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Topic: Mainstreamers ignore distort all for Barry.

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Media ignore anti-Obama Dems

By Cheri Jacobus - 09/12/12 07:58 PM ET

A 2008 Obama voter crushed under the Obama economy proclaims, “Obama says a lot of things, but his actions are often different.”

Another says, “Obama’s a great con-artist.”

Yet another: “I think he just wanted to get up there and show off.”

An immigrant Obama 2008 voter on ObamaCare: “This is the type of thing my father was trying to get away from in communist Eastern Europe.”

A woman in tears talks about her family’s situation: “This is the limit. We gotta go by the budget.”

Another: “I fear for my children.”

“Smoke and mirrors.”

Regarding the country, and one family: “I don’t know if we can recover from this.”

While there is no shortage of films claiming to be the one every American should see, there sometimes is something that a specific, targeted group of Americans should be required to see.

It’s hardly a new meme that the mainstream media are comfortably snuggled in the pocket of President Obama. His cheerleaders in the media no longer even make so much as the weakest attempt to camouflage their allegiance. Anything shy of promoting Obama, ignoring his massive and even dangerous failures and turning a blind eye to the outpouring of anger over his failed presidency as exemplified in poll after poll showing him below 50 percent could mean the end of a so-called “journalist’s” career — or at least curtail the in-crowd party invites in D.C. and the Upper West Side.

While many in the media appear unable to locate a copy of their job description, help is on the way. Every political journalist should watch “The Hope and the Change” produced by Citizens United upon its release next week. Why? Because they actually talk to the Democrats who voted for Obama in 2008 in some key battleground states but are now bitterly disappointed after four years. Political reporters don’t seem interested in listening to these voters and even pretend they don’t exist. Yet it’s these voters who are going to make Decision 2012.

That the man with the silver tongue who began with some of the highest approval ratings since they’ve been tracked could find himself below 50 percent at this late juncture should be one of the most-reported political items this election cycle. That so very many Democrats — not to mention independents — who voted for the unknown Barack Obama in 2008 are now turning away from him is news. Big news.

“The Hope and the Change” doesn’t mention Mitt Romney. It examines what went wrong, who is affected by the failed Obama policies, and just how critically they have been wounded. Privy to an early screening, I wondered why I have not heard from the media about the disaffected Democrats and independents who have put Obama under 50 percent — a precarious position for an incumbent president.

In contrast to the “real people” featured in pro-Obama news with nothing to say regarding the overall good of the nation, instead focusing exclusively on what taxpayer-funded free stuff can do for them, those in “The Hope and the Change” are concerned about the decline of the nation under Obama, as well as the impact on their families.

The film tracks the Obama failures over the past four years, as our mainstream media fail to provide so much as a cursory summary. From expensive vacations on our dime, slow-jamming the news with Jimmy Fallon and the “clash for clunkers” program (that could now serve as an anti-Obama campaign theme) to the S&P downgrade, the perplexing Nobel Peace Prize for literally nothing, repetitive sloganeering by Obama that borders on the creepy, ObamaCare, 23 million searching for work, failed stimulus spending and $16 trillion in debt, we are provided a painfully accurate overview of the past four years.

“The Hope and the Change” provides insight into why Obama is underwater in his approval ratings. Sadly, the media have not done so.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:58 am 
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Mainstream media (pravda) is a joke as is CNN and MSNBC. long ago I swore of the bull $hit they were selling and get my news from the internet. However I must confess when able I do watch local affiliates for local news. Guess I could also get weather reports on the net.

Post Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:07 pm 
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