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Topic: Anti-Islam movie-An elaborate hoax?

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El Supremo

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Sam Bacile Mystery: All We Know Is That His Film Exists

Posted: 09/12/2012 2:45 pm Updated: 09/12/2012 7:03 pm

Libyans walk on the grounds of the gutted U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, after an attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. The American ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed when a mob of protesters and gunmen overwhelmed the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, setting fire to it in outrage over a film that ridicules Islam's Prophet Muhammad. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Alaguri)

After YouTube clips of his amateurish, green-screen-heavy film "The Innocence of Muslims" or "Muslim Innocence" were translated into Arabic and led to riots in Egypt and Libya this week, Sam Bacile has become the most famous independent filmmaker in the world, despite the fact that nothing is known about his past, his roots or how he actually funded his project.

Bacile had no internet presence and was a member of no social media networks prior to this incident. There are no early casting calls or production notices for the film. Nor does the film have a page on IMDB, the film database. No actors or crew members have been named or identified, and only a couple of the film's apparent backers -- fringe figures like pastor Terry Jones, Morris Sadek of the Coptic Church and Steve Klein, a "consultant" on the film who self-released an anti-Islamic book in 2010 -- have come forward to reveal themselves.

What we know about Bacile and his film comes solely from his own mouth. During an interview he gave Tuesday from an undisclosed location, Bacile said he was an Israeli-American real estate developer who raised $5 million from 100 Jewish donors, none of whom he identified. He doesn't appear to have a California real estate license, according to a review of online real estate databases.

Using a "thick" accent, Bacile said he used 60 actors and 45 crew members and that the project was shot in 2011 over three months in California. He called Islam a "cancer" and railed on the lack of security at the American embassies. He also said he planned to go into hiding as protests escalated.

Laura Rozen, who writes the Back Channel news blog for Al-Monitor, suggested that the name Sam Bacile may be a pseudonym for someone involved with the "Egyptian Coptic diaspora." Many people on Twitter have been attempting to figure out possible anagrams for the name, in case there might be a signal there. Jeffrey Goldberg, national correspondent for the Atlantic, tweeted, "Would anyone in the Jewish Twittersphere who has ever met 'SamBacile' please speak up."

Though Bacile is a mystery, we do know a bit more about Steve Klein, who told the Associated Press on Wednesday that he was a "consultant" on Bacile's film. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the former Marine was part of the controversial California "Church at Kawea," near Fresno, and a member of a "secretive cohort of militant fundamentalists" preparing for war against Muslims in spring 2012. He believed that California was riddled with Muslim Brotherhood sleeper cells "who are awaiting the trigger date and will begin randomly killing as many of us as they can."

Klein is currently listed as the "Secretary and Founder" of Courageous Christians United, a group that protests outside of Mormon temples, mosques and abortion clinics. Leah Nelson of the SPLC said Klein founded the group back in 1977. Multiple requests for comment from Courageous Christians United have gone unreturned, but Klein himself spoke with the Atlantic's Goldberg on Wednesday afternoon.

Klein told Goldberg that "Sam Bacile" is not a real name, nor is the man actually Israeli or Jewish. "All these Middle Eastern folks I work with have pseudonyms," Klein said. "I doubt he's Jewish. I would suspect this is a disinformation campaign." Klein also told Goldberg that only 15 people were involved in the making of the film.

"I'm taking everything about this strange and horrible episode with a grain of salt," wrote Goldberg.

Amy Lemisch, the director of the California Film Commission, which issues permits for films that shoot in the state, told The Huffington Post no permits were given to anyone by the name of "Sam Bacile," nor to any project with the title of "Muslim Innocence" or "The Innocence of Muslims." If the filmmakers shot anything on state property, they would need a permit from the commission.

"We went to our internal database field," she said, "and we searched under 'innocence' or 'Muslims,' and we did not issue a permit for it."

A film with a supposed $5 million budget -- no small change for an independent project -- and a 45-member crew would be difficult to shoot under the radar, Lemisch said.

"It means they didn't shoot on state property, a state park or a state beach," she said. "They could have shot and didn't tell anybody, or a Ranger didn't catch them. But that would be pretty hard to do without getting a permit, unless they were in the middle of the desert on private property."

It's possible the filmmakers requested permits from local commissions, though without knowing where the film was shot, it's difficult to tell. HuffPost has reached out to other local commissions in California and is awaiting comment. But judging by the film itself, most of the "desert" scenes occurred in front of a green screen, so they could have been shot anywhere.

UPDATE: Gawker interviewed Cindy Lee Garcia, one of the actresses from the film, who is living in Bakersfield, California. She says she was never told that the film was a spoof of Muhammed. The casting notice she had originally received from her agent was titled "Desert Warriors." She said the director called himself "Sam Bacile," and he claimed he was an Israeli real estate mogul. But Garcia said Bacile told her on set that he was actually Egyptian. Read the rest of this bizarre story on Gawker here.
Post Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:01 am 
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So What?? isnt the real issue the muslim islamic terrorists and their violent actions??

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:39 am 
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Brotherhood was feigning, drawing attention from the real focus of effort, that being Libya. Classic maneuver warfare of strength and weakness, draw attention away from the soft targets. During desert storm RLT 5 remained on ship while 150,000 of sodomy insane' s troops waited for the amphibious landing that never happened. In the meantime the u.s and allies invaded over land for the real objective and that was kicking ass in Kuwait.

It would seem that the "bad guys" are more than goat herders.

Post Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:55 pm 
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El Supremo

U.S. embassies attacked in Yemen, Egypt after Libya envoy killed
By Mohammed Ghobari and Edmund Blair | Reuters – 4 hrs ago.

SANAA/CAIRO (Reuters) - Demonstrators attacked the U.S. embassies in Yemen and Egypt on Thursday in protest at a film they consider blasphemous to Islam, and American warships headed towards Libya after the U.S. ambassador there was killed in related violence this week.

In Libya, authorities said they had made four arrests in the investigation into the attack that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americas in Benghazi on Tuesday.

President Barack Obama has vowed to bring to justice those responsible for the Benghazi attack, which U.S. officials said may have been planned in advance, possibly by an al Qaeda-linked group.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington had nothing to do with the crudely made film posted on the Internet, which she called "disgusting and reprehensible."

The amateurish production, entitled the "Innocence of Muslims," and originating in the United States, portrays Mohammad as a womanizer, a homosexual and a child abuser.

For many Muslims, any depiction of the Prophet is blasphemous and caricatures or other characterizations have in the past provoked violent protests across the Muslim world.

Demonstrations spread further on Thursday, with U.S. embassies again the targets of popular anger among Muslims questioning why the United States has failed to take action against the makers of the film.

Hundreds of Yemenis broke through the main gate of the heavily fortified U.S. embassy compound in the capital Sanaa, shouting "We sacrifice ourselves for you, Messenger of God." They smashed windows of security offices outside the embassy and burned cars.

A security source said at least 15 people were wounded, some by gunfire, before the government ringed the area with troops.

In Egypt, protesters hurled stones at a police cordon around the U.S. embassy in central Cairo after climbing into the embassy compound and tearing down the American flag. The state news agency said 13 people were hurt in violence which erupted late on Wednesday, following initial protests on Tuesday.

Around 200 demonstrators gathered outside the U.S. embassy in Kuwait shouting slogans such as "God is great." They hoisted banners, one of which bread in English: "USA stop the bullshit. Respect us."

Kuwaiti riot police encircled the crowd of men protesting peacefully in their traditional Kuwaiti dress.

On Thursday, the U.S. consulate in Berlin was partially evacuated after an employee fell ill on opening a suspicious envelope. Bangladeshi Islamists tried to march on the U.S. embassy in Dhaka and Iranian students protested in Tehran.

Earlier in the week, there were protests outside U.S. missions in Tunisia, Morocco and Sudan.

The U.S. ambassador to Libya was killed during a protest against the film on Tuesday at the U.S. consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi when Islamists armed with guns, mortars and grenades staged military-style assaults on the mission and a safe house refuge.

A Libyan doctor at a Benghazi hospital said Stevens died of smoke inhalation. U.S. information technology specialist Sean Smith also died at the consulate, while two other Americans were killed when a squad of U.S. troops sent by helicopter from Tripoli to rescue diplomats from the safe house came under mortar attack.


Stevens, 52, had spent a career operating in perilous places, mostly in the Arab world, and became the first American ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs, the U.S. envoy to Afghanistan, died in a 1979 kidnapping attempt.

Tuesday's incident, on what was the 11th anniversary of al Qaeda's attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, has created an unwanted foreign policy crisis for Obama ahead of his bid for reelection in November.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Colorado on Thursday, Obama said he had ordered his administration to do whatever was necessary to protect Americans abroad and that aides had been in contact with other governments "to let them know they've got a responsibility to protect our citizens."

The U.S. military dispatched two destroyers toward the Libyan coast, in what an official said was a move to give the administration flexibility for any future action. The first ship, the USS Laboon, was already in position and the other destroyer, the USS McFaul, was at least a day away, a U.S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"We don't know if they are affiliated with a particular group or not, there are a lot of suspicions but the we have to go through with the investigation and find out who these people are and if they belong to a particular group, then we have to deal with that group."

The U.S. military also dispatched a Marine Corps anti-terrorist team to boost security in Libya, whose leader Muammar Gaddafi was ousted in a U.S.-backed uprising last year.

Republican Mitt Romney, Obama's challenger, criticized the government's response to the crisis earlier this week, saying it was disgraceful to be seen to be apologizing for American values of free speech.

Obama's campaign accused Romney of trying to score political points at a time of national tragedy and the challenger also provoked some criticism from within his own party.

Campaigning on Thursday, Romney stopped short of repeating the charge but said that under Obama the United States seemed to be at the mercy of world events rather than shaping them, and argued for a stronger military, at a time when U.S. armed forces are facing an unprecedented budget squeeze.

Obama's administration again sought to calm Muslim tensions on Thursday.

Clinton said Washington rejected the film's message absolutely, and added: "It appears to have a deeply cynical purpose: to denigrate a great religion and provoke rage."

At the same time, Clinton noted the history of religious tolerance in the United States and its commitment to freedom of speech and said there was no justification for people to respond with violence.

"I know it is hard for some people to understand why the United States cannot or does not just prevent these kinds of reprehensible videos from ever seeing the light of day," she said. "I would note that in today's world, with today's technologies, that is virtually impossible.

"But even if it were possible our country does have a long tradition of free expression which is enshrined in our constitution and our law. And we do not stop individual citizens from expressing their views no matter how distasteful they may be," she added.


Among the assailants in Benghazi, Libyans identified units of a heavily armed local Islamist group, Ansar al-Sharia, which sympathizes with al Qaeda and derides Libya's U.S.-backed bid for democracy.

Former Libya militant commander Noman Benotman, now president of Britain's Quilliam think tank, said Western officials were investigating a possible link with a paramilitary training camp about 100 miles south of the eastern Libyan town of Derna, near the Egyptian border.

U.S. officials said there were suggestions members of al Qaeda's North Africa-based affiliate may have been involved.

Libya's new Prime Minister Mustafa Abu Shagour confirmed arrests had been made in the investigation into the attack and more could be expected.

"We don't know if they are affiliated with a particular group or not, there are a lot of suspicions but ... we have to go through with the investigation and find out who these people are and if they belong to a particular group, then we have to deal with that group."

"We ... assure the people that we are going after them, that we are going to bring them to justice and they have to be punished for their act. This is not acceptable.

A spokesman for Ansar al-Sharia denied it had played a role in the attack on the U.S. consulate and blamed the violence on firing on the protesters by consulate staff.

"It was a peaceful protest, and the firing on the protesters inflamed the situation and gave it a different course," Hani Mansouri told a news conference in Benghazi.

At the same time, Mansouri said the United States should have had the wisdom to evacuate its ambassador on the September 11 anniversary as a precaution.

Yemen, a key U.S. ally, is home to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), viewed by Washington as the most dangerous branch of the militant network established by Osama bin Laden.

Clashes near the U.S. embassy there flared up on and off but died down as night fell. Residents living nearby said they feared more violent protests after Friday prayers.

"It is a dangerous situation," one resident told Reuters. "I cannot wait until the morning to move my family to another neighborhood until the situation is totally calm."

In Nigeria, the government put police on high alert and stepped up security around all foreign missions, also fearing an Islamist backlash, possibly after Friday prayers.

An actress in the California production that has provoked the unrest said the video as it appeared bore no resemblance to the original filming. She said she had not been aware it was about the Prophet Mohammad.

Many Muslim states focused their condemnation on the film and will be concerned about preventing a repeat of the fallout seen after publication in a Danish newspaper of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. This touched off riots in the Middle East, Africa and Asia in 2006 in which at least 50 people were killed.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called the making of the movie a "devilish act" but said he was certain those involved in its production were a very small minority.

The U.S. embassy in Kabul has appealed to Afghan leaders for help in "maintaining calm" and Afghanistan ordered the YouTube site shut down so Afghans would not be able to see the film. YouTube, owned by Google Inc, said it would not remove the clip but had blocked access in Egypt and Libya.

Libyan leader Mohammed Magarief and Yemeni President Mansour Hadi both apologized to the United States over the attacks and Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed Mursi condemned them on television while also rejecting any "insult to the Prophet".

Russian President Vladimir Putin, a sharp critic of last year's Western military intervention in Libya and of Western backing for Syria's rebels, called Stevens' death a tragedy and said he believed Western support for rebels in Arab countries was causing chaos.

(Additional reporting by Samia Nakhoul in Beirut, Marie-Louise Gumuchian and Hadeel Al Shalchi in Tripoli, Sami Aboudi in Dubai, Raissa Kasolowsky in Abu Dhabi, Sarah N. Lynch, Arshad Mohammed, Andrew Quinn, Matt Spetalnick, Steve Holland and Mark Hosenball in Washington, William Maclean in London and Reuters reporters in Cairo and Benghazi; writing by Philippa Fletcher and David Brunnstrom; editing by Mohammad Zargham)
.. . .

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Post Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:36 pm 
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El Supremo

Reports out of the libyan Embassy report four heavily armed vehicles with black flags entered the compound. They then attacked all four buildings of the Embassy systematically. They were said to leave with an additional two vehicles from the Embassy. NBC has not yet verified these witness statements.
Post Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:40 pm 
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