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Topic: Is council starting to work?

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El Supremo

Third Ward Councilman Bryant Nolden is the self appointed "dirt police" after he realized contractors hired to provide fill dirt and top soil were doing a poor job in the city. Since the city pays mightily for the top soil and was getting an inferior product, filled with stones and debis, he fought to end existing contracts. he primary contractor has supposedly stepped up to the plate and is correcting the situation.

Nolden joked that he worked so hard at a recent cleanup that he did not need any exercise for at least 3 weeks. A larde area, he estimated they filled up 5 dump trucks.

Fifth Ward Councilman Bernard Lawler has promised to look into the situation at Dayton and Dupont. Land bank owned property that was intended to be a memorial garden has commercial grade fill instead of top soil and all that grows is some scraggly weeds. There are so many rocks, a lawn mower can't be used to cut the weeds and a weed wacker has to be used instead.

Lawler has met with Martin Burnash who owns the concrete crushing facility behind University Park. The crusher was there before the University Park was built , so no one knows why the City did not negotiate to relocate the facility elsewhere before building this upscale subdivion. Three lots facing the crusher remain to be sold. The two men have come to some agreements to help alleviate resident complaints.

Now if Lawler can find a solution for all of the shooting going on in the area around Welch and Dupont, he might get some new development off the ground. Instead residenta are moving out and selling homes at rock bottom prices or abandoning them. Even a Texas investor who spent last summer renovating a home has abandoned the project citing too much crime and a population that is leaving. They were unnerved when they heard and saw the house next door being stripped of all aluminum and metal. Even the arrest of one crew did not stop the destruction.

Lawler did meet with Gerald Parker and residents on Seminole to work out a solution to the problems with Road to Freedom. The one house was filled with former inmates who had mental and emotional issues. They have been told to monitor them and lessen their disruption to the neighborhood.

Expect important news coming from Nolden as chair of the newly formed Grants Committee. This department needs some serious ovrsight. In the past even HUD did not properly monitor this department. Sometimes the emphasis was in rolling the money over and not on following all of the rules to do so. How else did Flint wind up with 17 years of unanswered HUD findings and citizen complaints.

Many are wondering why so many new faces in City Hall when we have so many layoffs. Word is temporary staff in the department are running projects previously only assigned to trained permanent staff. Someone is shadowing a trained and proficient higher level clerical employee with the expectation of replacing this employee. Good Luck as she took years to completely train for this position. And then there is the race factor. It is being said that only blacks are being hired for these so called temporary jobs. At least one "temporary" project manager has boasted he is permanent.
Post Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:35 am 
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