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Topic: Brown's words said it all-EM Act is it really in limbo

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El Supremo

Future of Flint emergency manager in limbo after court orders Public Act 4 referendum on ballot

Published: Thursday, June 14, 2012, 8:21 PM Updated: Thursday, June 14, 2012, 11:04 PM

By Kristin Longley | klongley1@mlive.com

FLINT, MI -- A group of Genesee County activists who oppose the emergency manager law are "ecstatic" a referendum of Public Act 4 appears headed for the ballot in November.

"We're excited and we're happy that our work was not in vain," said Bishop Bernadel Jefferson, who helped circulate petitions to get the issue on the ballot. "Now the people's voice can be heard."

The Michigan Court of Appeals today declined to convene a special panel to debate a previous case on the font size of petition wording, meaning a court ruling putting the Public Act 4 referendum on the ballot will stand.

The petitions had not yet been certified for the ballot by the Board of Canvassers as of this afternoon. Once the petitions are certified, the attorney general's office has said Public Act 4 would be suspended and would revert to its previous version, Public Act 72.

Jefferson said members of Stand Up for Democracy, the statewide coalition behind the referendum, will be working to educate voters ahead of the general election.

"I'm elated," she said. "Our next step is to make sure the people will make it to the ballot. This was the first step now they have to vote."

Kristin Longley can be reached at 810-429-5333. You can also follow her on Twitter @KristinLongley or subscribe on Facebook.


Emergency financial manager=Bain Capital=gut the place.



Another chance for the voters to use DEMOCRACY to overturn..........


jaymej13, trebor and Aqua Buddah like this.


I think you may get exactly what you're looking for...........a nice bankrupcty judge.


Is that judge a Dictator?
Is that judge a Tyrant?
is that judge a political criminal?
Is that judge well funded to continue his tyranny and dictatorship?

Because Rick Snyder IS.

If the voters use Democracy....thats how it is.
If the Governor uses tyranny...then its time to flee the DICTATOR.

I would NEVER use tyranny and dictatorship as an avenue for a better Michigan.....but i am sure that NORTH KOREA would.

So if you want your voice and vote negated by Rick Snyder....i suggest you visit some Third World Country for a view of the future in Michigan.

We curse the TALIBAN....but some people support the Michigan Republican Taliban.

Give me democracy....give me a chance to vote.....


jaymej13 likes this.

Aqua Buddah

Hmmm. Hitler-lite, or bankruptcy...? Gee, that's a hard decision


Who selected this renob? An addition 65 bucks for streetlights? For what ?????????????????? Turn them out. Most of the people left in that sad place are unable to get out so they are bleeding them dry to try to recoup. Bassackwards. Last one out ...oh nevermind...


See Free Press article: http://www.freep.com/article/20120614/NEWS06/120614034/Backers-emergency-manager-law-repeal-vote-win-round-Michigan-Appeals-Court
Emergeny managers have wide support compared to city councils or bankruptcy in city's with EM's. Put it on the ballot - we will keep PA 4!!


I don't believe the things Mike Brown has done so far can be undone. Reverting back to Public Act 72 only changes what he was trying to do from now on - such as the lighting fees, increased water fees and outsourcing everything under the sun.

Jenn_May_870 and lilyvonshtupp00 like this.


This is very bad news for Flint. We need Mr. borwn and PA4. Too bad. Perhaps the Supreme Court will rule in favor of keeping it off the ballot.


So, if Act 4 is suspended what happens to things Brown ordered changed, such as opening union contracts and forcing pay cuts, health care costs, etc? The old EFM law didn't give him the power to make those type of changes.

Jenn_May_870 likes this

Kristin Longley | klongley1@mlive.com

That's a great question, and I think it's going to be one that comes up often as this issue works its way through the courts.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:57 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:50 am 
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El Supremo

Through his mouthpiece Brown states he will continue his work that he has coordinated with Governor Snyder.

The Republican Board of Canvassers and the Republican Court did their job in stalling the issue long enough for Brown to decimate this City.

Once the garbage trucks are sold, you can't undo the privitization.

Once the fees for the street lights are in effect on the summer taxes the first of July, where do you go. When Brown is EFM again, which Snyder will do, the issue may be moot unless Snyder wins the EM issue at the polls in November. Remember the legislature is attempting voter suppression so Snyder can ram this down our throats.

If Snyder fails to get his EM bill reinstated, the issue of this fee being rquired by charter becomes relevant. Did bade think no one would look at the law he cited?

We must act on getting rid of the corrupt Walling administration before he can return to power.
Post Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:58 am 
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El Supremo

Brown must have told the county he will support their efforts to increase the brownfield. Don't forget if the county and the land bank have an area as a brownfield and it is sold they keep the taxes for over 20 years. They now want parts of Smith Village as a brownfield. The land bank is a partner with MSHDA and Flint in Smith VillageAfter the city, state and federal government has invested millions, the county wants to come along and claim the taxes of some propertiesfor 30 years.. WHAT TOTAL BS!
Post Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:02 am 
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El Supremo

A group of us were talking recently about surprising changes we have seen in some neighborhoods. Citizens that have lost their homes or facing other problems have started rehabilitating homes around the city. Some parents have rehabbed homes for their children.If Smith Village and these other areas are assets, sell them to potential homeowners to rehabilitate. These homeowners are making a difference and their efforts are often quite beautiful when finished.

Government does not need to do everything for us. The banks and HUD have lowered the initial cost of some homes, so why can't the Land bank?

In today's market where livable homes are being sold for $15,000 and less , the land bank might ask the same price for a condemned home.
Post Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:05 am 
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