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Topic: Gleason to run for Genesee County Clerk?

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El Supremo

For weeks I have been hearing that the UAW and certain Democratic groups did not want gleason to run against Dan Kildee for Dale Kildee's seat . Gleason is known as being a fierce campaigner and a hard worker when he runs for office.

Now the word is these groups have tried to protect Kildee by promising Gleason the position of County Clerk. Allegations swirl these groups want Carr to step down to facillitate this move.

I can see how this might appeal to Gleason, who has a young family. He could stay local and spend more time with his family. dan Kildee's family is basically grown and he knws Washington DC well.

Quite frankly, i am sick of politicians making agreements, sometimes long range, to decide who is going to run for what political position. Obviously term limits only makes for political pandering.

The UAW was once a political force to be reckoned with, but that day is waning. The Democrats need to just let the best man win.

So tell me what you think about politics and the players behind the scenes who make deals for their buddies.
Post Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:04 pm 
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El Supremo

What a great honor. Thanks to all that worked so hard over the past many years to make our campaigns succeed. My old friend Mike Carr is stepping down as our county clerk. He had murmured for a few months that he was near the end of serving. He has been our clerk almost 30 years. If you know Mike, you like him a great deal. And I do. This will be a very trying year. Genesee County will combine the Register of Deeds with the County Clerk office. I have been given the honor of representing the democratic ticket this November as the candidate for clerk- deeds. It will be quite different to not have Mike in this office. However, I will do my best to assemble a talented and high flying office as I have in the Michigan House and Senate. You, the citizens will be given the top of the line service and effort. I know you have noticed the work our office has produced for you in Lansing. My staff is the best and have a lot of pride and fun while working. Thanks to Mike Carr for many years and to you who made this nomination possible. Gracious
Post Sat May 19, 2012 7:35 pm 
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El Supremo

Gleason mum on filing for Genesee County clerk-register of deeds job

Published: Monday, May 14, 2012, 5:28 PM Updated: Monday, May 14, 2012, 5:29 PM

By Ron Fonger | RFONGER1@mlive.com

GENESEE COUNTY, MI -- Interested in what could shape up as the most interesting electoral race in the county this summer?

State Sen. John Gleason is keeping political junkies in limbo for the details -- at least until Tuesday's filing deadline.

John Gleason

Gleason, a Flushing Democrat, filed to run for county clerk-register of deeds Friday, according to county records.

Contacted by The Flint Journal later Friday, he denied having filed for the position but did not rule out a campaign to unseat fellow Democrat and Clerk Michael J. Carr.

Gleason would not comment on the filing today, saying he would wait until Tuesday to speak about the possible campaign.

Carr said today that he's being encouraged not to give up the seat and believes he can defeat Gleason.

The two men have been involved in county politics for decades, and neither has lost an election.

Candidates for this year's election have until 4 p.m. Tuesday to file for office and until Friday to withdraw.

Ron Fonger can be reached at 810-347-9963. You can also follow him on Twitter @ronfonger or subscribe on Facebook.
Post Sat May 19, 2012 7:40 pm 
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El Supremo

Home > Flint News

Genesee County Register of Deeds Rose Bogardus said she didn't expect Clerk Michael Carr to withdraw, would have stayed in the race

Published: Friday, May 18, 2012, 5:25 PM Updated: Friday, May 18, 2012, 5:27 PM

By Blake Thorne | bthorne1@mlive.com

GENESEE COUNTY, MI -- County Register of Deeds Rose Bogardus said she would not have withdrawn her bid to run for county clerk had she known Clerk Michael Carr was also planning to withdraw, leaving state Sen. John Gleason to take the August primary by default.

"I thought he (Carr) was still in the race and I didn't want to run against him," Bogardus said. "Originally I thought I would split up the vote and help him."

Rose Bogardus

Had she known Carr was planning to withdraw, Bogardus said she would have stayed in and ran against Gleason.

Bogardus said she thinks she could have beat Gleason.

"I would have stayed in," she said.

The offices of clerk and register are being combined after this year and Bogardus has said previously that she had no plan to seek the job.

The former county commissioner and state representative had said she couldn't walk away after seeing state Sen. John Gleason file for the job last week.

"The thought of John Gleason running that office" convinced her to run and called the state senator from Flushing "not the person I want running that office," she said after filing.

Blake Thorne covers K-12 schools and higher education for The Flint Journal. Contact him at bthorne1@mlive.com or 810-347-8194

undrkvr May 18, 2012 at 8:34PM

You have got to be strokin' me. What kind of smokey backroom deal is this. Gleason didn't know anything about filing for the position and suddenly he is going to be all alone on the ballot. Gleason is a do-nothing politician. Mickey Mouse could do a better job than he does. Ain't that right, "My brother."

shar580 May 18, 2012 at 9:50PM

The circus must be in town again!! Gleason is no better than the rest ....... they are making a mockery of this public position.

tigerguy24 May 19, 2012 at 1:39PM

Could it be that Rosie just got scammed by Mike and John? Seems pretty likely that Carr. and Gleason worked this out to get Bogardus out of the picture and to find a job for Gleason who couldn't run for another term in the Senate. John always finds employment when he gets term limited. Make no mistake about it....this is just an employment plan for Gleason...had nothing to do with ability to do the Clerk-Register job. These career pol's are always looking out for themselves in the name of "public service". These jobs pay well for no experience. Dave Robertson did it...Deb Cherry did it. They just can't find easy jobs like this in the private for $100,000.

wayover50 May 19, 2012 at 8:29PM

No argument as to what's being said in reference to village idiots Bogardus and Gleason. But the real problem has been and remains UAW spoon fed democrat voters in Genesee County who keep electing these half wits to public office again and again and again, then gripe about the results, then vote them back into office.
Post Sat May 19, 2012 7:48 pm 
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El Supremo

After 27 years as county clerk, Michael Carr says he will retire, not running in August primary

Published: Friday, May 18, 2012, 4:56 PM Updated: Friday, May 18, 2012, 5:01 PM

By Blake Thorne | bthorne1@mlive.com

GENESEE COUNTY, MI -- Genesee County Clerk Michael Carr today withdrew his bid to run for re-election in August's primary and says he will retire after 27 years in the position.

Carr, 76, was first elected to the seat in 1976 and served from 1977-1983. He went on to serve at the state's lottery commissioner for eight years and went to Louisiana to start the state's lottery system.

Carr, who has never lost an election, has held the clerk's job since returning to Michigan and regaining it in 1993.

"It all came down to the fact that I've been around a long time," Carr said. "It may be time to move on and have someone else take over."

State Sen. John Gleason and County Register of Deeds Rose Bogardus had filed to challenge Carr in August's democratic primary.

Carr said Bogardus also withdrew her nomination, leaving Gleason the primary win by default.

He will face the lone Republican, Michael J. Stikovich of the Davison area.

Gleason is term-limited from seeking re-election to the state Senate again.

"It was a case of looking at it and thinking, do I want to go out and try to raise money? I've always found that distasteful," Carr said of the decision to retire.

Carr said he has a better idea for his campaign fund.

"I have told (my sister) if I was unopposed or didn't run I would give St. Michael's Catholic Charities what was left of my campaign (fund). They'll make out will $1,500, that's all I had."

Gleason could not immediately be reached for comment.

Carr says he's looking forward to spending retirement with his grandchildren, maybe play some golf, spend winters in Arizona.

"I've been there a long time," he said of the clerk's job. "I've signed thousands and thousands of birth certificates and marriage licenses."
Post Sat May 19, 2012 7:59 pm 
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El Supremo

Terry_Bankert May 19, 2012 at 6:23AM

I respect Mike Carr . Carr is and has been the best public administrator in Genesee County. This inside manipulation by others stinks. Why are we handing this job to Gleason without a voter contest? Each community in Genesee County has been denied the opportunity to say hey our guy or gal should run the elections in Genesee County. Insiders are protecting each other from term limits. Could it be Gleason was talked out of a run for Congress to coast through a career end game in the County Clerks office? John I like you, this is not aimed at you but at the process. The democrats involved should be ashamed.Why on a variety of fronts are the voters being shut out of political decision making? Why is this any different than the voters of Flint being shut out by an emergency manager? How would you describe the smell?

Davret May 19, 2012 at 6:42AM

What about the commissioners incompetence appointing Fred Shaltz to the vacant positon in the 6th distirct and not have a democrat lined up to run for the position. The same thing is happening there, no contest. Lifelong democrat here who will be voting for my first republican in the clerks race. It is not because of the antics of Mike Carr and Rose Bogardus, I would never vote for John Gleason for any position. Such a shame he is being handed this job.

StMatts May 19, 2012 at 8:29AM
Genesee County is losing the finest public officials that has ever served the people of this county. Mike can be described with words like honesty, integrity and grace. We have been very lucky to have had him as a leader in county government. Others may take the job, but no one will ever be able to replace him. Thank you Mike.

JohnofGB May 19, 2012 at 10:09AM

Michael Carr, do not do this to us. The voters are left the choice of "bad" and "worse".

numero407 May 19, 2012 at 2:04PM

Antics like these are why Genesee County cannot move forward.
Post Sat May 19, 2012 8:05 pm 
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El Supremo

Was Rose Bogardus playing a game when she threw her name in the hat? I am told that she and her husband have bought a home in Lapeer County and they are remodeling to move there. She would not have been eligible.
Post Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:42 pm 
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El Supremo

I spoke to Mike Carr and I agree with him that he made the right decision for him. It is a hard decision and Carr worries about some of his staff. "I have a great staff and they have made me look good over the years", said carr.

Carr would be 80 when the next term was over.

Carr hates fundraising and Gleason will have a sizable war chest.

Family means a great deal to Carr. Carr spends much of his free time in the summer with his grandchildren. He golfs as much as he can with his one grandson,who has won many awards and Carr continues to support him in his endeavors. A prolonged summer race means he could not encourage his grandson in improving his golf and possibly getting a future golf scholarship.

While Carr doesn't admit it, he appears somewhat angry at the UAW interference in the election process.
Post Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:38 am 
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