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El Supremo

Brown has been asked many times why he has not initiated an investigation into the alleged illegal acts committed by the Walling administration. At the 6th ward meeting with Brown former CNN reporter Pat Clawson came forward again to demand an investigation. Again Brown had no answer.

I have been asked to help with a recall of walling as soon as the six months is up. I have also been asked to help find a way to initiate an investigation without Brown. angry citizens are saying get rid of Walling and deal with his co conpirators any way you can.
Post Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:37 pm 
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El Supremo

This was posted on M-Live today:

mr_db March 23, 2012 at 8:29PM


are you serious? I retired from the city, our benefits when we working were not that good, our premiums were higher than most folks, you for some reason have this hatred towards unions and the mess the city is in is not the unions falut. It started by walling, eason and poplar, bewteen poplar and eason, they hired all their friends, familes church members, knowing the city couldnt afford them!!!! They would abuse certain city resources (i.e. repalacing sidewalks in front of houses that didnt need it, and paving roads that were paved about 5 years ago and didnt need it) They would squeeze those extra jobs in when they were not budgeted in. Well, guess what that money is coming somewhere for these extra projects. Or howabout buying new and extra computers. Know your facts before coming on here and thinking you are the expert. also define the Cadillac benefits that we recevied please?
Post Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:00 am 
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I have also been ask to start a recall Walling effort as soon as his six^ months is up. We will make sure we have enouph signers this time. They wont be able to come up with enouph phoney reasons to eliminate them like "you signed twice so that dont count" or "that dont look like your voter registration card so it dont count either" Everyone I talk to says Walling is not smart enouph {book learning dont count}you still need common sense, some logic and experience to manage Flint. I think Walling also lacks methodology or he wouldn't make such foolish decisions. We will win this time.
Post Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:33 pm 
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Have any recalls been filed yet?

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Tue May 08, 2012 4:09 pm 
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El Supremo

The six months from his election has just passed and a recall can begin now.
Post Tue May 08, 2012 6:27 pm 
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El Supremo

The language for the proposed recall is being refined so hopefully it will go through the first time. The effort will start shortly. The city can't afford to have Walling back in power when Brown leaves.
Post Thu May 10, 2012 7:53 am 
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