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Topic: Buchanan- Look at my experience as Ombudsman

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El Supremo

Darryl Buchanan says experience gives him an edge in Flint mayor's race
Published: Thursday, July 14, 2011, 9:00 AM
By Kristin Longley | Flint Journal The Flint Journal
FLINT, Michigan — Darryl Buchanan has already sat in several of Flint’s political seats, so he figures he’s more than ready to take on the city’s top job.

A former city council member, city administrator and ombudsman, the Flint native is one of seven candidates running for mayor of Flint in the Aug. 2 primary.

“I’ve done it all,” said Buchanan, 57, in a telephone interview this week from his campaign headquarters, 877 E. Fifth Ave. “I’ve been through the fire and I’m still standing. I love public service.”

Altogether, Buchanan has more than 25 years experience in different branches of Flint government, but he also knows political defeat.

He ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2009, coming in third in the primary. Prior to that, he lost a chance to be temporary mayor when former Mayor Don Williamson demoted him right before resigning in 2009.

Still, Buchanan said his years of experience make him the best choice to oust Flint Mayor Dayne Walling, who is running for re-election.

Buchanan is already considered a political heavy-hitter. He has a widely recognized name and the support of many leaders in the black community including Flint ministers and business owners.

Buchanan has specific ideas about possible ways to reduce city spending, including a four-day work week for some departments and creating a public safety department with cross-trained police officers and firefighters.
He faces a potential battle with the city’s unions on such measures, but he’s confident he could work successfully with labor groups.

“If treated fairly, I think they would be receptive to these types of ideas,” he said.

Buchanan grew up on Dayton Street on the city’s north side and graduated from Flint’s Northwestern High School in 1972.

He holds an at-large position on the NAACP Flint chapter’s executive board and is a mentor to young people in his church who have gone on to college, he said.

After leaving his city of Flint post in 2009, Buchanan was an adjunct instructor for a short time at Baker College of Flint. Most recently, he has worked as a substitute teacher at the International Academy of Flint.

Buchanan said he wants to lead Flint’s revitalization in the years to come.

“In times of crisis, you have to fall back on experience,” he said.

Meet the candidate:

Darryl Buchanan, 57

Political experience: City administrator, 2008-09; city councilman 2001-08; city ombudsman
Occupation: Part-time substitute teacher International Academy of Flint
Education: Master’s in public administration from Western Michigan University; bachelor’s in political science from Kalamazoo College
Family: Two adult daughters, six grandchildren
Community involvement: Christ Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church; volunteer governmental consultant regarding federal grant dollars; mentors college students from Flint
Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:41 pm 
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El Supremo

billhook July 14, 2011 at 12:28PM

Buchanan's big plan is to reduce city workers' hours from 80 hours every two weeks down to 64 hours every two weeks. He says these savings would somehow fix Flint's public safety probems. But he is forgeting that public safety makes up over 70% of the budget and trimming a bit from the remaining 30% won't amount to much. He is also forgetting the massive resistance the City Workers put up when Mayor Walling asked them to take a few furlough days and save the city some money last year. From the recent $3.8 million Citizens Service Bureau lawsuit I learned the Mayor Williamson credits Buchanan for coming up with the CSB plan. He should stick to part-time substitute teaching and retire from politics with ideas and a record like that.

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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:57 pm 
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El Supremo

djfx July 14, 2011 at 3:05PM

Based on the story above on the "Park rangers/Gilcrest arrest", sounds to me that Gilcrests stupidity has already put a dark shadow on Buchanan's reputation.....Hey, isn't that what buddies do??? Inappropriate? Alert us.Reply Post new

finechoice July 14, 2011 at 3:54PM

1City i don't believe Mr. Buchanan would only choose blacks for appointees. Don Williamson would never allow him to do that, since he will be the one holding his strings. Yes the city attorney said Don Williamson is soley responsible, but remember it was Buchanan who stood as council president and shoved this down the throats of the citizen's, I'll never forget that day when the minority police officers when to the city council for valid complaints and The CSB was what Gilcrest, Buchanan and Williamson came up with. I know there aren't many left but no police officers are supporting him ( black or white ), but be careful Flint he's real slick, that white stuff on his lips is the CRUST OF DON WILLIAMSON AZZ that he kisses so much. Oh yeah and watch out for the Concern Pastors they are in on this too.
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Jayare2010 July 14, 2011 at 3:56PM

Does anyone recall how Buchanan was removed from his position as City of Flint Ombudsman? I don't recall that he served the full 10 year term.

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finechoice July 14, 2011 at 5:35PM

@Jayare2010 under sexual harassment allegations or drugs that got swept under the rug.

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Jayare2010 July 15, 2011 at 1:56AM

Thanks choice, I thought it was something like that, but I didn't trust myself to recall the details.

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Jayare2010 July 15, 2011 at 1:59AM

Thanks choice, I thought it was something like that, but I didn't trust myself to recall the details.

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shopratuaw July 14, 2011 at 6:10PM

Buchanon's claims of past pollitical experience in Flint are laughable, past experience in failed administrations are hardly qualifications I'd want on my resume.

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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:02 pm 
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El Supremo


blog.mlive.com/flint-city-beat/2009/10/1st_ward_former_city_administr.htmlDocket No. 193153. - BUCHANAN v. CITY COUNCIL OF FLINT - MI ...
CITY COUNCIL OF FLINT. Darryl BUCHANAN, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. CITY COUNCIL OF FLINT ... and the evidence presented during the hearings, that the Ombudsman, Darryl Buchanan, be ...

Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:14 pm 
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El Supremo

The September 11, 1998 Appeals Court decision reaffirmed the Council's decision to remove Darryl Buchanan as Ombudsman for cause. Judge Freeman in Court case 95-037981-CZ had ordered Buchanan back to work. "By order of this Court, Mr. Buchanan was not permitted to return to his position as ombudsman during the pendancy of this appeal".

Buchanan was appointed Ombudsman on August 17,1994. In January of 1995, deborah Milling, Buchanan's former girlfriend andemployee of the Ombudsman's office filed a complaint alleging sexual harassment and gender discrimination with the Michigan Department of Civil Service. She also filed a complaint with the City Attorny alleging sexual harassment. a second Ombudsman employee, Rose Fizer, filed a sexual harassment complaint with the City Attorney in may 1995.

Following an independent investigation into the complaints by a panel designated under the sexual harassment policy guidelines, a finding was issued that Buchanan had violated the city's policy on harassment and discrimination. Only council can have authority over the Ombudsman, so the decision was forwarded to council.

A former city attorney, Charles Forrest, was appointed to advise council on a course of action and help determine if there was enough evidence to remove Buchanan from office. Buchanan was placed on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of the investigation. Buchanan hired attorney George Hamo and filed a Genesee County lawsuit that alleged disparate treatment, false light, defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

The judge in a hearing on July11, 1995 interpreted the city charter made no proviion for suspension or administrative leave of the Ombudsman. However since the city policy on sexual harassment and discrimination also applied to the Ombudsman, the city council could hold an investigation into the charges.

A five day impeachment hearing befor councilbegan on August 23, 1995. Council removed Buchanan for cause. The August 28,1995 resolution was as follows:

"Be it Further Resolved that the specific cause for removal is that testimony indicates that the Ombudsman did willfully cause complaints not to be worked on or to be backed up for budgetary purposes; permitted a conflict of interest in the Steverson davis case; created a difficult work environment through erratic personnel policies; delegated personnel matters to the Ombudsman's Advisory Board and to consultants; and failed to train an supervise staff appropriately."

Buchanan filed an amended complaint in Circuit court on August 30, 1995. Judge Freeman concluded at the end of the de novo hearing that the city council erred in removing Buchanan. a request for reconsideration was denied and the Appeals Court held Buchanan could not return to office pending further order of the Appeals Court.

The Appeals Court determined that no matter which standard of review was used, there was sufficient evidence to support the council's decision to remove Buchanan from office.

The evidence at the trial from senior investigator Joseph Valu and investigators Barbara Burdette and Ramona Sain clearly established that Buchanan delayed investigating citizen complaints to put pressure on the council in order to secure more funding. "Plaintiff's actions in this regard controverted the essential mission of the office which was to investigate and resolve citizen complaints and, in our opinion, constituted cause for removal." They rued that freeman had erred in setting aside the council's decision to remove Buchanan.

The Circuit Court was only charged with a review of the city council decision to remove the ombudsman. City council did not allege discrimination and/or retaliation as reasons for the dismissal and these issues were the subject of separate pending cases. Buchanan did not claim wrongful discharge so the court did not err in stating it would not make findings of fact on this matter of the claims of Fizer and Milling.

Freeman did not err when when he denied motions to disqualify George Hamo as Buchanans attorney. Hamo had resigned from representing the Ombudsman's office so there was no continuing attorney-client relationship between the city council and Hamo. There was no evidence that Hamo knew the Ombudsman office was involved with the Steverson Davis case when he took Davis on as a client. He resigned upon learning of the ombudsman complaint and therefore had no knowledge of the ombudsman investigation.
Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:12 pm 
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El Supremo

ABC 12 reporter TARYN ASHER 2/15/2007

With less than two weeks until Election Day, there are accusations of absentee ballot fraud in Flin't First Ward.

There is now an investigation into the recall election against Flint City Council President Darryl Buchanan.

Authorities won't comment on the specific allegations, but we've learned a number of people have complained about someone soliciting at a Senior center in the First Ward.

The suspect is accussed of asking seniors to sign their envelope and hand over the unmarked ballot.

"The type of people who work for me have a clean slate", Buchanan said.

Buchanan said he feels the group Enough is Enough-led by political activist Eric Mays, which spearheaded the recall effort against him- is crossing the line.

"A lady called me and said a member of Enough is enough is calling her and asking her what she's doing with her ballot," Buchanan said. "She says, Ma'am, my ballot is private, Don't call me."

After that phone call and a letter written and circulated by the recall group, Buchanan filed a complaint with the Genesee County Elections Office.

"We don't want anyone trying to intimidate individuals trying to vote absentee", Buchanan said.

Mays, who is part of the recall effort, didn't return phone calls. It's important to note that ballot solicitation is considered a felony.
Post Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:30 am 
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El Supremo


Flint Journal Saturday, March 3, 2007

Marjory Raymer

Absentee ballots from the failed effort to recall Flint City council President Darryl Buchanan have been locked up because of an ongoing investigation into alleged voter fraud.

The absentee ballots were counted in the Tuesday election, in which convincingly fended off the recall attempt with support from 65 percent of voters.

However, the ballots are at the center of a dispute. At least four residents gave affidavits to City Clerk Inez Brown claiming a campaign worker for Buchanan took their ballots before they voted.

Leon Wesson, 74, assistant director of the Hasselbring Center, was arrested on Election Day in connection with a State police investigation into allegations of illegal possession of absentee ballots.

Technically, the absentee ballots are considered "challenged", Brown said, ans so they have been separated from the other ballots and set aside.

"They are in a secure place in case they are needed for any type of ongoing or future investigation", said Brown, who consulted with the state Bureau of Elections and state election law on how to handle the ballots.

The pro-recall group "Enough is Enough" collected the affidavits, in which voters said wesson asked for their ballots and they gave them to him. They said they had not cast their votes on the ballots when he took them.

However, it ended up the absentee vote had little effect on the outcome of the election.

There were 173 absentee ballots, and Buchanan won by 360 votes.

The results tally showed, though, that Buchanandid do even better among absentees, bringing home 71 percent of the vote, according to county election officials.

Brown turned over the affidavits to local and state authorities, which prompted the state police investigation. The strict laws that were put into place a decade ago when the state reformed the absentee voting process in response to allegations of fraud-includin in Flint, where in 1994 police found 25 forged requests for absentee ballots including six from dead people.
Post Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:50 am 
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