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Topic: Walling Admiistration to lose million in federal money

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El Supremo

Walling and Eason have mismanged the DCED department since they took over. Criminal acts have been reported and more are to come about this disingenuous administration. They are decimating the reputable employees in the department to hire and promote their buddies. HUD actually gets information about City Council meetings and they know about the lies coming out of this administration.

HUD warns city of Flint of deadline for federal grant funding
By Kristin Longley | Flint Journal
June 05, 2010, 8:00AM

Flint Journal file photoThe Smith Village subdivision, pictured here in 2006, was funded by a federal grant. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has asked the city to repay nearly $1.1 million of the funds, saying they were misspent.
FLINT, Michigan — Every year, millions of grant dollars flow into the city of Flint via the federal government — but the city historically has struggled to manage them properly, documents show.

From stalled projects to allegations of misspent funds, the city of Flint has had issues with federal grant dollars dating back more than a decade from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, according to letters obtained by The Journal through a Freedom of Information Act request.

And, the city now could be in danger of losing millions of dollars in federal grant money — in addition to the $1.1 million HUD ordered it to give back in March.

HUD officials wrote a letter to Flint Mayor Dayne Walling in April, concerned that Flint is at risk of not meeting the September deadline for allocating $4.2 million in its first wave of neighborhood stabilization funds, the federal grant dollars awarded in 2008 to fight foreclosures and redevelop housing.

As of this month, the city has obligated only $1.8 million, or 42 percent, of the funds, a HUD official said.

“At this stage in the 18-month cycle, everyone should be about 60 percent along their way,” said Brian Sullivan, HUD spokesman. “We want everyone to obligate those funds.”

While significant progress has been made on federal grant programs under Walling’s and former temporary Mayor Michael Brown’s administrations, letters show the city has a history of putting federal grant dollars at risk and not complying with HUD guidelines.

Letters show HUD has accused the city of not monitoring its contractors, taking too long to complete projects and waiting until the last minute to spend its funds, which HUD said “heightens the appearance the city is not utilizing the funds in an efficient manner.”

A September audit report of the city’s federal HOME grant dollars — funds for activities that build, buy and rehabilitate affordable housing — showed the city inappropriately disbursed more than $1 million in grant funds.

The city later corrected the mistake, according to its response to the audit.

HUD also congratulated the city in January on the progress it has made with its Community Development Block Grant program.

“We have determined that your overall progress on these community development programs is satisfactory and your community has the continuing capacity to administer these programs,” the January letter states. “We congratulate you on your many accomplishments during this past year.”

Still, the city continues to struggle.

Of particular concern now is keeping the $4.2 million worth of grant dollars. The funding was part of $3.9 billion awarded to 309 recipients as part of Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 in 2008.

Nationwide, 57 percent of the funds have been obligated, and Flint is one of the stragglers.

HUD warned the city it would monitor the grant carefully and may reduce the unused grant funds or “vigorously pursue appropriate remedies, which may include legal action,” the April 2 letter reads.

If the funds aren’t obligated by September — meaning contracts for spending the funds haven’t been signed — the balance of the funds would be recaptured by the federal government and possibly awarded to another city, Sullivan said.

Neither Walling, who was at a conference in Sweden last week, nor City Administrator Gregory Eason could be reached for comment.

Eason has said the city is working diligently with HUD officials to straighten out any past compliance issues.

Whatever happens, Sullivan said how the city manages its NSP1 dollars won’t endanger the other $25 million grant the city was awarded to demolish abandoned and foreclosed homes, which is part of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2.

The news comes on the heels of HUD’s demand that the city repay nearly $1.1 million in federal grants for the University Park Homeownership Zone, which includes the University Park and Smith Village subdivisions.

In an April 30 letter to HUD, Walling asked the agency to reconsider its position, saying his administration is committed to seeing the project through to completion.

Sullivan said a HUD field office is in the process of working out a repayment plan for the funds with the city, and he declined to comment on it until the plan is complete.

In his letter to HUD, Walling said requiring the city to repay the $1.1 million “would place an extreme burden and hardship on our community.”

“It is unfortunate that past administrations did not realize the true value and positive community impact of the (project),” Walling wrote. “My vision is to develop stable, sustainable neighborhoods all across the city.”

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Comments (1 total) RSSPost a comment

Posted by gladiator12
June 05, 2010, 9:51AM
The city probably will lose that money. Greg Eason has put 5 of his own people in the grants department and they know nothing about writing grants. Greg and his cronies forced one of the experienced grant writers into retirement, now his so called "department head" has no clue on how to write a grant properly. Tracy Atkinson is another who is clueless in the grants department and making big $$ and she's a holdover from Mike Brown. I also like how Walling is blaming previous administrations when his is just as bad (if not worse).
Post Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:04 am 
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El Supremo

Months ago Tracy Atkinson alleged the City was ready to move on contracts. Remember Nancy Jurkiewicz-Rich had these ready to go over a year ago.
Post Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:06 am 
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Ryan Eashoo

You would think a Roads Scholar would know how to spend money. It is very disturbing that a community like Flint can't find ways to spend money to improve this town!

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:24 am 
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Ryan Eashoo schreef:
You would think a Roads Scholar would know how to spend money. It is very disturbing that a community like Flint can't find ways to spend money to improve this town!

Oh, he knows how to spend money. He spends it on illegal hires, people with criminal records and questionable backgrounds and dealings.

"When people fear their government, there is TYRANNY.
When the government fears the people, there is Liberty"

Thomas Jefferson
Post Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:27 pm 
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I have been talking about this for eight weeks now. Kristin had this story in late April when I talked to her and even Ryan heard me complaining about this lack of oversight. This falls solely on the mayor and his staff and NSP2 is in danger here.

We have been promised funds for over ten years by the DCED and have yet to get it. This is going to cost the CTHNA our MSHDA grant if the city doesn't come up with their part. The shame is the money is available but we seem to lack a mechanism for getting it allocated. Eason, get off your ass and get to work and don't blame Wendy Johnson, this is one your shoulders, Greg.

We need to be discussing who can we get to be the next mayor after this Walling fiasco. And Virg, if Walling endorses you, no way you get my vote. Andy Dillon is all that is left unless the geek can sway me.
Tim Monahan
Post Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:16 am 
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El Supremo

When will the Action Plan be approved or disapproved by HUD. It was late being sent.
Post Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:26 pm 
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Post Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:04 pm 
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