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Topic: State needs to help find a solution to metal thieves.

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El Supremo

Last Monday State Rep. Woodrow Stanley asked his aide to research State laws concerning metal sales and scrap yards and post the results on the internet. This was in response to two individuals requesting help on behalf of Flint homeowners, businesses and Churches.

Pastor Latrelle Holmes of Greater Galilee Baptist Church spoke on behalf of a large contingent of area churches victimized by these thefts. Two days later, his Church was vandalized again and two of his smaller HVAC systems were gutted for the copper and metal inside.
Post Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:09 am 
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El Supremo

I found a Flint Journal Editorial from !!/5/07 Page A-10 entitled Metal Thefts
Local Governments must team to fight crime.

This was an excellent editorial and is as relevant today as it was then.

"With the price of scrap aluminum and copper pipes and wiring continuing to rise, communities must work together to stop the thievery that is quite literally tearing apart neighborhoods in Genesee County and putting phone and electrical services at risk.

The problem isn't only a local one. It's a ststewide- indeed a nationwide-epidemic that is likely to continue as long as prices remain high and selling stolen scrap metal remains easy.

Other states have responded with laws that more closely regulate scrap metal sales. Michigan is considering legislation that would require metal processors to keep material they buy for 15 days before reselling it offer written proof of all sales weekly. We support such legislation.

In the meantime, Genesee County municipalities should heed the advice County Commissioner Jaime Curtis of Burton and work together to thwart these bold thieves.

Curtis initially had wanted to require a permit to sell scrap metal anywhere in the county, but apparently the county lacks the authority to make such a bold mandate.

The solution, then, is cooperation. In a letter to township, city and village officials. Curtis offered to call a meeting to discuss developing an ordinance that individual municipalities could then enact.

This is a step in the right direction.

Not only do such thefts create eyesores and cost homeowners money, they are creating a danger to the public. Thieves have tageted copper in telephone and electrical lines. In stealing these, they cause interruption in services, including 911 service.

Driven by greed, these thieves are becoming increasingly bold. In some cases they are stripping aluminum siding off occupied homes and they are breaking into plumbing wholesale businesses to steal copper piping.

Police and community watch group patrols can only do so much. As we've said before, the ultimate solution is making it harder for them to sell theoir ill-gotten goods."
Post Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:30 am 
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El Supremo

Some, including a couple of council members, are concerned that nothing will happen in the upcoming continuation of the scrap metal dealers that do not adhere to the laws that apply to the sale of metal. I have heard fom at least three individuals that a $10,000 fine has been discussed, instead of suspending their licenses for even 30 days.

The law referenced in the previous editorial did pass and from testimony it is obvious that these scrap metal dealers don't comply with complete documents on the purchases they make. This make the thefts easier to get away with. You can bet that a large number of the same individuals are repeat customers peddling their ill gotten loads.

Third Ward Councilman Bryant (BB) Nolden has shown determination in enforcement. He went so far as to not only investigate independently the Flint scrap yards, he visited the Genesee Township scrap metal dealers. He is appalled at the ease thieves can sell their stolen products.

As Woodrow Stanley pointed out, we can't forget the legitimate scrapper that cruises neighborhoods removing from the streets the scrap metal that contributes to blight. BUt at the same time, someone must step forward and initiate action to curb these thefts. Stopping sales in Flint will not and does not prevent thieves from taking stolen materials to Genesee Township and even Flint Township.
Post Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:43 am 
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