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Topic: I had the opportunity to meet Lee Gonzales and Lacy Wilhelm.

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Hello Flintoids,

Having the opportunity to meet these candidates I am very pleased to announce that they are my picks. Very Happy

I like Lee Gonzales for treasurer and Lacy Wilhelm for State Rep. 34th, after hearing them talk I was very impressed with both, their views and sense of integrity, honesty and their unique interest to work to better FLINT. I seen their Facebook pages and websites. http://leegonzales.org/
So I did my homework! Lacy is the ONLY choice for me; between Woodrow Stanley and Lacy Wilhelm for the 34th District (Democrats). Lee Gonzales has a vast amount of experience and will do a wonderful job for Flint. I am tired of the same so in my own respect: OUT WITH THE OLD, BRING IN THE NEW!!!! It is time to get the right team working for FLINT! and only for Flint... So remember! IF "YOU" DON'T VOTE ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 3 YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN...
Post Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:53 pm 
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Post Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:20 pm 
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You are right and the Record is the one that counts.
I hope this year the trash talking political crap bites them where the sun don't shine...
Its time for New faces, concepts and Ideas from the people to the people.
And Flint must wake up smell the du-du and realize that if we don't make the change NOTHING WILL CHANGE.
I like the gutsy Lacy for going after Woodrow which has another record of promoting special interests in Detroit and UNIVERSITY PARK ESTATES more than caring for Flint which by the way he represents... http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/Woodrow_Stanley
He has not done anything to help promote the city or bring new industry to the city same as Walling that likes to take credit for Grants he did not wright, suggest, proposed or even thought about. He is too focused in keeping his newly appointed personnel at a tune of 80K+benefits and bonuses. Instead of cutting his own corners he cuts ours... 2010 is time for change and it has to start with US!!!!!!! No one need to tell me how bad it is. I live IT!
Post Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:36 pm 
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