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Topic: The Winter of Our Occupation ...a proposal from Michael Moor
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untanglingwebs schreef:
Unbelievable that he continues to try to make a "silk purse out of a sows ear:. Is this man living in La La land?

YEP! appears so Webs.
Post Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:41 pm 
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Have you noticed the distortions?
Alternative energy, Biogas was Williamson, and a lot of luck, besides it is not in Flint, Battery technology is all about Kettering.
What advanced manufacturing? What did Dayne have to do with it? Is he an engineer? A businessman?
Healthcare, advanced education, nothing there, just words.
Diplomat; they already cut back the number of people they will hire, and let me know if you hear of ANYONE in Flint getting a job working for Diplomat, my guess is that anyone who does or will, will live in the burbs. NO JOBS FOR FLINT!
Truck and bus just brought back furloughed jobs, NO NEW JOBS! So nothing there.
Chevy volt and Flint engine, again there is nothing new,, it is just work, no new jobs, plus I would love to know how much GM gets in tax breaks,
Capital investments in GM do not translate to income for Flint.
Restaurants, Dayne, what did you have to do with restaurants? What did you or your crony Larry Ford bring to downtown? How did you have ANYTHING to do with attracting businesses? For example, I understand that Cork exists as an aside to their catering business.
Student housing, was before Walling, and does the Riverfront pay taxes? Anyone know?
What building projects? In addition, what do you have to do with those? Infrastructure, those are Union guys already working; and few if any live in Flint.
Job creation, well I have to think about that; does anyone know of a single non-lackey job brought on by Dayne?
Unemployment may have decreased, but most likely recipients have exhausted their money and dropped off the roles. Many have moved away, Dayne, just who the hell do you think lived in those thousands of houses that we are tearing down?
Dayne you gutless wonder, I defy you to actually answer a question,
Ryan, I bet you didn’t know that Diplomat, Rowe Building, Wade Trim Building, The plastics shop on Kersley, NONE OF THESE BUSINESSES PAY ANY TAXES!!!!!!! THEY ARE ALL EXEMPT!!!! Look, it up you will be stunned.
This guy has done nothing and is trying to take credit for everything.
Post Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:20 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

I totally agree! As many know I am no fan of Dayne

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:13 am 
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Ryan Eashoo

[b]Join My High School Newspaper ...a note to students from Michael Moore

Friday, February 18th, 2011

Dear High School Students:

How inspired are you by the thousands of students from Wisconsin high schools who began walking out of class four days ago and have now occupied the State Capitol building and its grounds in Madison, demanding that the governor stop his assault on teachers and other government workers? I have to say it's one of the most exciting things I've seen in years.

We are, right now, living in an amazing moment of history. And this moment has happened because the youth around the world have decided they've had enough. Young people are in revolt -- and it's about time.

You, the students and young adults, from Cairo, Egypt to Madison, Wisconsin, are now rising up, taking to the streets, organizing, protesting and refusing to move until your voices are heard. Effing amazing!! It has scared the pants off those in power, the adults who were so convinced they had done a heckuva job trying to dumb you down and distract you with useless nonsense so that you'd end up feeling powerless, just another cog in the wheel, another brick in the wall. You've been fed a lot of propaganda about "how the system works" and so many lies about what took place in history that I'm amazed you've been able to sort through all the bs and see the truth for what it is. This was all done in the hopes you would just keep your mouths shut, get in line and follow orders. And don't rock the boat. Because if you do, you could end up without a good job! You could end up looking like a freak! You've been told politics isn't cool and that one person really can't make a difference.

And for some beautiful, unknown reason, you've refused to listen. Maybe it's because you've figured out that we adults are about to hand you a very empty and increasingly miserable world, with its melting polar ice caps, its low-paying jobs, its incessant war machine, and its plan to put you in permanent debt at age 18 with the racket known as college loans.

On top of that, you've had to listen to adults tell you that you may not be able to legally marry the person you love, that your uterus isn't really yours to control, and that if a black guy somehow makes it into the White House, he must've entered illegally from Kenya.

Yet, from what I've seen, the vast majority of you have rejected all of this crap. Never forget that it was you, the young people, who made Barack Obama president. First you formed his army of election volunteers to get him the nomination. Then you came out in record numbers in November of 2008. Did you know that the only age group where Obama won the white vote was with 18-29-year-olds? The majority of every white age group over 29 years old voted for McCain -- and yet Obama still won! How'd that happen? Because there were so many youth voters of all races -- a record turnout that overcame the vast numbers of fearful white adults who simply couldn't see someone whose middle name was Hussein in the Oval Office. Thank you young voters for making that happen!

Young people elsewhere in the world, most notably in the Middle East, have taken to the streets and overthrown dictatorial governments without firing a shot. Their courage has inspired others to take a stand. There's a huge momentum right now, a youth-backed mojo that can't and won't be stopped.

Although I've long since left your age group, I've been so inspired by recent events that I'd like to do my bit and lend a hand. I've decided to turn over a part of my website to high school students so they -- you -- can have the opportunity to get the word out to millions more people. For a long time I've wondered, how come we don't hear the true voices of teenagers in our mainstream media? Why is your voice any less valid than an adult's?

In high schools all across America, students have great ideas to make things better or to question what is going on -- and often these thoughts and opinions are ignored or silenced. How often in school is the will of the student body ignored? How many students today will try to speak out, to stand up for something important, to simply try to right a wrong -- and will be swiftly shut down by those in authority, or by other students themselves?

I've seen students over the years attempt to participate in the democratic process only to be told that high schools aren't democracies and that they have no rights (even though the Supreme Court has said that a student doesn't give up his or her rights "when they enter the schoolhouse door").

It's always amazed me how adults preach to young people about what a great "democracy" we have, but when students seek to be part of it, they are reminded that they are not full citizens yet and must behave somehow as indentured servants. Is it any wonder then why some students, when they become adults, don't feel like participating in our political system -- because they've been taught by example for the past 12 years that they have no say in the decisions that affect them?

We like to say that we have this great "free press," and yet how free are high school newspapers? How free are you to write or blog about what you want? I've been sent stories from teenagers that they couldn't get published at school. Why not? Why must we silence or keep out of sight the voice of our teenagers?

It's not that way in other countries. The voting age in places like Austria, Brazil or Nicaragua is 16. In France, students can shut down the country by simply walking out of school and taking to the streets.

But here in the U.S. you're told to obey and to basically butt out and let the adults run the show.

Let's change that! I'm starting something on my site called, "HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER." Here you will be able to write what you want and I will publish it. I will also post those articles that you've tried to get published at your school but were turned down. On my site you will have freedom and an open forum and a chance to have your voice heard by millions.

I've asked my 17-year-old niece, Molly, to kick things off by editing this page for the first six months. She will ask you to send her your stories and ideas and the best ones will be posted on MichaelMoore.com. I'll give you the platform you deserve. It will be my honor to have you on my site and I encourage you to take advantage of it.

You are often called "our future." That future is today, right here, right now. You've already proven you can change the world. Keep doing it. And I'd be honored to help you.

Michael Moore

P.S. When can you get started? Right now! Just go here and register. (You can use a made-up name if you want and you don’t have to name your school.) Then once you’re done, start submitting blogs, music, video and more!

P.P.S. If you’re reading this and not in high school, please take a second and forward it to all the students you know.

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:13 am 
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Dave Starr

He forgot to add that only ultraliberal opinions are allowed.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:16 am 
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Ryan Eashoo


Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:13 pm 
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With regard to your "Topic: State of City Address TONIGHT Feb 24, 2010 5pm. BE THERE" posted at 5:13 p.m.

The timing of your post is a bit late. It's rude to walk in late on a speaker.
Post Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:22 pm 
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El Supremo

Watch it at WJRT tv 12.
Post Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:36 am 
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The repayment of the 20 million in bonds was linked to state revenue sharing which Synder cut the hell out of. That repayment link to revenue sharing is why the "smaller request" will be submitted since we have less from which to back the bonds.

I am going to get a lot of shit for this but I would, AFTER DAYNE IS GONE, be willing to pay another special assessment. It took care of 8 million for the towers. I'd pay it again to pay off PAST debt. I would not pay more to keep the status quo up at city hall. We must get real in the size of government we can AFFORD and what we NEED is irrelevant.

The truth is, my tax burden is just over half of what it was seven years ago. My house was appraised at a much higher value but the area around me has gone down so much, especially the Hurley houses around me, that my property value is less than a quarter of what I paid, if I am lucky, and I paid less than half of what they were asking, which wasn't much. [/b]
Post Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:17 pm 
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El Supremo

cleartheair schreef:
Have you noticed the distortions?
Alternative energy, Biogas was Williamson, and a lot of luck, besides it is not in Flint, Battery technology is all about Kettering.
What advanced manufacturing? What did Dayne have to do with it? Is he an engineer? A businessman?
Healthcare, advanced education, nothing there, just words.
Diplomat; they already cut back the number of people they will hire, and let me know if you hear of ANYONE in Flint getting a job working for Diplomat, my guess is that anyone who does or will, will live in the burbs. NO JOBS FOR FLINT!
Truck and bus just brought back furloughed jobs, NO NEW JOBS! So nothing there.
Chevy volt and Flint engine, again there is nothing new,, it is just work, no new jobs, plus I would love to know how much GM gets in tax breaks,
Capital investments in GM do not translate to income for Flint.
Restaurants, Dayne, what did you have to do with restaurants? What did you or your crony Larry Ford bring to downtown? How did you have ANYTHING to do with attracting businesses? For example, I understand that Cork exists as an aside to their catering business.
Student housing, was before Walling, and does the Riverfront pay taxes? Anyone know?
What building projects? In addition, what do you have to do with those? Infrastructure, those are Union guys already working; and few if any live in Flint.
Job creation, well I have to think about that; does anyone know of a single non-lackey job brought on by Dayne?
Unemployment may have decreased, but most likely recipients have exhausted their money and dropped off the roles. Many have moved away, Dayne, just who the hell do you think lived in those thousands of houses that we are tearing down?
Dayne you gutless wonder, I defy you to actually answer a question,
Ryan, I bet you didn’t know that Diplomat, Rowe Building, Wade Trim Building, The plastics shop on Kersley, NONE OF THESE BUSINESSES PAY ANY TAXES!!!!!!! THEY ARE ALL EXEMPT!!!! Look, it up you will be stunned.
This guy has done nothing and is trying to take credit for everything.

Walling once again took credit for infrastructure improvements started under the Williamson and Brown administrations.
Post Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:04 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

HE sure did but do you realize anytime a problem comes up he blames Williamson but when Williamson did something good for the city Walling takes the credit.. Typical politician

untanglingwebs schreef:
cleartheair schreef:
Have you noticed the distortions?
Alternative energy, Biogas was Williamson, and a lot of luck, besides it is not in Flint, Battery technology is all about Kettering.
What advanced manufacturing? What did Dayne have to do with it? Is he an engineer? A businessman?
Healthcare, advanced education, nothing there, just words.
Diplomat; they already cut back the number of people they will hire, and let me know if you hear of ANYONE in Flint getting a job working for Diplomat, my guess is that anyone who does or will, will live in the burbs. NO JOBS FOR FLINT!
Truck and bus just brought back furloughed jobs, NO NEW JOBS! So nothing there.
Chevy volt and Flint engine, again there is nothing new,, it is just work, no new jobs, plus I would love to know how much GM gets in tax breaks,
Capital investments in GM do not translate to income for Flint.
Restaurants, Dayne, what did you have to do with restaurants? What did you or your crony Larry Ford bring to downtown? How did you have ANYTHING to do with attracting businesses? For example, I understand that Cork exists as an aside to their catering business.
Student housing, was before Walling, and does the Riverfront pay taxes? Anyone know?
What building projects? In addition, what do you have to do with those? Infrastructure, those are Union guys already working; and few if any live in Flint.
Job creation, well I have to think about that; does anyone know of a single non-lackey job brought on by Dayne?
Unemployment may have decreased, but most likely recipients have exhausted their money and dropped off the roles. Many have moved away, Dayne, just who the hell do you think lived in those thousands of houses that we are tearing down?
Dayne you gutless wonder, I defy you to actually answer a question,
Ryan, I bet you didn’t know that Diplomat, Rowe Building, Wade Trim Building, The plastics shop on Kersley, NONE OF THESE BUSINESSES PAY ANY TAXES!!!!!!! THEY ARE ALL EXEMPT!!!! Look, it up you will be stunned.
This guy has done nothing and is trying to take credit for everything.

Walling once again took credit for infrastructure improvements started under the Williamson and Brown administrations.

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:08 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

Kristen Longley had an article in the journal about this issue. (link below) The Carriage Town Neighborhood Association responded to the addendum during the public comment period and although supportive of working on the Hurley Stone St area, if the city tears the Hurley houses down, it is unlikely the can build new ones anyway. Any new excavations for foundations would likely uncover more Native American remains like what was found just a few hundred feet down the hill. The Chippewa's have spent the last 2 summers sifting the remains out of the piles and have now re-intered the remains on that site. The houses are all within the borders of the Carriage Town Historic District and to tear the houses down, the city must first comply with SHIPO sec 106 guidelines, then get approval from the Flint HDC, which is not easily done. CMH tried a few years back, the HDC said NO, CMH appealed to SHIPO (state historic preservation office) and they also said NO. CMH then appealed to circuit court and was denied there also. Tearing down houses in historic districts is not easily done.

So the CTHNA position is that rehabs could be done and we could do many more than the addendum proposes. There are 8 owned by Hurley, 3 owned by the land bank and the NA would certainly give a house recently donated by the Spencer Family for a total of 12 units, not 9. The houses that have been completed in Carriage Town are all sold and the ones that are almost done have many people looking at them to purchase.

Hurley Hospital has let these historic Homes decay to the point that some think they can't be saved. This may be the case but many units in worse shape have been done here and have been sold to great people who are now active in the local community. 2 houses recently were sold to people that were already renting in the neighborhood so we have actual homeowners and not more rental units.

To build a bunch of new houses in Flint makes no sense to me personally, in Carriage Town or elsewhere. We have an overabundance of available housing. Fix what we have if possible, put the rest into demolition and infrastructure (sidewalks, street lighting etc.) and let's get to work rebuilding the city one block at a time if needed, starting with the Hurley owned historic homes.

Tim Monahan


Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:10 pm 
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El Supremo

Look at the Dan Kildee "habs" where the gutted down to the foundationa and rebuilt.

Each Hurley administration works differently. Back when Hurley first bought the Heartland Manor Nursing Home, they had good intentions. The elderly who were poor had few if any options when it came to nursing home care. The problem was the agency that ran it prior to Hurley had such a bad reputation that the home could not over come the stigma. They ran deficits and then the final blow came when the state ordered changes to the structure that the building could not make in the location it was located.

The real problems came when the deficits became so large the Hurley foundation could no longer cover them and the building closed. The 5 acre site was not large enough to rebuild on. Hurley began looking at the portion of Carriage Town east of the Heartland manor site and began buying homes in Carriage town. residents fought the rezoning and Hurley refused to sell the houses or maintain them. Demolition by neglect was and is the term used by Carriage Town residents.

The latest Hurley administration appears to be one of the most cooperative. However, like every Flint entity, money is tight. I truly hope some resolution can be reached. The one Hurley house on Stone where the tree damaged the roof and allowed water to seep in and destroy the foundation is the one I heard was most likely to require demolition,

Carriage Town never reaaly garnered the support from the Flint administration and at times some Mayors appeared to want to let it die.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:27 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:16 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo


Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:52 am 
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Ryan Eashoo

Dear Friends,

One week ago, Dayne gave his 2011 State of the City address: http://www.youtube.com/user/votewalling#p/u/7/QrWEA6T1-FY to a standing room only crowd.

Dayne addressed the generational challenges that Flint now faces. At the same time, he outlined the positive building blocks that are already in place that will help Flint overcome those challenges just as previous generations in Flint overcame their challenges.

Highlights of Dayne’s State of the City address included:

1. Making Flint’s neighborhoods safer by reopening the City jail adding police officers

2. Creating jobs with a concrete goal of at least 5,000 new jobs in 2011

3. Beginning Flint’s first comprehensive master plan in 50 years

4. Reforming City Government by reducing the size and cost of government

Now, the Editorial Board of the Flint Journal is supporting Dayne’s plan to shrink City Hall and save Flint $6 million over the next four years. “He’s building a vision for Flint, engaged, and exuding possibilities for a city that for too long has seen too few” (Flint Journal Editorial Board, 3/3/11). http://www.mlive.com/opinion/flint/index.ssf/2011/03/torn_from_the_front_page_shrin.html.

Dayne’s plan is for City Hall, “to be a building block and not a road block.” This will make more funds and resources available for public safety and economic development. Across the community, Dayne is hearing support for his proposals and showing that working together we can meet today’s challenges and build a strong foundation for Flint’s 21st Century future.

Thanks for all your support!

The Vote Walling Team

P.S. You can make a contribution and show your support for the Mayor Walling by coming to his birthday party on Thursday March 24th at at the White Horse Tavern from 6:00PM to 7:30PM. Please give $37.00 in honor of Dayne’s 37th Birthday! To RSVP or sponsor a table please call (810) 280-7684

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:26 pm 
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