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Topic: council showdown on Eason's tangled webs coming

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El Supremo

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive'"
Shakespeare-Twelfth night

This monday nights council meeting will be a showdown of sorts because some in council have quietly been gathering information behind the scenes. There won't be a screaming match just some resolute council stating the facts and refusing to get tangled up in the web of deceit being spun by the administration.

The presentation on Neighborhood Stabilization Project 2 funds by the MSHDA contractor,Capital Access will take place in the council chambers. As always in a tangled web of deceit you will find pieces of the truth. Sarginson called HUD and was told these contractors were here for an asessment while Eason tried to spin it in a positive manner. Word is their asessment will result ina report of of Flint's progress and capacity to manage the program in March. Lawler specifically asked Eason if failure to complete NSP1 successfully would result in the loss of NSP2 funds and Eason said no. Lawler has been to the Cities of Promise and other state meetings and contradicted Eason.

Eason and Atkinson blamed the previous DCED director for not developing the higher level of performance standards required in the NSP funding.

But many in council know that Nancy kept council advised of her progress by coming to council and explaining the process. Most of the work was done when Brown replaced Nancy jurkiewicz-Rich with Tracy Atkinson as Nancy was prepared to go forward with the performance measures and contracts in May, 2009. DCED will now be "burning the clock" and leaving themselves little leeway on the 18 mo commitment time frame. Kincaid asked Tracy Atkinson some direct questions as he knows the process. Expect more of the same.

Eason has pulled staff off key projects and wants to reorganize the office by making job titles very specific. Nancy always credited Jack Litzenberg for teaching her to make the job descriptions more generic so that people could work on a larger variety of projects. Thus there would not be HUD findings over staffing issues and the work would get done.

Kincaid specifically asked about who was getting the Director's pay and Eason kept up the mantra that he was running the office. Tracy Atkinson has been receiving the pay, which is important as any supervisor of the department is required by HUD to be paid primarily with general fund money as they work on more than HUD projects. Word is that Tracy has used so much general fund money there may not be enough to pay the employees who are 50% general funded for working on state projects like Cities of Promise.

That means Wendy Johnson would allso have to be paid her $80k salary (this year) out of general funds as she could not be Director and be paid out of NSP administrative funds. She would only be able to work on NSP programs. Freeman has the informaation.
Post Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:29 am 
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El Supremo

Hud is required to perform an annual monitoring visit. They have usually made trips to Flint more than once per year. Expect them next week.
Post Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:20 pm 
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Webbie, you were talking about HUD homes for me? One is right down the road from where I live now...kids would go to same schools, ride same bus, etc....betcha it gets taken before I can get all of the paperwork in line...grrrrrr.
Post Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:42 am 
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El Supremo

Get a HUD approved realtor and start looking. Go to Home depot and learn how to maintain it as they have classes for novices.
Post Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:17 am 
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The caveat? Getting papers from soon to be ex...
Post Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:37 am 
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Get crankin on that hud home now girl.

Question 6: How do I buy a HUD home?
Answer: Start by finding a participating real estate agent. Your real estate agent must submit your bid for you. Normally, HUD Homes are sold in an "Offer Period." At the end of the Offer Period, all offers are opened and, basically, the highest reasonable bid is accepted. If the home isn't sold in the initial Offer Period, you can submit a bid until the home is sold. Bids can be submitted any day of the week, including weekends and holidays. They will be opened the next business day. If your bid is acceptable to HUD, your real estate agent will be notified, usually within 48 hours.

Question 7: If my bid is accepted, what happens next?
Answer: Your real estate agent will help you through the paperwork process. You'll be given a settlement date, normally within 30-60 days, by which you need to arrange financing and close the sale, or forfeit your earnest money deposit, or pay for an extension of your sales contract. We have an excellent booklet to help you understand the settlement process: "Buying Your Home - Settlement Costs and Helpful Information. When you buy a HUD Home, the selling agent's commission will be paid by HUD but only if you make this a condition of your offer. The listing agent's commission is always paid by HUD. HUD will pay a total sales commission of up to 6%.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:21 am 
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Put it this way, I am fearful of the ramifications if I keep asking him for the paperwork..he's getting beligerent.

edited to add: Ask and ye shall receive....got more paperwork...thank God I hit the bullets 8 months ago...whew.
Post Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:15 pm 
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