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Topic: Who is Caron Wilson???
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Need all of you to dig up some stuff on this women.
Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:04 am 
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Dig Deeper
Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:18 am 
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Lets just say that Caron Wilson has legs that don't stop and she is much better looking than Larry Ford. One of Wallings close politcal advisers said he " loves the look of this women"
Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:23 am 
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According to a guy at Kettering University Caron Wilson is a purebred "Cougar".
Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:25 am 
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Don't take my word for it, see for yourself below

Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:27 am 
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Picture of Caron Wilson:

Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:32 am 
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El Supremo

She is also Ketterings Events Coordinator and worked on the Swedish Biogas project with Flint officials.

representing SBI: Dr. Michael Harris, Provost of Kettering University; Caron Wilson, Events Coordinator of. Kettering University ...
ref.themedc.org/cm/attach/.../Minutes_MSF_092408_FINAL.pdf - Similar
Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:32 pm 
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El Supremo

King Carl XVI Gustaf's visit sparks flurry of preparations at Kettering University
By The Flint Journal
September 24, 2008, 11:34PM

King Carl
XVI GustafFLINT, Michigan -- There won't be a red carpet, but when Kettering University hosts on Friday it will be an elegant affair.

"We will have trumpeters from the Flint Symphony Orchestra heralding the king's entrance," said Caron Wilson, events coordinator at Kettering University.

Wilson said for two months a team at Kettering has been planning the king's visit to celebrate the groundbreaking of a Swedish biogas plant.

Flint Journal extras
• Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf will be in Flint on Friday to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Swedish Biogas International plant, an alternative energy partnership between the company, the city and Kettering University.

• While the event is free, seating is limited and Kettering University has already distributed the 300 tickets for the 3 p.m. ceremony, which will be held at Kettering's recreation center.

• Gov. Jennifer Granholm and King Gustaf will use special engraved shovels for the groundbreaking.

She said she was initially puzzled about how to organize the ceremony, set for 3 p.m. on Friday at Kettering's recreation center.

"There's no to-do list on how to prepare for a king's visit," Wilson said. "We have been planning everything down to the finest detail."

Also on hand will be Gov. Jennifer Granholm, Mayor Don Williamson, U.S. ambassador to Sweden Michael Wood, possibly U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow and other dignitaries.

She said she was in contact with the Swedish embassy in the United States to find out the king's "likes and dislikes."

Here's the rundown, according to Wilson.

The king likes: Swedish rock band ABBA

Solution: The soundtrack for "Mamma Mia!" will play while guests are being seated.

Dislikes: Environmentally unfriendly practices.

Solution: The celebration will be as "green" as possible, down to biodegradable napkins.

Likes: Flowers and trees.

Solution: The recreation center will be transformed into a garden setting, including fig trees, ferns, mums and other flowers.

Dislikes: Rudeness.

Solution: Those who meet the king are being prepped on how to address him, including bowing your head slightly and saying, "your majesty." The king will be the first to extend a hand for a handshake.

Likes: Pickled herring, dark chocolate and fruit.

Solution: Wilson said she picked up pickled herring at an IKEA store, and the staff is making sure food the king enjoys will be at a reception after the ceremony.

Likes: Scouting

Solution: A Boy Scouts honor guard, displaying flags of Sweden and the United States, will greet the king as he leaves his motorcade to enter Kettering University.

Wilson said they also worked with the U.S. Secret Service, which will provide protection for the king.

"We had to plan it down to exactly which doors the king will walk through," Wilson said.

Kettering spokeswoman Pat Mroczek said more than 50 people will be volunteering for an event that lasts less than an hour and is followed by a private reception.

She said all the fuss is worth it.

"We're very pleased. This is an important moment in Kettering's history," Mroczek said.
Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:37 pm 
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El Supremo

Linked says she is currently a first year Student Services Director. Before that she was cooperative education manager.

News and Information about Kettering Nov. 02, 2001

Campaign strives to employ Kettering co-op students
Garth Motschenbacher has the unenviable task of teaching today's college students about a work ethic that seems dated in a technology driven world. .


Motschenbacher's team is aggressively targeting employers that have either supported traditional co-op or haven't been approached in a while. Caron Wilson, cooperative education manager, is spearheading the effort. "We'll be targeting 28,000 alumni with a letter and a reply card," she said. "The mailing will go out before Thanksgiving. Then, we'll pick 30-50 prospects for one-on-one contact. We'll also be using faculty and staff to contact their colleagues in industry. If they'll give us the information, we'll pursue the lead.

"I keep telling my students the economy effects all of us," she added. "I tell my students good things come to those who work."

The second priority is the creation of Term-by-Term Co-op Agreements. This includes actively pursuing new employers for 12-week co-op jobs and asking current employers to hire additional students on a term-by-term basis. Carmon Liversedge, cooperative education manager, is in charge of priority #2. "We envision this initiative will be especially appealing to employers who have short duration, seasonal, temporary or "back burner" projects their full-time professional staff cannot accommodate," he noted.
Post Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:44 pm 
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Untanglingwebs please investigate "Michael Harris" for us. He is pushing this appointment and is a WALLING SUPER FUNDER!
Post Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:32 am 
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back again

sounds like she has a plan!

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:58 am 
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Derrick1965 schreef:
Untanglingwebs please investigate "Michael Harris" for us. He is pushing this appointment and is a WALLING SUPER FUNDER!


Several posters on Flint talk have asked about Michael Harris and his involvement with Flint mayor and the new DDA Director selection, if in fact that has or will soon happen. A google search brought up the following. If the person below is the Michael Harris that is involving himself in the affairs of Flint we are all better off.

Kettering University has a legitimate interest in the affairs of Flint and the development of the downtown area. Kettering is one large block away from being a downtown University along with the University of Michigan Flint.


FLINT, Mich. -- Dr. Michael Harris, currently of Ferris State University, will become the new provost and vice president for academic affairs at Kettering University in Flint, the home of the most advanced co-operative education program in the country. Harris will join Kettering on July 9.
Kettering President Stan Liberty said he is pleased that a scholar with Dr. Harris's credentials will join his leadership team. "Kettering University has a legacy of preparing the nation's executive leadership for industry and business.


Is he?

Kettering President Stan Liberty said he is pleased that a scholar with Dr. Harris's credentials will join his leadership team. "Kettering University has a legacy of preparing the nation's executive leadership for industry and business. With Dr. Harris's guidance, Kettering is also now poised to help Michigan and the country tackle some of the technological and economic redevelopment issues that we face," he added.

Harris said joining a University with the academic and business reputation that Kettering enjoys is a wonderful opportunity for him. "I am delighted to join the University and look forward to getting to know the faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders while learning more about Kettering's internationally respected co-op program. Kettering is an exceptional institution with a unique mission and vision, and a great future," Harris said. "I believe that I bring academic experiences and leadership skills that will blend well with those of President Stan Liberty's as we build on the school's past while addressing its challenges today."

Harris is currently the vice president for Academic Affairs at Ferris State University. At Ferris, he was successful in strengthening the areas of academics, teaching, research, scholarship, retention, assessment, and service.

He received a bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration from Bar Ilan University in Israel in 1982, a master's degree master's degree
An academic degree conferred by a college or university upon those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the bachelor's degree.

Noun 1. in Public Policy from Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University (TAU, אוניברסיטת תל־אביב, את"א) is Israel's largest on-site university. in Israel in 1986, and a Ph.D. in Public Policy from Indiana University Indiana University, main campus at Bloomington; state supported; coeducational; chartered 1820 as a seminary, opened 1824. It became a college in 1828 and a university in 1838. The medical center (run jointly with Purdue Univ. in 1993.

Harris will replace Interim Provost Robert Simpson, who will be returning to the University of Michigan(body, education) University of Michigan - A large cosmopolitan university in the Midwest USA. Over 50000 students are enrolled at the University of Michigan's three campuses. The students come from 50 states and over 100 foreign countries.

Founded in 1919, Kettering University is the former General Motors Institute and is located in Flint, Mich. Kettering is consistently ranked among the nation's finest specialty schools by U.S. News and World Report. Visit www.kettering.edu.


Is he?

Dr. Michael Harris Jr.

-Dr. Michael Harris, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs at Kettering, believes that creating programs and areas of studies like this are crucial to the education of all Kettering students, which can ultimately bring positive impact to our nation's industries.

"We continue to work hard in developing new academic programs that are current and relevant," he said."The creation of entrepreneurship studies and appointment of the McDonald Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurship are in fact part of a larger effort to positively impact the culture and quality of our academic experience," he added.

-"We at Kettering are delighted to receive stimulus funding for electric drive vehicle battery and component manufacturing," said Dr. Michael Harris, Kettering's provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.

-Provost Michael Harris said the funds will be directed to Kettering's Graduate Program, Continuing Education Program, the Department of Business and library resources to support the initiative. "The business requirements of professional engineers are changing in health care, government agencies, advanced manufacturing and even non-profit organizations," Harris explained. "Kettering will be able to provide cutting-edge training for the top echelon of leaders and those who hope to be at the top someday," he added.

-"We at Kettering University are delighted to partner in the Flint Center of Energy Excellence and to contribute to the economic and social well being of the city and the region," said Michael Harris, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kettering University.

-Michael Harris Michael Harris is Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kettering. He specializes in public policy and political economy, and has published three books, including Entrepreneurs and Innovation in State and Local Government (edited with Rhonda Kinney). His fourth book, Leading the Learner-Centered Campus (2009) [co-authored with R, Cullen] is forthcoming. Dr. Harris is a consultant-evaluator for the North Central Association and a certified appraiser for the Academic Quality Improvement Program. He received his PhD in public policy from Indiana University, his master's degree from Tel-Aviv University, and his undergraduate degree from Bar-Ilan University.

-These activities, combined with the international experience of Kettering Provost Dr. Michael Harris, continue to spur and help the Department prepare for future endeavors

-Harris said he will approach the 2007-08 academic year with enthusiasm and balance."I have worked in Michigan for a long time and I am experienced in the state's economic challenges," he said."I know that not enough high school students are pursuing Science, Engineering and Technology career paths, but I also know that Kettering has many experienced and creative faculty members who have ideas to solve that problem.Mix in Kettering's dedicated staff and some of the best students in the country and you can see why I have reasons to be optimistic about our future.We will continue to work hard to maximize each student's potential for success and ensure an environment of academic excellence at Kettering," he added.

Harris comes to Kettering from Ferris State University, where he was the vice president for Academic Affairs.At Ferris, he was successful in strengthening the areas of academics, teaching, research, scholarship, retention, assessment and service.He increased online education, aided progress in assessment efforts and lead Ferris through several successful accreditations.He was the principal investigator for several grants, including $1 million from the Dow Foundation to construct new facilities.

Prior to Ferris, he served as associate provost at Eastern Michigan University, where he implemented programs to decrease course withdrawals, and assisted students with degree completions.Two doctoral programs were established during his tenure.

Harris is active in the higher education community.He is a consultant-evaluator for the North Central Association and a certified appraiser for the Academic Quality Improvement Program.He participated in Harvard University's Institute for Educational Management Program (IEM) and is a graduate of Harvard's Management Development Program.He remains actively engaged in research on public policy and public administration.

He received a bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration from Bar Ilan University in Israel in 1982, a master's degree in Public Policy from Tel Aviv University in Israel in 1986, and a Ph.D. in Public Policy from Indiana University in 1993.Harris's areas of specialization include public policy and policy analysis, public management and administration, organizational theory, and government and public budgeting.

Harris replaces Kettering's Interim Provost Robert Simpson, who completed his one-year commitment and has returned to the faculty at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.


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Post Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:03 am 
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Michael Harris is at the Mayors office often and he has donated lots of time and money to get Walling elected. Favors are owed and Caron will get her new job just as her old one is eliminated.
Post Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:54 am 
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Post Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:24 pm 
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Rumblings at city hall the last couple days are that they are mad these postings on Flint Talk are hurting them. They will soon be pressuring and calling the owner of this site to have them removed. Stay tuned.
Post Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:24 am 
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