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Topic: Senior millage was to help seniors, not politicians

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El Supremo

Genesee County refusing to pay agency for some senior citizen assessments

Published: Sunday, January 22, 2012, 9:00 AM

By Ron Fonger | Flint Journal

GENESEE COUNTY, Michigan -- The county is telling a contractor to stop pre-qualifying senior citizens for some millage-funded services because waiting lists are too long, potentially wasting the cost of assessments that typically cost more than $300 each.

The county Office of Senior Services told Integrated Community Services in a Jan. 6 letter that it will not pay for at least 33 assessments, which qualified senior citizens for in-home personal care even though there are no openings for the services.

Lynn Radzilowski
"I am very concerned" with the practice, Senior Services Administrator Lynn Radzilowski said in the letter, calling the assessments "a direct violation of the contract."

Diane Nims, the executive director of ICS, said discussions are ongoing about the assessments in question but said the issue shows more money from the 0.7-mill property tax is needed for in-home services like assistance with bathing and meal preparation.

"People who can't get out are suffering," Nims said. "My heart goes out for them ... We can't afford to cut these services any more."

ICS was one of several agencies funded by the senior services millage that received 30 percent funding cuts in the current fiscal year. Programs that provided transportation and legal services for seniors lost all funding as continuing reductions in property values have produced less money for programs.

Tax revenue from the millage is expected to drop from $6.8 million last year to $6.4 million in the fiscal year that started Oct. 1 and property taxes have been on the decline for several years prior.

The county Board of Commissioners actually boosted funding for Meals on Wheels because of waiting lists in that program that have since been eliminated, but two other programs run by the Family Service Agency and Center for Gerontology have waiting lists of at least 10 clients or 30 days.

FSA assists frail, elderly citizens in their homes with bathing, dressing, grooming and other assistance. In addition, the agency helps with domestic tasks like housekeeping, laundry, and meal preparation.

The Center for Gerontology provides adult day care for up to six hours per day.

ICS receives millage funds through two contracts -- one for $426,619 in which it provides assessments, coordination and referrals for potential clients for millage-funded programs, and another for $168,872 in which is provides assessments for county Sheriff's Office elder abuse prevention program.

Nims said there may be confusion about which programs senior citizen were referred to if they were interested in several types of services, but Radzilowski said FSA and the Center for Gerontology both had ICS refer seniors to their programs, neither of which were accepting clients.

County Commissioner Ted Henry, D-Clayton Twp., chairman of the Senior Services Advisory Committee, said he supports the decision not to pay ICS for the assessments.

"You can't gain ground (on a waiting list) if you're spending money on assessments" that aren't needed, Henry said.

offdahook January 22, 2012 at 10:40AM

This is not how the voters intended for the senior millage money to be managed. There are seniors in need and not getting the services intended for them, because politicians like Pickell has grabbed the money to help finance his operations. When are the county officials going to put a stop to this and demand a complete forensic audit of this millage money. I feel they are fearful of the truth.

elmo13 January 22, 2012 at 11:08AM

It is a very unfortunate situation that our senior citizens are in. When an assessment is completed even though there are no openings is a misuse of funds, but not as big of a misuse as the salaries at Integrated Community Services and Elder Abuse. Those need to be looked at!!
Post Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:40 pm 
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