a community garden on Land Bank property. The residents on Seminole know she had two not just one. Walling's Acorn buddy, Rafael Mojica, came with Land Bank people and harvested some produce for needy families.
I guess this ties in to Derrick1965 who is trying to discredit Waybright on Flinttalk. This kind of tactic is associated with Lawler volunteer, Charles Winfrey, and the recent Democratic groups during the recent Mayoral elections.
Foss Avenue Pastor Flynn came with excellent credentials from South Carolina and he doesn't need this negative stigma. He was part of the Nehemiah Project and the Southern Baptist Churches.
Post Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:10 am 
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Dave Starr

There are also lies being spread that Lynne & Bruce did not do the plantings at the Rosa Parks Peace Park. Lynne & Bruce have pictures of them planting the trees & shrubs, as well as receipts for them. I've heard that the group spreading these lies was at the park watching the planting as it happened. There is also a rumor , that I cannot substantiate, that this group tore up the plantings after Lynne & Bruce left.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:35 am 
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the lying is shameful.... disgusting!

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:16 pm 
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Why do people care so much about Black pastors here in this town? Why are they so much involved in the politics of this town? Do people care as much about what White pastors are thiking or saying? What about seperation of church and state? I think pastors are okay to listen to for some things but this city has too many busy body preachers. And most are not all that good Christians because they always want to point a finger at people and call them racist whenever they don't get their way. If pastors were getting groups together about combating the whores in town I could see their input. But seems here they are not even concerned about things preachers are supposed to be caring about. I go to church but my pastor says to stay out of politics to people in the church because he thinks that politics are a dirty business and not where pastors should go . I agree to some degree about that. Vote for the canidates you like the best if he or she seems to be doing well morally but don't listen to these Black pastors like they are experts . Most are not that right all the time.
Post Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:13 pm 
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well, i would caution informed citizens to make their decision based on facts only and that gut feeling.

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:09 am 
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El Supremo

Dave- I just heard about this incident from an individual downtown.

Who is this YES group and why are so intolerant of white people?

I understand Dr. Lee Bell (local disc jockey and head of the round table) and Elizabeth Taylor (Genesee County Planning Commission)are members of this group. I knew Bell was a hater, but I always thought Taylor was more logical. Imagine my surprise when I heard she told Waybright not to bring her white a** to the Rosa Parks memorial park again!
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:43 am 
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John Wilson

A few years ago, me and the guy I used to do a YouTube show with ,Larry as well as Steve Myers went over to the North End right off of North Saginaw Street to get some some the blight and neglect on tape and also get the responses of the residents about this sort of thing from the people living in the midst of it. Me and Larry shot some scenes of the totally abandoded house and we then ,seeing people looking at us, went over to talk to them in their yards about what can be done about this and asked if they wanted to state what they thought on the record . We told them we were trying to bring the mayor's attention ( Willamson was the mayor at this time, of course) and that this video we were shooting was to go up on You Tube ( and we had to explain to some people what You Tube was) . We told them that our intentions were to show the world, thus putting pressure on our state government and national governments to do something to make these neighborhoods better. Well that didn't do anything to make the residents willing to air their problems. In fact , as one woman put it to us" you take care of the things back on the Eastside, we will take care of things here, so get out of here" we had explained our intentions, we had told them we didn't think that they were the cause of the problems, that we saw the situation being bigger than just a one neighborhood issue but none of this had any effect. To the people in this neighorhood we were still the enemy. One of the people asked how much money were we getting from doing this, to which we told them we weren't getting paid at all for anything. The impression that me and Larry and Steve got is we simply were not wanted around and being told to "get out of here" seemed rather intimidating and hostile in nature so we , after a bit more of talk to try to get the people to open up ,realized that the situation was not going to change any ,so we packed up and left.
The reason why I am telling about this incident is to show that even well intended people are looked at with suspiscion and near loathing. We had told the people we were also city residents seeking ways to make an appeal to the people who should have had been working harder to get things done, we gave them the chance to say what they wanted to say, we even offered to record just their voices so they would not be targets for reprisals or revenge,we had no one step forward. What was really, sad ( and sad is the only word for it) is that we were earnestly trying to help bring things to the officals attention and we were basically threatened. None of us (me, Steve Myers or Larry) thought we were going to have change overnight, we simply thought that 3 more voices added to a cause may have some effect. What we didn't need is the attitude we got from people. So many leaders , mostly self-appointed ones , from the area claim that Whites don't care about what is happening in this city. Lynn ,who is running for the 5th ward seat here in Flint, has cast her lot with the people of that ward. She deserves to at least some consideration, not basless charges and rumors.
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:07 pm 
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the bell incident is a damn shame. hey, did you kats have a black with you in that neighborhood? just curious.

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:05 pm 
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John Wilson

BA, we didn't have any Black with us at that time. I forget whose idea it was , I am thinking it was Larry's idea come to think about it. The man is passionate about wanting to see Flint change , and he thought, I really believe ,that people would welcome someone from outside that neighborhood attempting to help out with the little resources they had (in this case, a videocamera and You Tube account) . We told them we were from the city and we seen first hand the decay of the neighborhoods all around us. His (Larry's) viewpoint was essentially "we are all in this together, let's help each other out" . And even if the people we were talking to thought we were not going to be able to accomplish anything why didn't they take the chance to just say who they had talked to about the problems and had got no response from? Just as an avenue to sort of put the heat on someone to react? I would have talked anyone when they ask about what I think is going wrong in my neighborhood, in fact I have before. Just as way of venting frustration. And the people in this neighborhood had plenty to be frustrated with. Of course,here in Flint, we all do.
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:41 pm 
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El Supremo

Lawler's Pastor, Reginald Flynn, is a leader of the Nehimiah Project. They are supposed to master builders. I was under the impreesion they were to unite the races. It doesn't appear that they are interested in anything except building a black power base.
Lawler has worked with the Northeast Citizen's District Council which concentrates it's efforts in the Third Ward and Beecher. One of the partnerships he cites is with Habitat for Humanity. Actually Habitat has built a number of houses around Foss Avenue, Lawler's Church.
Perhaps this is all about Lawler mixing missionary work and politics. Will we see money flowing to the third ward?
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:43 pm 
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well man, the way i see it, you have to take a look at flints history. as the center of the auto industry, labor in large numbers were needed and they came from everywhere. i've heard my grandad tell of seeing people black and white jumping from railroad cars when he was a kid to work in "the plants". these people brought with them their past experiences from their home states. education of a high degree was'nt required only bodies. poor whites, poor blacks and others with their life experiences came to flint. missouri, appalacia (sp), mississippi, alabama were all represented. they all made great livings and the fortunate ones moved away if they wished. some could'nt and never did. the plants slowly but eventually left and now those who didn't or could'nt leave were left in declining neighborhoods with the same attitudes and bias' of their prior lives in their home states. old beliefs die hard! i'd have taken a representative of theirs with me. you have to remember not all humans experience the beauty of humans regardless of color, working toward a common goal. thats one of the reasons racism continues. i salute what you guys attempted to do!! it sounds like you guys hit the door of distrust and apathy none of which was by your accord. god i hope i didn't offend anyone!! Shocked

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:58 pm 
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John Wilson

BA, My dad's family have been in Flint area since , I think, around the 1830's or so. From what I have been told what you laid out is pretty much what happened. People came here with their attitudes and hatreds and transplanted them here. I often wonder what my great-great grandparents ( the Wilson side, from Scottland) thought of all the ( then) new arrivals.
Anyways, back to the thing back in the neighborhood back in 2006 right off North Saginaw Street,,we really did think we would get someone to talk to us, we anticipated people being reluctant to talk on camera and all that, but to be told to back to our own area, that was really over the top for a poor attitude. But hey,we now have flinttalkradio, so if anyone want to come in and talk on or off camera and tell us what is happening where they are living at , they are certainly welcome to do so. Get in contact with us at by emailing me at john@flinttalkradio.com or by calling the number to the site and leave us with a message as how to contact you, 810-208-1854. And that goes out to Lakewoman , call us.
Post Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:55 pm 
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