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El Supremo

Thursday is the day for the Fifth (5th) Ward to meet with Brown at Hurley Hospital. I just heard from a relaible source that five robberies were committed on the Hurley premises last week alone.. tdimhcs RSS also reported several the week prior on the M-live site. So be on guard and go as a group if attending this meeting.


All Activity by tdimhcs RSS

There have been robberies downtown. It does not seem to get reported on Milive though. Within the last 2 weeks there have been at least three armed robberies downtown, not to mention another couple of armed robberies next to Hurley Hospital .

Downtown and the surrounding area may be safe in the daytime. However, do not fool yourself. At night is when you have to worry about these incidents.

In order for people to remain safe, they have to be properly informed of crime.

Do not believe me, ask any police officer!

Posted on Uptown Reinvestment agrees to purchase Flint Journal building with hopes to lure Michigan State University medical school on February 05, 2012, 3:28PM
Post Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:00 pm 
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Dave Starr

I'm technically in the 5th ward, right on the border, but I'll go to the 2nd ward meeting at Haskell. It's closer and the parking is free.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:15 pm 
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El Supremo

The word on the street is that this meeting may be targeted by thieves, so leave your purses at home and take care tonight.
Post Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:31 pm 
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El Supremo

The questions are:

Was Hurley selected because of the difficulty in accessing the meeting?

Was an attempt made to limit participation because Brown does not want controversy at these meetings?

Is the Flint Journal working with the administration and downtown groups because they depend on them for survival and can we trust the Journal? The African American community has told me in the past they read the Journal to "see what the enemy is saying about them".

There are several large churches in the 5th ward that could have been used for the meeting and parking would have been accessible and the churches, as well as the City , have security groups that could have been used.

In my opinion the talk on the street is right and Brown did not want the 5th ward dissidents at this meeting and hoped to deter them.
Post Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:13 am 
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El Supremo

tv 25 Reorter was Jane Park
Signs of blight in Flint's fifth ward almost overshadow the neighborhood's brighter days.

"Beautiful neighborhood, it's always been a beautiful neighborhood,” described Eldreama Elderson, who’s called it home for more than 20 years.

But lately, she says, she's scared to even take a stroll.

It's why Elerson joined dozens of her neighbors to ask Emergency Manager Mike Brown to put more police on the streets.

"If something happens, everybody is there for each other, because we feel like that's all we have,” she said.

Brown is pursuing state and federal funding for public safety. Governor Rick Snyder's public safety proposal includes a 16 percent increase in the state police budget, and Flint has already seen an increase in state police patrols, since Snyder took office.

But still, Flint Police Chief Alvern Lock says he depends on citizens to be the city's eyes and ears.

"The citizens in the neighborhood see those things happening and we're just asking for that information,” Lock said.

Thursday night, Brown assured concerned residents their voices will be heard. He said the neighborhood ward meetings have been successful in engaging the public.

"It's allowed us to see how we can better communicate with the public, as to the directions we're taking and the decisions we're making."

t least WEYI TV 25 reported the meeting . However a 30 second soundbite from a station that was there for only part of the meeting is not enough.When the reporter describes the crowd in dozens and not hundreds as the 7th ward meeting, the crowd was small.
Post Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:42 pm 
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El Supremo

Terry Bankert on FACEBOOK

We watched the FLINT EMERGENCY MANAGER sales pitch at Hurley Hospital 5TH WARD MEETING last night.Mr. Brown the foil takes the heat as a diversion.He PITCHED the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce as the solution to our jobs problem...nuts to that..Brown will tell us nothing until the deal us done.He is there to listen but yet no notes are taken no action followwed through..Do not be angry at him.Be angry at Dayne Walling Flint Mayor and Flint City Council that brought him here.Walling is obviously being protected by the economic interest, Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce, Uptown investment, Phil Shaltz and Bill White now running the city/county.The real power in the room last night was Phil Schaltz.We are being plundered.Lets change the deal after Brown leaves with charter revision and challenge him with the few tools we have,foia,open meetings, our presence,written word and voice.Join the resistance Sat.10am meeting on charter revision and manager accountability.1000 Beach St.at Bankert Law Office.Its time to act. Spread the word and bring a friend.

Bobby Johnson Terry we need to file to court cases against this and what they have done already taking the peoples right and votes as well allowing illegal stuff that the city is aware of not to be prosecuted against walling and Crew. and We do need to Stop this Now but the people have to speak up and stop allowing the wool to grow over there eyes.
Yesterday at 9:29am · Like.
Post Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:13 pm 
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El Supremo

Caught part of the Hurley meeting on Comcast 17 Public Access. Thank you Ms Tune!

No wonder Brown doesn't want media coverage of these meetings. He was challenged on all fronts, especially on his lack of transparency and no plans for more police.


The City tells us they need citizen involvement to deal with crime, but when we call there is no police to send. Just what kind of citizen involvement do you want? Another resident from Metawauneenee Hills called her area a battlefield and wants more police help.
No real response except to communicate with COPs officers and wait to see what help the governor offers.

Where is the transparency, especially with these community groups you keep touting? How were these people picked and who are they?
Response: contact dawn Jones if you want to be on a committee.

Why was the least experienced council person, Delrico Loyd, selected for your advisory group and what about our better educated and more experienced council represenatives?
Response: There are three subcommittees and each have the mayor
and three council members.

Most questions were answered with the same response. We have a $21 million dollar deficit. The state has a mechanism for when communities like Flint get to where they can't pay their bills. The Emergency manager needs to get the job done fast.

The Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce is instrumental in brinhging in economic development and jobs. (response to former councilman Matt Taylor)

Brown gave the impression he is waiting on the governor to improve Flint safety.

Tracy Atkinson claimed she was waiting for a response from HUD re Homes in the University corridor as a response to Tim Monahan. last time I looked this ws a high poverty area.
Also Atkinson got caught in a lie last time she used that story in the investigative hearings.

Is it any wonder people are mistrustful of this State administrator.

The Flint Journal is dependent upon the downtown groups to buy their two building and they are renting downtown.
Post Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:59 pm 
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El Supremo

Residents at the meeting were angered by what they called his answers by rote.They called his meetings publicity stunts, like trick dog shows, and said he disrespected all of the citizens in attendance. "Sspecial Interests direct you and tell you where to go-you abandon us and we are disgusted.

It is no wonder Brown and the media want these meetings quiet. Residents were also upset that no record is being kept of the questions asked (I wionder if this applies to the media too) and one lady called Brown our "overseer".

The anger spilled over to Dawn Jones who kept restricting the public in the time and number of questions asked. She ois uspposed to be communications, said one resident, why aren't we communicating?
Post Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:17 pm 
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