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Topic: Level of violence rising

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El Supremo

Death rate at 20 when it was six last year, and we are not in the warm part of the year yet. With this increase in violence, Flint has the fewest number of officers in recent history. Will our officers be able to protect us and themselves as even more are preparing to retire and leave the force.

Maybe they should have tasers so they can deal with the drug addled and mentally unbalanced residents they encounter. City Hall literally had the front doors destroyed and the person was found in the restroom at city hall. Only the mayors office is protected by alarms, although cameras follow all your movements through the complax. Chief Lock said in a press release that an officer is guarding the entrance until it can be boarded up. What he did not tell the public was this officer was on overtime.

young people and metal thieves are not just stealing metal from abandoned homes. They are vandalizing them to the point that people driving by can see through the entire house. Windows and walla are being destroyed until the home is almost a shell.
Post Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:08 pm 
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Letter: Changes needed in way we treat mentally ill
Published: Thursday, April 07, 2011, 12:32 PM
Community Voice | Flint Journal Letters By Community Voice | Flint Journal Letters The Flint Journal

Voice: Jennie E. Barkey, Chief Probate Judge

Recently, Genesee County had a horrible reminder of everything wrong with our current system for treating those with a mental illness. A young man, Casey Foley, was discharged from involuntary treatment by a jury. About 24 hours later he walked into the woods from his mother’s home after a disagreement about whether he had to take his medication and was later found dead in the snow.

Since that tragedy many discussions have followed over whose fault it was or was not. Did the jury make a mistake? Did the prosecutor fail to make his case? Did the judge do her job? Did his family fail him? The reality is we are all to blame. We have allowed the laws applicable to the treatment of the mentally ill that obviously do not work to remain in place. How many more times do we need horrible demonstrations of that fact before we do something about it?

The first step is to treat mental illness like other diseases. For example, when a person who suffers from cancer is at a point they can to longer make rational decisions for themselves regarding their treatment, the law steps in and there is a process to appoint a guardian or have a power of attorney effectuated. With mental illness there has to be a horrible crisis in which the person or others are in imminent danger, or have committed a crime, for there to be involuntary treatment. Once the crisis is over, so is the treatment on an involuntary basis.

One of the hallmarks of mental illness is the stopping of medication. Of course, once that happens, the disease takes over only to run amuck until a crisis happens; hence the vicious cycle. I have seen time and again that a person who suffers from this disease but receives consistent, proper treatment, which is readily available in this community, can live a wonderful life. The current law prevents a person from receiving this type of treatment unless they do it voluntarily.

To change the law to allow treatment involuntarily more quickly and without a disaster happening first would mean fewer hospitalizations, run-ins with the law, and spending time in jail or prison.

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Post Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:48 pm 
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El Supremo

Candace Burns
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FLINT (WJRT) -- (04/10/11) -- A man was arrested in Flint Sunday and accused of vandalizing City Hall.

What city officials are calling a "bizarre incident" unfolded Sunday afternoon.

The front doors to Flint City Hall are busted out.Tthere is no glass left in one of the doors and the others are also damaged. Some large windows have damage as well.

ABC12 was told a passer-by saw the man lobbing stones at the building and called police.

The man also made it inside the building, but it's unclear what damage he did while inside.

In a press release, Flint Police Chief Alvern Locke said the man was caught inside City Hall washing his hands in the bathroom.

Locke went on to say he thinks the 'troubled' man acted alone, but the investigation continues.

So far, the city has not figured out just how much the damage will cost them.

For now, a Flint Police Officer is guarding City Hall until a construction crew can board up the windows and doors.

City officials said despite the damage, City Hall will be open for business Monday morning.
Post Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:50 pm 
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El Supremo

20-year-old in critical condition after shooting at Pierson and Fleming roads in Flint
Published: Monday, April 11, 2011, 7:49 AM Updated: Monday, April 11, 2011, 7:53 AM
By David Harris | Flint Journal The Flint Journal
FLINT, Michigan — A 20-year-old man was listed in critical condition after he was shot multiple times around 5 p.m. Sunday at a gas station on Pierson and Fleming roads, according to police.

Police say Antonio L. Stark was at the Marathon gas station when he was confronted by a man who got out of a vehicle, possibly a late model Ford Taurus.

The suspect shot Stark multiple times at close range and fled in a northeasterly direction, according to police.

The suspect was wearing a white baseball cap, a white T-shirt, white shoes and jeans.

Anyone with information is asked to call Flint Police Sgt. Jeff Collins a (810) 237-6911 or CRIMESTOPPERS at 1-800-422-JAIL.

The shooting came about 12 hours after another shooting where two people were shot to death. The homicides bring Flint's total to 20 for the year.
Post Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:28 am 
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