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Topic: Loyd says stop crime by being "Progressives"
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1pissedoffguy schreef:
Marxist and Progressives are pretty much the same breed of cat. Both love Social Engineering, both believe in taking away indvidual liberties, both have a utopian slant.
And sadly, politicans have inserted themselves and their penchant for codifying things into all the areas we are discussing ( love, marriage, death) . And typically it's the "Progressives" who are leading of the charge. They are the ones who want to make "silk purses out of sow's ears". Of course ignoring the pig's loud protest.

Obvious troll is obvious, angry man. It must be difficult living a life filled with fear and anger, blindly latching onto whatever philosophy comes along to justify your white male persecution complex. Don't tell me you don't don't dream of some white male dominated utopia. You've made that plainer than anything.
Post Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:06 pm 
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What did I ever say anything against women? But as for blacks , they are their own problem. It is their choices that cause their problems, as it is all humans. So don't expect me to cry and wail and beg for forgivness about some shit that happened before any of the people here were born. If you engage in that sort of approach to thing you will be in the tractor beam of the eternal regress. And that isn't what "Progressives" are about it,is it? Wait, actually it is!
And who doesn't dream of an utopia where the group they belong to runs things? It would make things far easier than all the ass kissing and apologizing that the Politically Correct crowd demands. Do I think there was a point in human history which was idylic? HELL NO!! And do I think it is possible to have such a society in the future ? HELL NO! I never beleived in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and as I got older the notion of a perfectable human species also became a myth I have to refuse to engage in. If you don't like something about yourself, work on it, but don't pretend you have the "vision" or the moral authority to force others to be your clones.
Post Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:45 pm 
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