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Topic: city of Flint union busting 101

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El Supremo

Watch Greg Eason on Comcast during a council meeting and whenever asked why something like weed abatement, etc is not completed by council, he will often answer by blaming the unions. Both he and Walling dislike that the union has the right to bid on the provision of services and must sign off before certain services are outsourced. The union has generally been realistic and signs off on services they do not have the ability to perform.

On facebook there was a discussion of Eason blaming the union for the city not employing the services of the jail work release crews. It appears he either did not know there was a charge for using the deputy overseeing the work release crew or the union was a convenient scapegoat.

Eason and Walling have attempted to break the local 1799 employees in DCED and this years budget shows their positions as eliminated. These employees have filed grievances and civil service hearing are coming up this month. The important thing about these positions is that most of these individuals were required to test for these positions and in some instances HUD assisted in writing the test. Hud officials, like Steve Spenser, assisted in the oral testing portion. Those hired to replace these employees have not tested and are not experienced in HUD guidelines. reortedly there have been some hirees that have not gone through the competitive process. In the past, laid off employees were given the first opportunity to fill these positions.

Council has been told these trained employees made mistakes and had findings. HUD rules are so stringent there will probably always be findings by the HUD monitors. The key is response by the administrator of DCED to these findings. Flint recently got slammed for 17 years of unanswered findings. Finally, these employees are under the direct supervision and control of the departments administrator. The blame for these findings ultimately lies with the lack of proper instructions and supervision. Alex Thomas, a former supervisor, was indicted for his role in the OK Industries 108 loan. During Nancy Jurkiewicz's tenure, there was very few findings.

Now the police department has brought in a volunteer, laid off Officer Tonya Meeks, to help Officer Hudson Green with the CRIM race. Officers believe the job should be handled by a current officer. Meeks is also volunteering to perform the Crimestopper functions. If 10 more officers are laid off, will the administartion attempt to fill more certified officer positions with volunteers.
Post Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:59 pm 
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El Supremo

August 19th , 2010 6:30 pm
City Council Committee of the Whole Room
Civil Service meeting

Attempt by city to dismiss Dunlap,et al
unfair labor practices

open to the public
Post Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:26 pm 
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El Supremo

Both sets odf attorneys postponed the hearing. The DCED employees lawyer amended the complaint.
Post Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:46 pm 
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El Supremo

Rumor is the city is sending Ricky Jordan to Detroit twice weekly to train for his job as project manager. With so many people laaid off with construction experience, why not hire someone qualified in the first place?

Can anyone verify?
Post Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:51 pm 
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Post Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:50 pm 
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El Supremo

He certainly looked unwell at the NAACP meeting. I am glad Mrs gilcreast took him to task.
Post Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:59 pm 
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