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Topic: Who is the city wide advisory council?
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Dave Starr

A lot of block clubs, including ours, have been getting calls from someone that called herself "Steph", and claims to be from the "City Wide Advisory Council". She's asking for information on the block clubs: who are the members, what are the boundaries, when & where do they meet, etc. Some block clubs are being asked for the names & phone numbers of all their members. When asked who she represents, what will be done with the information, are you being paid to do theis, etc., the answer is: "I don't know, I'm just a volunteer". Through the grapevine, I've heard that this is the start of a campaign to persuade people not to sign any Walling recall petitions.

Anyone know any more about this?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:00 pm 
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Recall... lol how cute....
Post Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:02 pm 
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Josh Freeman

The City Wide Advisory Council is an appointed board that deals with Block Grant dollars for the City during the initial stages of allocation. Steff is one of the representatives of the 4th Ward... I would imagine that they are collecting information ahead of the finalization of the 5 year Consolidated Plan that is in the process of being written. This plan sets the priorities for the next five years of Block Grant spending.

You should want to be a part of that process.
Post Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:05 pm 
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I don't want Walling recalled. I want him to serve out his term and demonstrate the total futility of electing a "Rhode's Scholar" to the office that needs a business man to run.
Josh, sounds like someone is rather smug about knowledge he has . "Steff" may be who you say she is. Problem is nobody else knows this and you can't blame people for not wanting to give out information if they don't know the people they are giving it out to now can you? In an era where people can get to know people across the globe people in a city are left in the dark to who or whom is doing what allegedly in their interest. And Josh, aren't you the 4th ward councilman? Why didn't you try to get the word out about this process? Start posting here on flinttalk this sort of stuff.
Post Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:18 pm 
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Dave Starr

Josh Freeman schreef:
The City Wide Advisory Council is an appointed board that deals with Block Grant dollars for the City during the initial stages of allocation. Steff is one of the representatives of the 4th Ward... I would imagine that they are collecting information ahead of the finalization of the 5 year Consolidated Plan that is in the process of being written. This plan sets the priorities for the next five years of Block Grant spending.

You should want to be a part of that process.

If she's the 4th ward rep, why is she calling 5th & 6th ward block clubs. Dealing with block grant dollars could explain why people are being told they won't get any money if they don't register.

Why aren't these positions posted so those interested could have a chance to serve? Most people don't know what all these boards are, let alone who the members are.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:07 am 
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El Supremo

Josh collectingh info on block clubs has never been part of the five year consolidation plan!

This is an outrage that the CWAC would have people collecting info on citizens while refusing to address the reasons for collecting the info. People frequently refuse to fill out the census forms and that is why there is a informational promo going on to encourage people to do so while telling them their information will be kept confidential!

The use of the CWAC is a subterfuge. During the last few weeks the leaders of block clubs have been called by representatives of the Ruth Mott Foundation, Keep genesee County Beautiful, the land bank and other organizations all asking for information and all not stating why this information is needed. The individuals I have spoken to feel victimized that their information about their associations with these organizations has been given out.

Also there is the linking of funding associated with the registration of block clubs. These organizations may be violating laws and certainly are betraying the public trust. Remember Poplar complaining at the meeting of being aware that people were using the authority of the City of flint to make these calls. And dave is 5th ward not 4th.

Josh there is a series of Public Hearings as part of the process to be heard. Council was never notified about this process.
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:15 am 
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El Supremo

Josh- This body was created as a multiple member body. Their purpose never included the collection of information. Also your friend Steph (Symington?) refused to answer why she was collecting info and actually said she was not allowed to say why she was collecting info. Your reasoning is bull and you know it. people are always advised by officials not to give out info on themnselves and others over the phone, especially when the caller refuses to identify themselves or the reasoning for the collection of info.

§ 2-26 CREATED.
There is hereby created a City-Wide Advisory Committee in accordance with Section 6-101 of the Flint City Charter to act in an advisory capacity to the City of Flint in connection with all community and economic development programs.

(Ord. 2902, passed 4-9-84)

(a) The City Wide Advisory Committee (CWAC) shall, except as otherwise provided herein, consist of 27 members. There shall be three members from each of the nine wards of the city serving on the CWAC. In each ward the City Council shall appoint two members and the Mayor shall appoint one member to the CWAC.

(b) A member of the CWAC shall be a registered voter and a resident of the ward in which he or she is appointed.

(c) Prior to action being taken by the City Council with respect to an appointment by the Mayor to the CWAC from a particular ward, the City Council member representing such ward shall first have had the opportunity to submit to the Mayor the name or names of any person(s) said council member seeks to have considered for appointment to the CWAC from said ward.

(d) Removal as a member of the CWAC shall be for cause upon recommendation of the Mayor and in accordance with §§ 6-101(b)(3) and 1-603 of the Flint City Charter. The failure to attend at least seven meetings annually shall be a cause for removal.

(e) Current members of the CWAC shall continue to serve until their present term of appointment would otherwise expire, unless prior thereto, they should die, resign, accept appointment as one of the “initial appointments” as provided in § 2-26.2, or are removed as herein provided. Once the present term of a current member expires, he or she shall not serve on the CWAC beyond that term unless appointed as provided in § 2-26.2.

(f) For purposes of this article, “current member” is a person serving on the CWAC on January 23, 1989, and “present term” shall mean a term expiring either on May 31, 1989 or May 31, 1990, whichever date is applicable to a particular “current member.”

(Ord. 2902, passed 4-9-84; Am. Ord. 3092, passed 2-13-89; Am. Ord. 3484, passed 12-10-01)

(a) The initial appointment of all members shall be so that 1/3 of the members shall be appointed for a one-year term, 1/3 of the members so appointed shall be appointed for two-year terms; and, 1/3 of the members so appointed shall be appointed for a three-year terms. Following the expiration of the original terms of appointment all members shall be appointed, in the manner provided for in § 2-26.1

hereof, for three-year terms. All members shall serve upon the expiration of their term, until reappointment of the appointment of a successor.

(b) In the event of the death or resignation of a member, a successor shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve for the unexpired term for which such member had been appointed.

(Ord. 2902, passed 4-9-84; Am. Ord. 3092, passed 2-13-89)

(a) The City-Wide Advisory Committee shall within 30 days following the appointment of all members, organize, adopt a regular schedule of meetings, elect officers and adopt such administrative procedures pursuant to Section 1-801 of the Flint City Charter as are necessary to accomplish the purposes mentioned in § 2-26 hereof.

(b) The Department of Community Development shall provide whatever technical assistance is required to the City-Wide Advisory Committee in the performance of its duties.

(Ord. 2902, passed 4-9-84)

Members of the City-Wide Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation from the City or from any trust, donation or legacy to the City for their services as such members, but this limitation shall not preclude a member or his firm from receiving compensation from the City under contract or otherwise, for services rendered outside his duties as a member of the City-Wide Advisory Committee.

(Ord. 2902, passed 4-9-84)
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:26 am 
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El Supremo

Remember this dave!

Dave Starr

terrybankert schreef:
Speaking of agendas we need a neighborhood agenda. The only agenda most of us know about is the Land Bank programs . The council and mayor should clearly lay out their plans. There are many and a lot is under way. just remember the neighborhoods are more important to us. just lead, thats all we ask.

They're about as clear on neighborhoods as they are on everything else. Different people are calling block clubs and telling them they MUST register, or they will not get any grant money. I just got a phone call from Officer Meeks who coordinates with block clubs. She told me this is blatantly false, registration is optional & those that register will have a "mail box" at City Hall where they can share information with other block clubs. She said registering is NOT a rewquirement for any aid. I suggested to her that she needs to contact those doing the calling & get them on the correct page.

When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

45ACP: Don't leave home without it.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." ~Benjamin Franklin

Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:43 pm


My guess is that the "grants" being mentioned have to do with projects the groups commit to in the Neighborhood Action Sessions. Some of the "projects" I've heard mentioned are going to take money the likes of which these small groups will not have without grant funding. It may well be that neighborhood groups who haven't already, would need to organize as a unit to apply for grant money. So, is the forming of block clubs then twofold--public safety and neighborhood action projects? Is this what the administration has in mind?

Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:34 pm
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:48 am 
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Dave Starr

I keep wondering why at least some of the "Ward Organizers" do not live in the wards they supposedly represent. One of the 5th ward "organizers" has admitted, at the session at the Library, that she does not know the ward boundaries and has never been in the 5th ward before.
I have asked repeatedly why the portion of the 5th ward East of 475 is not shown on their maps. All I receive are rambling non-answers.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:56 am 
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Josh Freeman

untanglingwebs schreef:
Josh collectingh info on block clubs has never been part of the five year consolidation plan!

This is an outrage that the CWAC would have people collecting info on citizens while refusing to address the reasons for collecting the info. People frequently refuse to fill out the census forms and that is why there is a informational promo going on to encourage people to do so while telling them their information will be kept confidential!

The use of the CWAC is a subterfuge. During the last few weeks the leaders of block clubs have been called by representatives of the Ruth Mott Foundation, Keep genesee County Beautiful, the land bank and other organizations all asking for information and all not stating why this information is needed. The individuals I have spoken to feel victimized that their information about their associations with these organizations has been given out.

Also there is the linking of funding associated with the registration of block clubs. These organizations may be violating laws and certainly are betraying the public trust. Remember Poplar complaining at the meeting of being aware that people were using the authority of the City of flint to make these calls. And dave is 5th ward not 4th.

Josh there is a series of Public Hearings as part of the process to be heard. Council was never notified about this process.

Sally.. Most of the time I wonder what you are talking about.

What you reference is two different processes here. As you may know, the City is reorganizing the DCED and the way that they operate. Just because things are being done differently than in the past does not mean that there is some vast conspiracy to collect personal information. If the person is uncomfortable giving the info... simply don't give it out. If someone is concerned about the calls, call DCED and ask if and why there is an effort to collect this info. Why sit here and complain and make-up stories about why they are doing it? That's the problem in this City.....

There are no victims in this process as you suggested. Stop trying to stir the pot.

As for the Ruth Mott and the Community Foundation and the rest, they got involved in the Neighborhood Action Sessions because they were looking for the same information to help guide in their grant-making process. It didn't make sense to have several groups to have several meetings with residents looking for essentially the same information... when it could be done in a partnership with all of the agencies to limit the number of meetings.
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:44 pm 
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Josh Freeman

untanglingwebs schreef:
Josh- This body was created as a multiple member body. Their purpose never included the collection of information. Also your friend Steph (Symington?) refused to answer why she was collecting info and actually said she was not allowed to say why she was collecting info. Your reasoning is bull and you know it. people are always advised by officials not to give out info on themnselves and others over the phone, especially when the caller refuses to identify themselves or the reasoning for the collection of info.

Sally ... once again... what are you talking about....

The CWAC was never supposed to collect information? Really? Then how do you suppose they make decisions on funding? Wouldn't it make sense that ahead of making funding decisions, that you would want to have as much input as possible for that decision. Wouldn't it make sense that this input would be from members of various community organizations? Wouldn't you want your input included in how these dollars are going to be spent? Do you believe that the vast majority of residents in this City understand the Block Grant process and know how to be included in that process? What is the big deal with being informed? What is the big deal about receiving information from the City? If they don't know that you exist, how are you going to be included?
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:52 pm 
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Josh Freeman

Dave Starr schreef:
I keep wondering why at least some of the "Ward Organizers" do not live in the wards they supposedly represent. One of the 5th ward "organizers" has admitted, at the session at the Library, that she does not know the ward boundaries and has never been in the 5th ward before.
I have asked repeatedly why the portion of the 5th ward East of 475 is not shown on their maps. All I receive are rambling non-answers.

The Wards were divided based on geography rather than the Ward boundaries. For example, the Fourth Ward sessions include sections of the Seventh Ward. (Kearsley Park, Brown Funeral Home area). That area has more in common with Davison Rd Corridor than the Court St Corridor.

As for the organizers, they were hired by a grant based on experience rather than where they live. I don't think that the organizer really needs to live in the Ward.... ultimately, the information that comes from the residents of the sessions is what is important, not the person that runs the meeting.
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:56 pm 
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Dave Starr

Based on experience? At the session at the Library, Robin, who said she was a 5th ward organizer, basically let Wendy Johnson take over the discussion at the 5th ward table. Robin just stood there. She had no clue on how to run the session.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:20 pm 
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El Supremo

If the city received a grant why didn't it come to city council?

Why is the city collecting data for other groups?

What are these other groups using the data for?

People don't even want to complete the census,so why do you think they want their information out there?
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:06 pm 
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Josh Freeman

untanglingwebs schreef:
If the city received a grant why didn't it come to city council?

Why is the city collecting data for other groups?

What are these other groups using the data for?

People don't even want to complete the census,so why do you think they want their information out there?

Sally... once again you have bad information.

As I said before, there are several groups working on this project because they were interested in the information. The Neighborhood Small Grants Committee at the Community Foundation received a grant from the Ruth Mott Foundation in addition to dollars that they put in to fund the facilitators and ward organizers. The City received no grant.

The Small Grants Committee funds neighborhood projects. In an effort to find projects to fund, the committee was planning on hosting neighborhood meetings as a way to have discussions with various neighborhoods to find what it was that they wanted their community to look like and how the Small Grants Committee could help make that happen. Once the committee found out that the Mayor was planning to host the same type of meetings, it only made sense to partner to minimize the number of times a neighborhood would be requested to meet to give essentially the same information.

The City is doing nothing for these other groups, the groups are doing it for the City because the City doesn't have the resources.

Not sure why folks wouldn't want to complete the census... the future of this City demands that they do..... and the same goes for participating in this process... they can only benefit from participating.

There is no conspiracy here.
Post Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:37 pm 
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