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Topic: Council meeting Feb 13, 2012
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El Supremo

Brown discussed that his 45 day report found on the City webite discussed in a macro basis the issues of Finance, Infrastructure and Development, and Public Safety. A second piece is due to the state on Feb. 22nd and that is the deficit reduction plan update. Another piece the Economic Vitality Inprovement Plan (EVIP) links state funding to co-operation and collaberation among governmental entities.

The budget for the 2013-14 year will be done by the end of march and will be the focus of the next council meeting. The City must also refine and tweek the 2012 budget.

There is a review of all labor contracts.

Brown has met three times with the Michigan State Police and the Governor's office representatives to discus public safety and work on developing a plan. The City is restructuring the COPs grants and working on restructuring the Safer grant for the fire department. When the county took the nearly $600,000 from the paramedic millage they damaged the fire dept structure and this loss of funding threatensthe fire department.

Contracts are close for three of the four golf courses. Swartz Creek is not finalized. The city is looking at viable options for the senior center and better use of the millage.
Post Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:47 pm 
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El Supremo

Budget issues:

Fiscal Stabilization bonds may be needed to reduce the deficit. The 3 mill waste collection doesn't cover costs and a 41.5 million deficit is anticipated. The 1/2 mill parks millage is inadequate for the parks. Despite increased water and sewer rates the cost of operation is not fully covered.

There is a $9 million general fund deficit from last year and another anticipated $4 million deficit for this year. Police and fire will probably see a deficit in the area of $1 to 2 million .

The city is involved in discussions of a cooperative agreement-probably not this year- on maintaining the parks. While the county took a big portion of the funding of the land bank for maintainance of land bank properties within the city, the land bank will make a collaborative effort on weeds, etc in the city.

While there is a slow economic recovery, that recovery will not be seen in Flint. According to the Assessor there will bw a 205 drop in property taxes due to declining property values.
Post Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:05 pm 
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El Supremo

Delrico loyd-Had no questions for the EM

Jackie Poplar- demolition is slowing down in the ward and she anticipates a major project on Fleming Road and hopes the next round of demolition money comes soon.
Brown- There is limited money for demolition. There is money that has not been used around the state and they hope to get some

Poplar-Where are we with spot shotter?
Chief Lock- The project is still in the preliminary planning stages and the company is evaluating the locations for the sensors.

Poplar- Are we close to getting help from the governor on crime?
Brown- It is a Criminal Justice System and we have to develop a plan that encompasses all aspects of the system, including working with the county jail, the State Police and the Judges. The impound lot will generate some of the revenue needed to operate our lock up, but will not support all of the costs completely. Using our lockup has the potential to overload an already overcrowded county jail. The plan must be complete when we submit it to the state.

Bryant (BB) Nolden- I am concerned about the infrastructure for development of the Northeast section of the City. I am also concerned with the metal scrappers that are destroying both houses and businesses. We can't address it here because they just cross over into another jurisdiction.

Brown-This is not just our problem, but it is a problem in the county and the state and is a deterrent to rehabbing homes and to development. The chief tells me we are arresting people daily and it is not just a Genesee County only issue as some of the scrap is being taken to other counties. That is why we need a comprehensive plan that looks at all parts of the system. We simply do not have enough resources.

Joshua Freeman- I have crunched the numbers and i simply don't see the $600,000 savings you are claiming. What about the people you have brought on board and are they on contract?
Brown- Some of them are working pro bono and some are on loan from other agencies.

Freeman- discussed aaudit that is usually discussed in council.

Brown-That will be the subject of next month's meeting.

Freeman-finance used to give us monthly budget to actuals so we could track where the money is being spent. How are we spending our money?

Brown- That can be resumed and we can talk after the meeting to work it out.
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:48 am 
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El Supremo

Kincaid- Where are we with the 911 Center and the switch to the 800 mhz . How will we communicate with the state and the county?

Brown- As you know this is a major issue and on December 31,2012 our system goes silent. I have a team working on it and Liz Murphy is working diligently on a consolidation. The county is not eligible for EVIP, but possibly with the city we might get help/
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:53 am 
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El Supremo

Lawler- regarding karegondi, my residents have concerns regarding this issue.
Your committees do not work for me. I just found out that you are meeting on a regular basis with Scott Kincaid, Josh Freeman, and Dale Weighill. I met with Neeley and others.

Brown- If you want a full briefing, Croft can do that as he has done great due diligence on the issue, some of the best due diligence that I have seen.

Lawler- I want more than a briefing. I have had difficulty having a meeting with you. We have had only one meeting and that was the day of your appointment. I have a number of high priority projects that I need to discuss.

I missed one of the two committee meetings you scheduled with me because I did not receive enough notice. I got an e-mail the day prior to the meeting from some person I don't even know.

Information is not being shared and that is problematic. I agree the leadership should meet with you, but that information should be shared. I get no e-mail, no phone calls, and no paper trail regarding the meetings with you.
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:03 am 
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El Supremo

Neeley- I am concerned about the crime and the water rates. I want a detailed audit of what is happenening in regards to these water rates.

Brown- Yes Howard croft is already working on this audit. Croft stated he expected it to be completed within 30 days.

Neeley- Council found out that individuals were being paid out of the water and sewer funds when they should not have been. Will there be a reimbursement?

Brown- We need facts and are working on a factual report.

Neeley- There was payments received from two scrap yards, J&S and spooners, totaling $20,000. What happened to the money?

City attorney Peter Bade- We are developing a comprehensive plan involving cameras and tracking permits similar to a plan used in South carolina. The money is still there. The Legal department, flint Police and the Citizens Nuisance task force are coordinating a response.

Neeley- Will the impound lot come back?

Brown. That issue is being examined and i thank you for bringing it to my attention. The impound lot can only pay for a portion of re-opening a lockup. We are looking at options of installing a phone system in the lockup to generate revenue.
(Note : the county jail has a similar system)
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:29 am 
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El Supremo

Dale Weighill- praised the EM for holding informational meetings.
He discussed the press conference held by State Representative Jim Ananich about bringing more officers to Flint and asked if brown had met with Ananich.

Brown- He has spoken with Ananich, but not since this latest proposal. Brown has met with the Michigan State police and representaives from the Governor's office.

Weighill- A special blight program had been implemented and it was a great program. Now he hears that program is being shut down/

Brown- You need to contact Howard Croft in the Infrastructure and Development department. Croft has met with the land bank and they are exploring options for revenue to support the program. The county took a significant chunk of the money that had been used to maintain Land bank properties in the city.

(Note: Deb Cherry has said the Treasurer's attorney, Goodstein, believes this action by the county commissioners is illegal. So far she has not implemented any challenges to the taking of the money.)

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:44 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:40 am 
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El Supremo

Mike Sarginson- Are there surplus city properties that can be sold for revenue.

Brown-yes and an inventory is being compiled.

Sarginson- What is the future of the mini-stations.

Brown -We are hoping that we can get the grant renewed.
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:44 am 
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El Supremo

(02/13/12) - Flint Emergency Mike Brown has outlined, to city council members, what he says are the city's "major issues."

Brown's update came during the first council meeting since he was appointed by Governor Rick Snyder December 1.

This follows Brown submitting his 12 page, 45 day plan for Flint to the state last month.

Brown hit on all the hot topics including deficits, revenues, grants, labor contracts, that water pipeline and of course public safety.

Also included, a few heated moments during public comment and an unusual request from the Flint Firefighters Union President Trent Farnsworth.

He wants his members pink slipped.

"It would save my members jobs, actually, in the long run," Farnsworth said.

Farnsworth wants a 90 - 120 day layoff notice for 37 members starting Monday in order for the city to be able to renew its federal SAFER grant.

It expires the first week of June and the application process is underway.

The grant funds nearly 40 positions.

"They have to act on it. They have 11 days," Farnsworth said.

"It would only be applicable if we have some members in a pending layoff situation."

"We are pursuing, with the fire department, a new round of SAFER grants," Brown said, during his statement to council.

But Brown declined comment on potential pink slips saying there is labor counsel reviewing collective bargaining contracts.

Brown did talk taxes anticipating lower property assessments for residents with a projected 20% hit or $4 million dollar decrease in revenue.

"That's where we talk about public safety and service," Brown said.

During public comment, when Brown was sitting among audience members, resident Herbert Cleaves tuned right around and addressed him even calling some of his staff "poverty pimps."

"There's money missing all over this city and you come down here and tell us to our face what you're doing?"

"What about us," Cleaves asked.

Council members expressed frustration too.

"I'm not privileged to a lot of what's going on," said councilman Bernard Lawler.

Showing 2 comments


Like Brown dislike his cadre Herman, Shaltz,Ridgeway and Snyder.Brown said unprompted He will recommend charter changes.Not revision, not election of a Citizens Charter Commission,. My guess the same ones promoted by Walling/Herman last year. Kill off the Citizens voice the Flint Ombudsman by taking it out of the Charter. Sign the petiton to elect a citizens charter commission. Elect a charter commission 9 of us. recommend charter changes. Vote to adopt charter changes. Live Happily ever after. My suggestion for charter change; city manager,five unpaid per diem only council people to 2 year terms. Keep Ombudsman and enhance powers:1. elect two year renewable terms 2. pay 2/3 city manager or equal to city clerk ,greatEr one.3. allow ombudsman to court mandamus action re; charter compliance. Qualifications; lawyer, prior expierence,Flint Born, over 60 yrs old...lol..we can re think OMBUD

7 hours ago

"There's money missing all over this city and you come down here and tell us to our face what you're doing?" "What about us," Cleaves asked." I guess Mr. Cleaves would rather continue to be lied to, like the city council has been doing all along? Give the man a chance to do his job.
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:02 am 
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El Supremo

Mike Brown gives first update to Flint City Council since taking over as Emergency Manager

Financial Manager Mike Brown addresses the City Council Monday night. / Mike Sanford

FLINT -- Flint Emergency Manager Mike Brown called a meeting of the Flint City Council Monday night, just over two months after temporarily disbanding the council in one of his first acts. The council had no official business to attend to and no votes were taken. Instead, Brown used the meeting as an opportunity to give members a progress report, set his agenda for the coming weeks, and give the public a chance to speak.

Brown said that since taking over the city has shaved $600 thousand dollars from its 2012 budget, with additional savings from cuts expected down the line, including a potential $1 million dollar savings on retirement benefits. He outlined what he calls his "45 day plan", setting goals for the city to address a series of infrastructure, financial and law enforcement issues in the next 45 days.

Brown hit an optimistic tone during the meeting, but told NBC25 the trouble is far from over. "We're a long way from solvency in this city, and there's a lot of pain ahead of us," said Brown.

One of the other issues brought up by members of the council was Flint's ongoing water debate. Brown says an audit of the city's water situation will be completed in the next 30 days. He also says the city will "find the resources" to re-open the city lockup, but not immediately.

Brown spoke at length about grants he is working to secure to help the city close its budget hole, both federal and state, but he seems to have his eye on a large portion of the $400 million dollar expected state surplus. Brown says once the the imbalance between spending and revenue is stabilized the city can work on things like the lockup, restoring blight elimination programs, and securing additional federal funds for ongoing demolition of abandoned homes. He says his goal is to get done and get out as soon as possible.

"My job is to get this back in your hands as quickly as possible," said Brown.
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:09 am 
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What is the story on the towing contract ? Was there an Ombudsmans report on this ? If so who has a copy ?
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:52 am 
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Dave Starr

"My job is to get this back in your hands as quickly as possible," said Brown.

Hand it back to the same people that got us in this mess.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:05 pm 
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El Supremo

What is the story on the towing contract ? Was there an Ombudsmans report on this ? If so who has a copy ?

Bobby Johnson filed the complaint and he has a copy. If you want i can leave you a copy somewhere.
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:34 pm 
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El Supremo

Angry Flint residents speak out against emergency manager at council meeting
Published: Monday, February 13, 2012, 9:37 PM Updated: Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 7:45 AM

By Kristin Longley | klongley1@mlive.com

FLINT, Michigan -- Several angry residents spoke out against Flint's emergency manager tonight at the first council meeting that has been held since the state takeover of Flint began Dec. 1.

"I hate the idea of an emergency manager," Flint resident Nayyirah Shariff said. "We have someone far removed, Gov. Snyder, who looks at our city and says we are an impoverished city. But impoverished because of policies they help perpetuate."

The council meeting lasted nearly three hours, much of it dominated by comments from members of the public.

Several residents said they feel their voices aren't being heard since Snyder appointed emergency manager Michael Brown to take over the city, removing the authority of the elected mayor and city council.

Flint resident Herb Cleaves called for members of the public to fill the Flint City Council chambers to make a statement.

"There's going to be civil disobedience in this community," Cleaves said. "I'm not going to take it."

City Councilman Bernard Lawler also expressed concerns about a lack of transparency as Brown makes important decisions about city operations and the budget.

"I just think it’s really important that I, as a member of council, be a part of those critical discussions," he said. "Information is not being shared with all members of this council."

Brown, who has faced similar comments from the public at his ongoing community meetings, said he expected a level of frustration from residents who care about the city.

"They want answers to key issues," he said. "They reflected the frustration that's out in the community."

Brown previously has defended the emergency manager law, saying he believes communities in emergency financial situations need a mechanism to get their fiscal house in order.
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:40 pm 
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El Supremo

Flint firefighters union president: 'I want my members pink slipped' to win grant

Published: Monday, February 13, 2012, 8:39 PM Updated: Monday, February 13, 2012, 9:51 PM

By Kristin Longley | klongley1@mlive.com

FLINT, Michigan -- Flint firefighters union President Trent Farnsworth had an unusual request tonight for emergency manager Michael Brown: He demanded the city pink slip dozens of firefighters by Monday.

Farnsworth doesn't want the employees to actually lose their jobs, but said the move would help the city win renewal of its federal grant that currently pays for about 39 firefighters.

Without a renewal, the $6.7 million grant ends at the end of May.

"I'm the first president to present the laying off of members," Farnsworth told the Flint City Council at its meeting tonight. "I want my members presented pink slips."

A clause in the federal SAFER grant calls for the city's firefighters to be in a "pending layoff situation" in order to get the grant renewed, he said.

He asked that the layoffs have a notification period of 90 to 120 days before they take effect so the fire employees won't lose their jobs.

Farnsworth said the city cannot run the fire department with only 46 members.

"It cannot happen," he said. "We can barely do it now. It's logistically impossible."

The emergency manager told council members at the start of their meeting that the city intends to apply for a renewal of the federal grant.

Farnsworth said the application is due Feb. 24.

"The clock is ticking," he said. "Now's the time to act."
Post Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:47 pm 
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