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Topic: How about a legitimate discussion aboutCharter revision?
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Ted Jankowski

Here are some of my ideas.

1. Revise to allow for number of council seats based on Population.
1970's 220K and 9 wards
2010 105k and still 9 wards???

2. Take out ambiguous language that allows for the charter to be able contradict itself. "Charter to be interpreted in favor of the city" If it's good for the city today. then a year later the opposite is true. Then it contradicts itself.

3. Better define with enforcement rules Violations by Mayor and Council people. What are the penalties when in violation. Fines Removal of office. Define what a real emergency purchase it. I’m pretty sure Golf Clubs and Balls would never be considered an emergency under my definition.

4. Reconstruct who offices and appointees are accountable to? No more being able to have your budget director tell ya before the election the finances are sound because his boss won’t allow him to tell the truth. Then a week after the election announce we are 8 million in the hole.

5. My Pipe dream here – Stream line the ordnance process so we have enforcement of old and new ordinances. Isn’t wonderful how much legislators care about us writing laws that will never be enforced just so they can say they care? We need to define in the ordnances penalties for not enforcing them and the penalties of the ordnance.

Please, let’s where some ideas?? And maybe some of your reasons for wanting those changes.

I'll compile them and then take them before the new city council.
Post Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:57 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

I see people are more interesting in Gossip and Complaining rather than Dicussing ideas.
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:57 pm 
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Ted, why don't we take up the idea someone put out there about a nuclear power plant? No joke, I mean it . I think Backagain even said it was a good idea. Will Dayne want this? Who cares! Bring it up at City Council meeting, why not just use that old Chevy plant site for the power plant instead of a park. Who the hell wants to come to Flint to for camping and receration at site which has poisonus stuff just a few feet under the surface? Ask yourself this, would Yogi and Boobo steal picinic baskets from someplace like this park ? Would Walling and his fellow Rhodes Scholars want hold a reunion on that site? I don;t think so. I know I pick on Dayne alot, but I was always told that those who have great educations should be able to deliver more bang per buck. And he is getting Mayor's pay, so let him start delivering at the level.
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:06 pm 
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Perhaps the powerplant would be a little too ambitious to the current city officals to handle. It would take years and years to get it in front of the federal groups which have oversight to these sort of things. Hmm,, what would I suggest that the current line up could handle? Maybe the ethics classes, my offer to teach them still stands. And the ethics classes has to be done BEFORE they even run for office. So that they will be not be able to claim ignorace like Jakie Poplar and the cast of others have done in the past. Yes Ted, this is what I would suggest, a very through ethics class, along with a class in what the council members are expected to do in thier offical capacity(ies) . So bring that up at the City Council, after which you will probably have to read from a book a defention of what ethics are in the first place to these intellectually challenged yahoos.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:58 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

Well the thing is.. We have a new city council and we need to make some changes in our charter to strenthin the rules of the city. So we don't end up once again. With Two mayors that ignore the charter and do whatever they want. Doesn't anyone want to fix that?
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:28 pm 
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I think we need to get rid of some ordinances before we get rid of the current charter. 3 years to start a legitimate business in Flint seems a bit long to me. We need jobs now and not have to wait on them for years.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:44 pm 
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Mr. Jankowski,

The charter is not the problem. It's the lack of enforcement. There are checks and balances in the charter. But you need a Council strong enough to go after violations. Just like you need code enforcement to clean up our city. Hell, the Council could not even police themselves. Poplar should have been removed for unethical activities. Sims should been removed for her violations of the Charter. These are listed a causes for removal. In my opinion, based on dealings with afew of them, some of our council members did not have the intelligence to interpret the charter, codes, ordinances, and in at least one case, even the front page. The ones that were intelligent enough declined to do so either from apathy, no desire to do the work, or they had a vested interest.

Are there amendments that could be made, of course. Fines for violations should be raised to make it cheaper to maintain your property than to pay the fines. That is just one example. If you sat down and looked at the charter, I beleive you would find most of it is fine, it just needs a few tweeks here and there.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:41 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

There we go again. The Simms thing the County Sheriff looked into. Nothing found. The poplar thing She was investigate and sentencing was given out. Retrobution was made in Full. She did want anyone would ask of a new offical Sought the council of the City attorney. That was a complete set up.

What are you concerned about??? Time and time again Two mayors overspent the budget Violations of State Law. Of which there is no penality. Enforcement is with the Council. But, lying to city council by Mayorial appointees is what allowed for the overspending. When City Council attempted to enforce the Charter We had a Judge who all too well knew and understood the charter yet failed/Refused to make a ruling.

I agree It needs some tweeks. So what are your ideas.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:51 pm 
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back again

i think elias has an excellent idea. mandatory ethics classes with a test to determine comprehension.

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:47 pm 
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El Supremo

Ted- you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth. You can't have an ethical council if you keep making apologies for the members you like.
As long as there are powerbrokers on the council who will tolerate anything to keep their 5 vote block so they can control ( 6 votes in some instances) then there will be no progress. One main problem in the past is the council wants to overstep their role and take on the administrative functions.

You and Harris, along with others, criticized Williamson for trying to "buy" the council, but there has not been one word of dissent about Walling's alleged interference in the elections. According to friends of Gonzales, Walling sent out a memo to the DPW that nothing would be done in the 8th ward until after the election. Lee told people it had been resolved, but it should not have happened in the first place.
Lakewoman 50 stated Walling gave money and was working for Lawler. It doesn't show so was it an under-the-table deal.

Ethics and ordinance enforcement can't be only for those you dislike. It has to be disseminated equally.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:37 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

We are rehashing something that is a dead issue. Mayor Williamsons leagal council was asked and gave approval. Just like when he Claimed the City council was Stealing the peoples money when HE paid them their back pay during the takeover. Nothing ever happened to him for paying it to them. But they were wrong for taking it. Both sides of ones mouth. And I'm not sure with what happened with Ms. Poplar there would have been anything more to be done Once she paid the money back and was instructed on how to take money the Legal way.

As far as Walling giving money. I'd have to go down to the County and view the records. I would have to ask. How many others did he give money to?

Wow Now here is a first http://www.cityofflint.com/clerk/members.asp Flint City website updated immediately!! Couldn't get that done under williamson could we. It took me two years to Get Scott Kincaids pages fixed. BUT I DID GET IT FIXED.

I would be interested in What the reason in the memo was given for the 8th ward not getting anything done. Would you be so kind as to print it out here?

One Thing I've found about checking Campaign Contrubutions is that it's not always who gave money, but how much and who didn't? I can't say that I was at first a Fan of Jackie but I watched and later made my own decision. Same goes for Josh Freeman. He had worked on Don's campaign and was a bigger supportter than I was. It took me a few months of watching himm before I changed my mind about him.

I just don't understand the people that keep getting angry because they don't like someone. It's one thing if they GOT OVER or GOT AWAY with something. But Jackie got railroaded, Set up the Williamson Administration then paid the price that the Law set for it.

1. pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.
2. being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, esp. the standards of a profession

She was always upfront and HONEST about what she was doing.. Told Council and the world weeks before she did it. She never hid anything. Yet NO ONE SPOKE UP BEFORE IT HAPPENED? But after someone realised what she was doing was wrong. The state stepped in and correctted it. You like everybody else who is trying to arm chair quarterback this issue.

But I will tell ya this. If she does it again. I'll be the first one to jump up and say something. That would prove that pattern of illegal and unethical behavoir. So why don't we wait and see if it happens again? If it does I'll be the first one to say something you can keep arm chair quarterbacking.

Because if you were at those meetings and didn't say anything either. Your just as guilty as the rest of us that didn't realise it either.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:20 pm 
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Ted Jankowski schreef:
The Simms thing the County Sheriff looked into. Nothing found.


You make too many assumptions. I never mentioned anything about the Sheriff. For an attorney, you don't seem to do your research!

You need to check the files of the Ombudsman's office. When Ms. Simms went to the City Council and convinced them that Mrs. Waybright was too busy to be on the Board of Review and wanted to be taken off. The Council voted to remove Mrs. Waybright. Only problem was that nobody notified Mrs. Waybright, and she knew nothing about it until after she was removed. It seems that there is a very clear, unambiguous series of events that has to occur to remove a Board Member. None of them were present. It has to start with the Mayor's request for removal, which had not happened. There also has to be cause, which are also clearly spelled out. Once again, there was no cause.

Ms. Simms violated several provisions of the Charter in having Mrs. Waybright removed. It was also an intentional violation of the Charter. Just another example of adhering to her statement of "If I violate the Charter, then I violate the Charter." When the Ombudsman's office sent the complaint to Ms. Simms, she still claimed it was her right to remove her. In the face of very clear rules, she was not smart enough to back off. The City Attorney's office concurred with the Ombudsman's office. Mrs. Waybright was reinstated to the Board, based on having been ILLEGALLY removed. Maybe that is why she supported Bernard Lawler. What is the saying, "Thick as Thieves."

Oh by the way, in the Charter, it clearly states that Violating the Charter is a reason for a Councilperson's removal

Ted, please explain that one away!
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:58 pm 
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back again

what?????????? Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:02 pm 
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Ted Jankowski schreef:
And I'm not sure with what happened with Ms. Poplar there would have been anything more to be done Once she paid the money back and was instructed on how to take money the Legal way.

I just don't understand the people that keep getting angry because they don't like someone. It's one thing if they GOT OVER or GOT AWAY with something. She was always upfront and HONEST about what she was doing.. Told Council and the world weeks before she did it. She never hid anything. Yet NO ONE SPOKE UP BEFORE IT HAPPENED? But after someone realised what she was doing was wrong. The state stepped in and correctted it. You like everybody else who is trying to arm chair quarterback this issue.

But I will tell ya this. If she does it again. I'll be the first one to jump up and say something. That would prove that pattern of illegal and unethical behavoir. So why don't we wait and see if it happens again? If it does I'll be the first one to say something you can keep arm chair quarterbacking.

Because if you were at those meetings and didn't say anything either. Your just as guilty as the rest of us that didn't realise it either.


Sometimes I find it hard to believe that you are an attorney!

I do not personally know Ms. Poplar, so I neither like nor dislike her. I am interested in the facts. I have in the past stuck up for people I disliked because what they had done may have been immoral, but not illegal. With that said, let’s proceed.

Let's pretend that Ms. Poplar did not "know” what she did was wrong. Since when is ignorance of the law an acceptable defense? But also look at it this way. She is in a "Position of Power", which at least in Federal Courts elevates the crime. It automatically adds additional time to their sentence.

But aside from that, Ms. Poplar is in the Legislative Branch of City Government and she doesn't even understand the basic principles of EXTORTION? Good Gracious, wake up and look at the facts.

On the other hand, if she knew, then she should be removed for abuse of office, even if she is not convicted of extortion.

This is just another example of why the good citizens of Flint keep voting to keep the Ombudsman's office. The City Council refuses to Police itself and properly use its' investigative powers
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:25 pm 
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Elias12 schreef:
Maybe the ethics classes, my offer to teach them still stands. And the ethics classes has to be done BEFORE they even run for office. So that they will be not be able to claim ignorace like Jakie Poplar and the cast of others have done in the past. Yes Ted, this is what I would suggest, a very through ethics class, along with a class in what the council members are expected to do in thier offical capacity(ies) . So bring that up at the City Council, after which you will probably have to read from a book a defention of what ethics are in the first place to these intellectually challenged yahoos.


I applaud anyone who supports ethics, and realizes that many politicians have none. Ethics classes are great for those individuals interested in being ethical. The problem occurs when you have politicians that don't care if they are ethical. They only care about not getting caught.

You're right Elias, Ted will probably have to read the definition to "these intellectually challenged yahoos", because a few of them probably don't know the alphabet well enough to find "ethics" in the dictionary.

I will say this, I do have high hopes for at least a few of the new councilmembers.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:36 pm 
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