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Topic: Lock- More than 5 officers at a time

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El Supremo

Police Chief Lock says more than 5 officers patrolling streets at any given time
Published: Monday, December 13, 2010, 11:20 AM Updated: Monday, December 13, 2010, 11:27 AM
Kris Turner | The Flint Journal
FLINT, Michigan — The explosive homicide rate that now ties an all-time high from 1986 is caused by the area's tanked economy and a life of crime pursued by some youth in the city, Mayor Dayne Walling said Monday.

Walling spoke with Police Chief Alvern Lock at Flint police headquarters and was somber as he discussed the city's 61 homicides this year. A shooting that was possibly related to drugs claimed Timothy Charles Baker as the 61st victim on Sunday. Baker was pronounced dead at the scene and two other people were taken to Hurley Medical Center in critical and serious condition.


"I'll never understand why anyone decides to injure or kill another human being," Walling said.

With crime seemingly commonplace in the city, Walling said the city would do everything within its power and budget to ensure people are kept safe. The police department is scheduled to lay off about 20 officers of its 142 on Dec. 17.

Lock said there are more than five officers patrolling at any given time and the department is looking into ways to maximize the force it has. That plan could include taking officers who are doing desk work and putting them back out on the streets

micu29 December 13, 2010 at 11:33AM

Seems to be a lot of things that wonder boy doesn't understand

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numero407 December 13, 2010 at 11:37AM

Maybe when someone in the college cultural area gets smoked then he will understand.

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spydermike72 December 13, 2010 at 11:46AM

5 whole policemen!! Wow for a City the size of Flint that is nothing!!

Yeah go ahead and layoff more Police Officers...

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flintishome December 13, 2010 at 11:58AM

Does anybody else see the need for more citizens with CCW permits, and legal homeowners with weapons for home protection? It's definitely time for vigilante justice.

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Truthseeker December 13, 2010 at 11:59AM

News flash mayor, the people who are killing are not 30-40 year old laid off laborers. They are kids, 15-20 year olds that have never had a job or would have. Its the same people it was last year and the year before. No matter how much you polish this turd, it's still a turd. You gutted the Flint Police Department and laid off the Officers that were chasing these murders down. There is nothing to stop this element. Prayer vigils and community awareness will not stop these criminal minds. You need motivated men and women that are trained to stop them. YOU got rid of them. "I never understand why anyone decides to injure or kill another human being" walling said. That is the understatement of the year. You are right, you don't understand. We DID! Thats why we were good at getting them. And we could get to them before they became murders because they were arrested for weapons possession. "Chief" Lock, you brag about five officers on the street like it's a good thing. Five officers on the street in Flint is a joke! You should be ashamed. I know I have been ever since you started selling us out. I'm ashamed we have worn the same uniform. As for the public, have you noticed they keep throwing "drug related" in front of these homicides? Does that make them less dead or not as much of a son or dad? Granted, my heart doesn't bleed for a drug dealer as it would for an innocent child, but it is still a lost life. So stop p*ssing on their graves before they are even in them. And 142 officers, nice try. There has been less than 100 since your last lay off. Sergeants-to-chiefs don't count.

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Stulpnaegl December 13, 2010 at 12:01PM

Tanked economy? What is that? I thought the economy was all fixed?
Obama says the recession is over and the stimulus brought back millions
of jobs. Don't say the high murder rate is up because the little punks can't
get good jobs. The are jobs everywhere for the kids.....green jobs too
thanks to Jennifer Granholm as she goes about saving the planet.
She cares SO much for us!

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Imjustsayin December 13, 2010 at 12:13PM

You really need to get off the politics when it comes to these crimes. I'm sure Bernie Madoff committed his crimes, which were not murderous because he felt the economy was tanked as well. But if we must credit politicians for that..Bush would get credit for white collar crimes, which are non-violent. Apparently, the economy under GWB wasn't as great as it could be to make Madoff do what he did. Try to stay on topic okay.
Post Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:19 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

I'm confused?? If there are only 5 officers on any one shift How come I see so many? Just watch the 7 11 on Atherton. I see more than 5 police vehicles stop in there in 8 hours. hell two weeks ago 6 cars and well over 10 officers pulled over/rammed into a suspect at the dollar store. Then they all hung around about an hour.

What I really don't get is that officer response isn't any better or worse then it was 20 years ago. When we had almost three times as many officers. I will vote for the tax increase if I believe that ti will include a city jail. Not to hire more officers.
Post Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:56 pm 
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Ted Jankowski schreef:
I'm confused?? If there are only 5 officers on any one shift How come I see so many? Just watch the 7 11 on Atherton. I see more than 5 police vehicles stop in there in 8 hours. hell two weeks ago 6 cars and well over 10 officers pulled over/rammed into a suspect at the dollar store. Then they all hung around about an hour.

What I really don't get is that officer response isn't any better or worse then it was 20 years ago. When we had almost three times as many officers. I will vote for the tax increase if I believe that ti will include a city jail. Not to hire more officers.

You don't get it because you're a moron. And/or you work for Walling, or you're actually him. Response isn't any better? Do you have some factual data to support that claim? Or is it just because "you" said so? If you acknowledge that 5 officers are patrolling the streets then even an ounce of common sense would tell you response times would significantly slow down as crime has only gone up. And did you sit in the parking lot and "watch" the police hang out for a half hour? Did you count the police cars? People like you are nothing but liars.
Post Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:13 am 
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El Supremo

Ted- Get a scanner and you will hear how much of the time there are no available officers. I am amazed at the arrests they have made with such a small number. However, I am realistic enough to know we cannot expect this response in the future.

We are below the minimum standards of required police for the size of our city. I am told the cease fire city we are to emulate has 3 times our force. Also

Flint has not even explored shrinking the city.A physically smaller city would be easier to patrol and maintain other services as well. Fewer houses in an area means those areas cannot generate the necessary tax revenues to support the services these homeowners need.
Post Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:11 am 
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Dave Starr

And who will decide which areas would be cut out of the city? What about the people living there that would refuse to leave?

How about starting by eliminating the area between Pierson & Carpenter, N. Saginaw & the Eastern city limits?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:35 am 
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El Supremo

Dave there are already large tracts of land that are vacant or filled only with abandoned homes. Something could be worked out to protect the viable and improvable neighborhoods.

I would remove the historic designation for that abandoned tract of land and demolish the homes. Previous urban renewal gave residents vouvhers to buy new homes, mand moving expenses as well as buying their homes. There are vast areas of homes not worth saving. You and your wife have worked hard to preserve your neighborhood. Areas with strong community groups can be saved.
Post Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:44 am 
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Dave Starr

Unfortunately, the way things are done in Flint today, someone at city hall would just draw a line on a map & sat that's the new city boundaries.

I once saw a map that showed the city limits to be Dupont St. Everything West of Dupont was labeled Flint Township.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:53 am 
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Ted Jankowski

untanglingwebs schreef:
Ted- Get a scanner and you will hear how much of the time there are no available officers. I am amazed at the arrests they have made with such a small number. However, I am realistic enough to know we cannot expect this response in the future.

We are below the minimum standards of required police for the size of our city. I am told the cease fire city we are to emulate has 3 times our force. Also

Flint has not even explored shrinking the city.A physically smaller city would be easier to patrol and maintain other services as well. Fewer houses in an area means those areas cannot generate the necessary tax revenues to support the services these homeowners need.

All valid points. And you are being realistic. But our department did this to themselves. Yes police response has been crap for 20 years. Even when we had 3 times the officers. Then when you did get an officer to appear. Their attitude toward the victim of a crime made ya sorry you wasted your time calling them. All's ya have to look at the "DEMONSTRATIONS" to support the police. by the citizens of Flint. Who showed for many of them. 5 or 6 people and sometimes a few of the officers did. But most of them can't even vote in Flint. WHY? They don't live here. Which BTW I have been more then happy to mention at council meetings when they all decided to come down to show their interest in retaining their jobs. If they would have all been showing that kind of concern when they showed up to a B&E or aluminum siding heist.

BTW for bluecat1122 I haven't talked to the mayor in almost a year. And I have been complaining to City hall for the last 6 months about Crime stats not being updated on the city website. Been to the mayor's office and Chief Locks office and still the Crime stats are not available on the city website. I just cannot find it within myself to beat up on the guy when Flint for so many years hired idiots as Mayors that planned to fail and planned to run the city into the ground. And the people of Flint kept electing them to office. Now it's all coming to a head and you want to kill the messenger.
Post Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:36 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

Lock works for The Anointed one, so he will say whatever The Anointed one wants him to say. You can't trust this guy!

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:54 am 
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Ryan Eashoo

I hate to agree with you on this one but for the most part you are right!

Dave Starr schreef:
Unfortunately, the way things are done in Flint today, someone at city hall would just draw a line on a map & sat that's the new city boundaries.

I once saw a map that showed the city limits to be Dupont St. Everything West of Dupont was labeled Flint Township.

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:57 am 
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