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Topic: Summer Programs coming too late?

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El Supremo

Gov. Rick Snyder's 2013 summer jobs program for Flint is under construction

Published: Monday, June 04, 2012, 6:00 PM Updated: Monday, June 04, 2012, 6:12 PM

By Ron Fonger | RFONGER1@mlive.com

FLINT, MI -- Youth picked for Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's summer jobs programs in Flint, Detroit, Pontiac and Saginaw should plan on getting their hands dirty.

A state Department of Natural Resources spokesman said today that those at-risk students picked for the jobs will likely work at tasks like removing invasive plants, habitat improvement, tree planting and park maintenance.

Ed Golder, a spokesman for the DNR, said the program is still under development and is expected to be operated through existing organizations in each of the four target communities.

Funding for the program is coming too late in the year for the jobs program to start this summer.

"We're looking at a population of youngsters at-risk of incarceration," Golder said, but other factors will also be considered in selecting students for the jobs.

The program is built on the idea that some youth who are chosen for the DNR program will consider parks or forestry careers.

Snyder got part but not all -- $3 million instead of $5 million -- of what he wanted for a summer jobs program in the budget for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.

In March, while addressing crime issues in Flint, the governor called for increased opportunities and programs to help young people avoid a life of crime in the four cities .

Snyder carried that vow forward during budget talks, getting some of the jobs money and other public safety initiatives like $15 million extra in the state police budget to run two new trooper schools.

He also got nearly $5 million to provide additional jail space in cities with high crime areas like Flint and $2.8 million to help with patrols and investigations in the four targeted cities.

(Ron Fonger can be reached at 810-347-9963. You can also follow him on Twitter @ronfonger or subscribe on Facebook. Information from The Associated Press is included in this report.
Post Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:48 am 
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El Supremo

Three million among four cities is not a lot of money. training materials need to be created and supervisors hired. I am not sure what the criteria will be, but I suspect that the students would need at least some biology and possible chemistry classes. The competition will be strong.

In the meantime, this years summer threatens to be a bloodbath.
Post Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:52 am 
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I think Snyder got about a $900mil increase in our state budget. I guess the film industry is more important than children although I'd have probably cut $900mil instead of adding it.

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:37 pm 
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El Supremo

There are a lot of good kids that desperately want summer jobs. These kids save the money they make and buy school clothes.etc. Most of these kids value their employment and they learn good skills they will need to make it in the real employment world.

I worked as a summer youth supervisor and I met some wonderful kids that the program really made a difference for. I read the negative comments in M-Live and other sites that treat all low income kids as throw aways.

I assume this program is looking for youth interested in the sciences. I have seen in the media where young people have conducted water quality and other studies. Society needs young people involved in protecting the environment and preserving nature. This sounds like a program that will teach relevant skills and is not just something for them to make a few bucks.

What is important is for the community to find out just how these participants will be selected? What does at-risk mean to those selecting the participants? Are they only selecting youth that have been identified as being involved in criminal behavior? Is there already a model in place or are the creators of this program building a new program?

Sadly it seems the federal and local funding for summer jobs have dried up. I know students home for the summer from college that are unable to find jobs.
Post Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:45 pm 
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I think they're hiring to do petitions. About $1 a signature.
Post Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:02 pm 
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