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Just wondering if their are any plans to change the name of Flint Talk to Untanglingwebs talk?

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:33 am 
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El Supremo

People tell me they re afraid to post, because they are afraid that they will be recognized. It is a shame that the backlash on someone expressing their views can prevent that expression.

But just anyone read M-Live and see the haters there and it is understandable why they fear.
Post Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:54 am 
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Just messing with you. Wink

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:15 am 
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El Supremo

It bothers me that others don't comment and it saddens me when they tell me they are afraid!
Post Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:35 am 
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I agree. I often comment on Mlive and go against the constant leftist dribble that makes up the majority of columnists and posters.

I had some clown just the other day telling me he was going to contact the secret service because I dared to question and disagree with the comments and actions put forth by barry obama. Another said he hoped I was brought up on hate speech charges for pointing out the race baiters like sharpton and the new Black Panthers in the trayvon incident.

Screw em-- if someone has an opinon based on fact they should speak up.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:53 am 
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Is Zimmerman being railroaded ? Is there a voiceprint comparing Zimmerman,Trayvon and the screamer on the 911 tapes ?If so what does it show,if not,why not? The cropped audio and outdated photos I find rather malodorous.I hope that the truth,whatever it is comes to light.It's looking rather dark for now.
Post Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:28 am 
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El Supremo

I don't believe Zimmerman is being railroaded. I was watching some attorneys discuss the issue. Their point was how in most states if you initiate a contact or incident, then you cannot claim self defense.

We will probably never know if Trayvon was afraid although his conversation on the phone might suggest he was. Was Trayvon trying to defend himself in a situation in which he felt intimidated? Many questions exist and as zimmerman's attorney stated too much of this case has been put out into the community.

Zimmerman's family and friends did him a disservice when they kept going on television, sometimes with competing stories. I am sure the 911 tapes were evaluated by specialists for the prosecution. The media brought in two different specialist who performed an analysis on the tapes and both said the cries for help were not Zimmerman.

I thought it was disgusting when someone posted photos from another Trayvon Martin, a gangbanger from Georgia, and misrepresented them as the murdered young man.
Post Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:31 pm 
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El Supremo

twotap schreef:
I agree. I often comment on Mlive and go against the constant leftist dribble that makes up the majority of columnists and posters.

I had some clown just the other day telling me he was going to contact the secret service because I dared to question and disagree with the comments and actions put forth by barry obama. Another said he hoped I was brought up on hate speech charges for pointing out the race baiters like sharpton and the new Black Panthers in the trayvon incident.

Screw em-- if someone has an opinon based on fact they should speak up.

I may not always agree with you, but I respect your right to hold what ever beliefs you have.

I don't agree with the KU Klux Klan, but the courts have ruled they have a right to assemble. No one has the right to threaten you as long as you are not threatening a violent act.

Both sides have gone too far in the Trayvon issue and Zimmerman's attorney was right when he said the issue should not be fought in the media.
Post Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:14 pm 
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