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Topic: Where is new Public Safety Plan?

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El Supremo

This is from the new plan on the Emergency Manager portion of the City of Flint website Our new Public safety Director helped create it. Aside from the 12 hour shifts the plan is not in implementation:

Patrol Districts and 12 hour Shift Assignments
The District Plan will divide the city into four assignment districts. Two patrol
cars per 12 hour shift will be assigned in each district. One floater car will be
available per shift and will concentrate in an identified “hot spot” area. There will
also be four sergeants assigned per shift. Three will be assigned on patrol and one
will remain at the Headquarters Police Station.
The 12-hour shift assignment is a better utilization of personnel, and it also allows
the ability to balance assignments during the hours of highest call andlor criminal
Post Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:26 am 
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El Supremo

I understand Michigan State came up with the hours of deployment for the various shifts and they are not working. There is a shortage of Sgts and the four districts are yet to be established. The officers call numbers have been changed and those who listen to their scanners frequently are trying to recognize officers by their voices. The shifts should overlap to have more officers on during traditional high crime times.

In the meantime I am told our new Public Safety Director has his office in the mayor's office. Does he even know how problematic the newly implemented system is.

Is the floater car to be a two man car as I would not send a single officer out into a "hot spot".
Post Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:34 am 
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Dave Starr

In the beginning was The Plan, and then came the Assumptions. And the Assumptions were without form, and The Plan was completely without substance.

And darkness was upon the faces of the officers, and they spoke amongst themselves, saying: "It is a crock of shiat and it stinketh".

And the workers went unto their sergeants and sayeth: "It is a pail of dung and none may abide the odor thereof".

And the sergeants went unto their lieutenants and sayeth unto them: "It is a container of excretement and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it".

And the lieutenants went unto their captains and sayeth: "It is a vessel of fertilizer, and none may abide it's strength".

And the captains spoke amongst themselves, saying to one another: "It contains that which aids growth, and it is very strong."

And the captains went unto the assistant chiefs and sayeth unto them: "It promotes growth and is very powerful".

And the assistant chiefs went unto the chief and sayeth unto him: "This new plan will actively promote the growth and efficiency of the department, and in these areas in particular".

And the chief looked upon The Plan and saw that it was good, and The Plan became policy.

And THIS is how shiat happens.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:02 am 
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El Supremo

12-hour shifts irk police union as Flint implements parts of public safety plan

Published: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 10:52 PM Updated: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 11:27 PM

By Khalil AlHajal | kalhajal@mlive.com

FlINT, MI -- Police this week began implementing parts of the public safety plan that city officials announced last month, putting officers on 12-hour shifts, a move that union leaders are fighting.

"It's one of those things where, obviously, we're the most violent city in the nation, we're already overwhelmed with calls and manpower shortages and now you want us to go four additional hours," said Kevin Smith president of the Flint police officers union.

"It's going to make our guys fatigued."

City leaders said the change makes police operations more efficient.

Chief Alvern Lock said the longer shifts have not posed any patrol problems since being implemented Sunday.

"It's going pretty good. We don't have problems right now," Lock said. "We'll probably still have some issues that we haven't foreseen, but nothing we can't work out."

He said the extra time off officers get make up for the additional hours they work.

"They end with more time off," Lock said. "They work longer, but they end up with more time off."

Flint police last worked 12-hour shifts in 2010 on a trial basis, but switched back to 8-hours due to union objections.

Officials at the time said the longer shifts saved the city thousands in overtime costs.

Flint Emergency Manager Michael Brown imposed contract concessions on the police officers union in April, giving the city the ability to place officers on 10- or 12-hour shifts.

Smith said the union has filed an unfair labor practice complaint over the shift change and other forced contract concessions, with a hearing scheduled April 14.
Post Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:06 am 
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El Supremo


the public has no ideal what police officer's have to go thru in a regular 8 hour shift with man power this low. now you are going to add on 4 more hours to their shift, this will not clear up any "back up call's".
now with the fire dept, yes they do work on a 24 hour shift,but:
They can eat,sleep and go to the bathroom when they want to.
24 hrs on 48 hours off and if you want to take a day off you will have a total of 5 days off in a row.
don't be surprise if there are more police officer pulling the pin and going to retire.


flintrez: better to be thought of as a (insert ?) than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
The Officers will be working more than one day in a row, most likely 3 or 4 - 12 hr shifts in a row. Then, when an Officer takes a day off who do you think is going to work that shift? Another Officer. So, there will be times where some Officers work more than 4-12 hr shifts in a row.
It won't be long until Officers will be suffering from PTSD, if they are not already.


Mcleran nurses work 12 hrs shifts, and my understanding is they like it, because of the time off they get. A work week is 40 hrs. If they work a 48 hour week they have 3 days in a row off. If they work a 36 hr week they get 4 days off. My son works in a factory in Midland and is on 12 hr shifts, and seems to like it. These shifts are OK for young people but people 50 and older are not happy with it, and I don't blame them. Personally I would work 8 hrs a day 7 days a week, before I would want 12 hr shifts.


I am glad that i retired when i did. The moral is horrible. Officers are gassed after an 8 hour shift. Now you want to take away some of their money and make them work 12 hours. I guarantee that after 8 hours the officer will think twice about what calls to respond to. Good news for people who called 911 for locking their keys in their car. 11 hours into the shift i would not want to be tied up in a shooting. I would take the slim jim call.


So, Flint firefighters work 24 hour shifts. How worried are you about them? No officer is working 12 hours on followed by 12 hours on the next day. there is a rotation.

Phillip LaBarge

I would point out last year there was only 365 days but well over that in fires. Do you think the firemen lay about on bunks every day?


absolutely not. What i am saying is that the ratio is much smaller. They can have days without a fire. Some days they have 6 fires. My point is not to compare the two. I dont want to take anything away from firefighters. I am sure that one fire is worse on them than one call for a police officer. Thats why you cannot compare the two.


I wonder how badly this will effect the already dreadfully slow response times? Trying to work such a physically and mentally hard jobs for 12 hours straight has to have some seriously bad effects on morale. I feel bad for the overworked and underpaid Flint police that have to work daily in the most violent city in the US and on top of all of it, have to worry about still being employed in a few months. Ridiculous

Phillip LaBarge

I wonder if Lock and Brown could pass a drug test? These rules make me think they are using crack. We all know that crack is wack right?


Brown needs the money to hire more administrators and assistant administrators, don't you know you administrate crime away. Feel bad for the Police, but I'm glad they are out there.


It once again is about the money not public safety, you put fatigued officers on the street who are at higher risk to be irritable, unable to concentrate, drive properly and unable to do their jobs properly. Is it not more cost effective when measuring against public safety and overtime to instead hire a couple more officers?


A 12 hour shift would crank me off, too.
I'm not a big fan of unions, but if I had to do what the FPD does I'd need at least $2000/wk just to show up for work.


Deputies at the jail make around 20-22 an hour.
Post Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:18 am 
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Hey give Brown a break he is busy giving his friends tax brakes before Snyder wakes up and gives him the boot. You dont believe it? Tell me why Genesee Towers needs a tax break when we tax payers already own the building? You can bet it will end up in the hands of the Mott foundation or Uptown development. Better hurry up Mikie time is running out.
Post Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:34 pm 
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El Supremo

Uptown put in the two resolutions for tax breaks.
Post Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:27 pm 
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