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Topic: Brown races out of 2nd Ward meeting

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El Supremo

Jackie Poplar read her prepared statements in that ridiculous falsetto speech pattern that made it sound like she was reading to children. Mike Brown proceeded with his same spiel that he gave to council about the challenges he was facing.

While he was there with a huge contingent of staff, he was still unprepared to answer a number of questions and that outraged a number of residents. It was readily apparent that he was intimidated by some of the activists like Herb Cleaves and Sam Sutton. There was allegedly a 2 minute limit on speech but Brown meekly let Cleaves and Sutton as well as some other residents run all over that rule.

As soon as the 90 minutes was up Brown gave the mic to Poplar and motioned for the Police Chief to escort him and he almost ran to his car and sped off. There were still three individuals who had not had the opportunity to speak. I guess the older Black woman who was preaching to him and really didn't need a mic was the last straw. She was still preaching when he left.

One resident lashed out at mayor Dayne Walling for telling some residents the meeting was not for certain topics. You are a big part of the reason we are in this mess she yelled at Walling. She was also upset at Duane Miller who was motioning for people to wrap it up.

Transparency again was one of the biggest problems. Cleaves told Brown he had people on committees and staff who did not know what they were doing. "We have a right to know what is going on" he said referring to the closed advisory meetings.

Cleaves once again referenced the two Black County Commissioners, Sims and Clack, and derogatorially said they were "told to shut up and sit down".

Sutton brought up the racial component of Flint as being 65 to 70 % Black and yet Flint had a "white Council President, a white Mayor and a white Emergency Manager". He alleged Croft had no knowledge of the infrastructure and had no right to be making decisions of that nature.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:43 pm 
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El Supremo

Conflicts of Interest were brought up several times. Brown had given $30,000 to the Regional Chamber of Commerce from the General Fund and another $15,000 from the CDBG federal funding from HUD. Brown had recently served in a leadership capacity for the Chamber of Commerce and Duane Miller, a current executive for the Chamber, is on Brown's 5 member advisory board. Brown alleged the Chamber is a sole source agency for economic development to justify his giving money to the chamber.

Although council and the mayor were implicated in an Ombudsman report over possible bribery actions in connection with the awarding of the Complete Towing contract, Brown angrily told a resident he would not have them investigated.

After City Attorney Peter Bade told residents he had thrown away all of the Ombudsman open complaints at the council meeting, Brown stated he ordered the Law Department to review them and they were in the Law Dept. Bade Can't have it both ways-he can't throw them away and still have them.

Brown insisted he is not violating the Open Meetings Act by keeping his advisory meetings closed. This was a sore spot with many residents.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:53 pm 
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El Supremo

The greatest anger expressed by the residents was over water rates. Brown should have had the answers but he seemed to intimadated to respond with any authority. Despite all of his staff present, he had no one who could respond with any authority.

All he had to do was refer to the Financial review report where many of the answers to the questions were addressed. Instead he gave a weak front and was repeatedly heckled from the audience. His inability to respond only allowed the audience to get more out of control.

Many of the comments on the Karegondi Water Pipeline were wrong and Brown was unable to refute them.
Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:03 pm 
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You have a lot of information. I was wondering if this is your web site(flint talk.com)

Keep up the good work!
Post Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:30 am 
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I'd like to see some Video of this "meeting" for comedic value if nothing else.
Post Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:52 am 
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El Supremo

Outraged crowd confronts Flint emergency manager at community meeting

Published: Thursday, February 16, 2012, 9:00 PM Updated: Thursday, February 16, 2012, 9:31 PM

By Kristin Longley | klongley1@mlive.com

Enlarge Sean Work Sean Work | The Flint Journal Flint emergency manager Michael Brown has a tense exchange with Flint resident Herbert Cleaves, 68, of the fifth ward, during a community outreach meeting at the Haskell Community Center in Flint, Mich. on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012. Flint emergency manager community outreach meeting at Haskell Community Center. gallery (5 photos)

FLINT, Michigan -- Tensions were high tonight at the emergency manager's fourth public community forum.

A group of Flint residents angry about the state takeover of the city voiced their concerns about having an emergency manager in control of city operations.

Residents also spoke out against a potential water rate increase and expressed apprehension about Flint signing on to the regional Karegnondi Water Authority's proposal to build a water pipeline to Genesee County from Lake Huron.

Emergency manager Michael Brown kicked off the community forum, held at the Haskell Community Center, by outlining some of the city's deepest challenges.

Brown said the city has a $9 million deficit in the general fund, compounded by deficits in other portions of the budget, such as the golf fund, parks and waste collection, he said.

"It's going to be a while before we get back," he said. "We’re going to have to learn to live with less. It’s a major challenge we’re facing."

He said the city is pursuing federal grants for public safety, including funds for community policing and to maintain the number of firefighters in the community.

The city is also exploring other options for running the city's golf courses and community centers, he said, including nonprofit agencies or the private sector.

As he's said in previous forums, Brown said his administration is examining its labor union contracts. The public safety contracts make up a large portion of the budget, he said.

"If we’re going to address this $11- to $12-million deficit, we’ve got to look at how much it's costing us," he said.

Brown also outlined some of the city's upcoming projects, including the possibility of upgrading the water plant in order to process Flint River water for residents, at least temporarily.

The crowd of about 75 people wasn't as large as previous forums, but it was more outspoken.

Flint resident Herb Cleaves, who has attended many of the community forums and is against the city having an emergency manager, said Flint has more serious problems to deal with than water. He also said Flint residents should have more input.

"I want to see our community rebuilt," he said. "You don't do what you're doing the way you're doing it. This is wrong. We have a right to know what's going on. You're keeping us out."

Flint resident Sally Haywood-Leonard questioned Brown about what became of a $1.2 million grant from the C.S. Mott Foundation for hiring or rehiring six police officers. The grant was announced in June.

Police Chief Alvern Lock responded by saying the city filled positions that were open due to retirements, but hasn't yet rehired additional officers.

"We are in the process of looking at hiring officers now," he said.

Other residents spoke up about Brown reinstating partial salaries for city council members and the mayor, whose official roles are diminished under the emergency manager law.

Brown responded by saying he is still involving the city's elected officials in city operations.

After the meeting, Brown said he welcomes the feedback from the community.

"Yes, there's some vocal people there. There also have been some really good questions by citizens and great concern," he said. "I think the process is good, it's important for us to do it and it won't be the last time.

"We’ve got a lot on our plate to get done in the next couple months."
Post Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:35 am 
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El Supremo


ic23b February 17, 2012 at 12:05AM

Do these people really want Flint to continue with "business as usual" with the administrators bankrupting the city? The sad thing is that when or if the emergency manager gets the city out of the deficit, he will have to turn it over to the same administrators to do it all over again.

patclawson February 17, 2012 at 2:02AM

I will take Herb Cleaves and his complaints about the Emergency Financial Manager seriously only when he starts paying his own taxes.

Five years ago, I reported in The Uncommon Sense that Cleaves was a serious tax deadbeat when he was running for re-election to the Flint school board. His financial status hasn't changed since then - and it's actually gotten worse.

A quick check of the Genesee County Register of Deeds shows that he currently has six (6) recorded federal tax liens totaling $139,405.71. The most recent was filed on 6/28/10 in the amount of $12,859.56. The oldest dates back to 4/20/89 in the amount of $5,814.39.

It's precisely because of chronic mismanagement of civic institutions by community leaders like Cleaves and his ilk that the City of Flint government is now in the hands of an Emergency Financial Manager. If our so-called "leaders" can't competently manage their own personal finances, is it any wonder that they have run the ship of government aground?

Herb, I suggest that you get off of Mike Brown's case and be a good citizen - go pay your taxes like the rest of us do.

Pat Clawson
Swartz Creek, MI

tdimhcs February 17, 2012 at 3:33AM

Great point Pat!

Herb, you have to admit he has a point!

fireatwill February 17, 2012 at 4:12AM

Why do they still let Herbert into these meetings? He just wants to be the voice of Flint. The guy has never did anything but live off the over rated career of his son. Some of the residents just want to complain, they have no positive input just like to complain.

60ish February 17, 2012 at 7:03AM

The squeeky gear gets the greese. The greese gun is empty Herb. Duh

James_Harvey_80 February 17, 2012 at 7:04AM

Seriously they want to raise water rates AGAIN? Look I bought a house in Flint two years ago why water bill was around $35 a month. I am not using any more water than before only two adults in my house and now its around $80 a month. It has already more than doubled in two years. Whats next $100 a month? $150 a month? $200 a month? You cannot raise water rates again. Ill board this house up and move. We already have no police cannot even leave the house without it being broken into. No more water rate increases!
Post Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:44 am 
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El Supremo

Terry Bankert Sally Haywood up.She us asking about cops grantt and asks why officers s were not. Brought back.Ckief Lock says the officer's are being. Bought back
14 hours ago · Like

Sally Haywood-leonard- Lock first said he replaced the retired officers; then said Cops officers had the same numbers (as when?) and then he said he was in the process of rehiring. Confusing answer.
11 hours ago · Like

He also said the grant was filled.
Post Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:52 am 
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El Supremo

This was a department of justice grant for $1.2 million and the City had the option of rehiring post grant officers that were to be laid off. reliable sources say the grant was received and never implemented. Lock did not see the question coming and stuttered through an answer. His response was all over he place. He obviously tried to clean it up for the reporter.

Terry bankert ws on facebook with a blow by blow description. He described the unruly nature of the crowd and said things were not going well.
Post Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 am 
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