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Topic: County budget battles

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El Supremo

Mike carr has had his office cut to the minimum staffing levels in order to perform all mandated services. He warned county commissioners that he would sue if additional cuts were made.

Some sy the Sheriffs should have more cuts, especially in road patrol. I do not support the cuts in the drug units as they also get some forfeiture funds and drugs fuel so much of our crime.

Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton, Clerk Michael Carr ask county attorney to represent them in fighting budget cuts
Published: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 4:56 PM
By Ron Fonger | Flint Journal The Flint Journal

GENESEE COUNTY, Michigan -- Prosecutor David Leyton and Clerk Michael Carr want taxpayer-funded attorneys to represent them in fighting new budget cuts proposed today by the Board of Commissioners.

"I thought maybe they would have learned a lesson with (Register of Deeds Rose Bogardus)," Carr said. "I don't want to do this. I would much prefer to work out a deal where we don't lose people."

Commissioners proposed a $80.4-million budget today that would cut three positions from the offices of both Carr and Leyton -- six of 65 job cuts proposed in the spending plan.

Now, they already face the prospect of a legal fight with elected department heads for the second straight year.

Last year, Bogardus asked county Corporation Counsel Ward Chapman to represent her office in fighting budget cuts, a request he declined because he represents commissioners, the governing body for the county.

Instead, county taxpayers ended up paying Bogardus' attorney fees and commissioners restored some staffing to the register's office rather than continuing an expensive courtroom fight.

County board Chairman Jamie Curtis said Carr and Leyton are threatening to do the wrong thing.

"Taxpayers of Genesee County hired them to work to the best of their ability," Curtis said. "I know in my neighborhood, the taxpayers are sending a mandate: Scale back, give us a government we can afford."

Leyton would not discuss his letter to Chapman -- but a copy obtained by The Flint Journal says in part, "this new budget will not allow me to provide the constitutionally and statutorily mandated services required from my office with the level of staffing proposed by the budget for my office

"At this time, I am requesting that the Genesee County corporation counsel represent me and my office in this matter."

Both letters ask Chapman to respond to the requests within 72 hours "so I can seek other legal representation if necessary."

Leyton said this year's cuts come on top of last year's budget, which cut his staffing by 30 percent.

"They put me below a serviceable level. Now they are piling on," Leyton said.
Post Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:01 am 
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It seems that Leyton has teamed with a new buddy, Carr.

Does Leyton's office have a time clock to verify EXACTLY how many hours he and his staff are actually working?

I bet if an audit was done, it would be shown that Leytons office is mismanaged, that employees do not work 40 hurs per wek and neither does he, and that they generously use county Sam Club Cards and office supllies and other perks... "oops where did all those donuts go..oh my kids school needed something..I had freinds over"...I betcha.

Do you remember last year with the murder spree, and the Virginia Prosecutor was quoted in the media as stating he couldn't get hold of Leyton and wouldn't chase him down. Do you know where Leyton was? He decided to go out of town on vacation!

Remember so many citizens complaining that Leyton was doing more campaigning than working.

This is why he NEEDS to keep that staff. So as to keep himself from actually having to work or be in the office at all.

He doesn't know how to manage his staff's time, and choses to not do much himself.

He had his fundraiser party grubbing money event last night. Do you know what that means? it means he's gearing up for another political run, and NEEDS those three staff people so he can spend time out of the office so he can campaign himself into a new job.

And he WaNTS to bully the county into giving in to him, threatening to use up county tax money vs. them just giving him what he wants. which is what this forum did when they took down my post yesterday night.

I'll call a spade a spade every time. how about y'all???
Post Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:55 pm 
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Cornbread Maxwell

couldn't agree more
Post Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:02 am 
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