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Topic: Council wants probe of Barnett Jones employment

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El Supremo

Flint City Council will ask for state to probe former public safety administrator Barnett Jones' employment

By Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com
on January 14, 2013 at 8:10 PM, updated January 14, 2013 at 10:25 PM

FLINT, MI – Flint City Council will ask the state to investigate Barnett Jones' time as Flint public safety administrator.

Council agreed during its meeting Monday to send a letter to Gov. Rick Snyder seeking an investigation..

Jones resigned Thursday, Jan. 10, as he was being questioned about a second six-figure job as head of security for Detroit Water and Sewerage Department.

The Rev. Latrelle Holmes, pastor of Greater Galilee Baptist Church, called Jones' working for both Flint and Detroit a conflict of interest and violation of Flint's charter.

"I am asking you to get the governor, the state treasurer and his staff into the city of Flint so that they can address this issue," Holmes said during the public comment period of the Jan. 14 meeting. "There was no management of this."

City Administrator Michael Brown said last week that the city will review what records are available regarding Jones' Flint work schedule, though he said the city has no evidence that indicates Jones wasn't working full-time in Flint.

Jones was not required to sign a time sheet, and Brown and Flint emergency financial manager Ed Kurtz said they were satisfied with Jones' work.

"I do think that it was a miscarriage of justice," said 3rd Ward Councilman Bryant Nolden. "I really think that it's a conflict of interest when we're trying to work out an agreement with the city of Detroit for water."

Kurtz previously said Jones was working for Detroit while Flint was in negotiations with the Detroit water and sewer department about a potential contract for future drinking water.

He said Jones was not directly involved in any of the water discussions.

In Flint, Jones had a three-year contract with annual pay of $135,000. His salary was paid for with a grant from the C.S. Mott Foundation.

Jones receives another $138,750 from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, according to a Detroit Free Press report.

"We can't go to our governor because this is his pot of thieves," said Jackie Poplar, 2nd Ward Councilwoman, adding that Flint might want to ask for intervention from the federal government. "This is going to be bigger than what he done cooked up. The governor's office is not going to tell us the truth."

The city attorney will take over the review of Jones' time in Flint.

"At this point, the matter is being reviewed by the city attorney. Once that review is completed, the emergency financial manager and his staff will examine the results and determine the appropriate steps," according to a statement from Kurtz."Until the city attorney's review has been completed, there will be no further comments."

City of Flint spokesman Jason Lorenz said the review of facts surrounding Jones' employment here was turned over to City Attorney Pete Bade Monday, Jan. 14.

Dominic Adams is a reporter for MLive - Flint Journal. Contact him at dadams5@mlive.com or 810-241-8803. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:35 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:49 pm 
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El Supremo

City of Flint attorney takes over review of Barnett Jones' employment as public safety administrator

By Ron Fonger | rfonger1@mlive.com
on January 14, 2013 at 4:55 PM, updated January 14, 2013 at 4:57 PM

FLINT, MI -- The city attorney is taking over a review of former Flint Public Safety Administrator Barnett Jones' employment in Flint.

And for now, officials aren't talking about the scope or purpose of that review.

In a news release, the offices of emergency financial manager Ed Kurtz and Mayor Dayne Walling issued the following statement:

"At this point, the matter is being reviewed by the city attorney. Once that review is completed, the emergency financial manager and his staff will examine the results and determine the appropriate steps. Until the city attorney's review has been completed, there will be no further comments."

Jones resigned Jan. 10 after he was questioned about a second job working as head of security for the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, officials have said.

Kurtz and City Administrator Michael Brown have said they were unaware Jones was on two municipal payrolls for more than eight months.

City of Flint spokesman Jason Lorenz said the review of facts surrounding Jones' employment here was turned over to City Attorney Pete Bade Monday, Jan. 14.

Lorenz said there have been a number of media inquiries about Jones since his resignation.

"It's been pretty busy," he said.

City Council President Scott Kincaid said he's heard nothing from Kurtz or Brown about the Jones matter.

"The city doesn't vet people like it used to ... to see if there's any skeletons in their closet," Kincaid said. "With professional service agreements, nobody sees them ... I was told, 'He's being paid for by a grant, so don't worry about it.' "

MLive-Flint Journal has been unable to reach Jones for comment since his resignation.

on Fonger | rfonger1@mlive.com

Scott Kincaid agreed with that. He said at least two patrol officers could have been paid with the grant money paid to and in support of Barnett Jones.

Pat clawson

Peter Bade should not be investigating this matter in any way.

This case needs to be turned over immediately to the Michigan State Police or the Michigan Attorney General's public corruption unit for investigation.

Since City of Flint officials can't figure out how to send a letter to state officials requesting an outside investigation of this matter, I will go ahead and send a written complaint myself.

Pat Clawson
Swartz Creek, MI


Absolutely correct. The depth of this requires that some agency with far reaching power and experience handles the investigation. Information needs to be obtained from Detroit Water and Sewerage and subpoenas need to be issued. Detroit Water will just refuse to cooperate as they don't want this exposed. This smacks of corruption, fraud and theft from Barnett Jones and incompetent management or collusion on behalf of Flint, Detroit Water and even Sue McCormick. Don't forget that Roger Fraser is Michigan Deputy State Treasurer for Local Government Services and oversees the State's EFMs. Fraser, Jones and McCormick were all Ann Arbor Dept heads before leaving for their current jobs. The more you know about these people the more the stench overwhelms.

Soon To Be Six Five

Lemme see here:

The City Attorney (appointed by the Mayor) and now serving at the discretion of the Emergency Manager (or is there two Emergency Managers? I can't keep up.) will investigate.

My confidence in local government is completely restored.


Wow. So Peter Bade, the bought and paid for mouthpiece for the dream team of Walling, Brown and Kurtz is doing an investigation. That sure makes me feel a whole lot more confident that corruption will be uprooted and guilt and blame properly directed. That's like having Bill Schuette investigate Rick Snyder for breaking the law. Even if this made it to a courtroom, the Michigan Court of Appeals and Michigan Supreme Courts are bought and paid for dyed red by the blood squeezed from taxpayers already.


"Until the city attorney's review has been completed, there will be no further comments."

Any bets that the investigation will be complete sometime on the third week after next Juvember?

Ron Fonger | rfonger1@mlive.com

Although he did not receive health benefits, Barnett Jones did receive perks, including use of a city vehicle, life insurance, disability insurance and accrued vacation and sick time.
Here is a link to more details about his contract:
Post Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:06 pm 
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El Supremo

During the council meeting, Kincaid discussed the Jones position. When he and other council protested the Barnett Jones agreement, they were told they had no choice but to accept the position. The sdministration openly stated the state had no confidence in Chief lock and Lock refused to play "nice' with the State Police leadership. That was allegedly the reason given to bring Jones on board.

Kincaid said he was told there was no taxpayer money being used as all expenses were from the Mott Foundation grant. Under the Snyder administration council does not even see the new grants and does not even know what language is in the grant. Was money set aside in the grant for Jones and his expenses? Council doesn't know. Kincaid stated two officers could have been hired with the money used for Jones. Also it is not known if Jones was included in the newest Mott grant. Documents, such as Jones employment contract are not being placed with the City Clerk office as required in the normal course of business.
Post Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:36 am 
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El Supremo

Pastor Latrelle Holmes spoke to council and called the Jones position an "egregious duplicator of services". Jones was present when a group of pastors met with the administartion and Jones assured them he was a full time employee. he also assured them he could create an effective pulic safety program.

Holmes believes the administartion knew,or should have known, about the dual employment and the city should be reimbursed for this failure to properly manage the grant. Holmes demanded that council ask the state address this serious issue of mismanagement and accountability.

Holmes also requested pushing the Governor to restore democracy as Flint can no longer afford to be under represented and under served.
Post Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:49 am 
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El Supremo

Freeman was the only one opposed to requesting that Jones repay the grant money as he felt the Mott grant paid the full salary. If there was a fraud, Freeman said, it was probably against the City of Detroit.

Kincaid noted that other employees having dual employment fully disclosed such arrangements. Bill Fowler is on a program that shares his services with both Lansing and detroit. Doug Bingaman once served both Flint and Burton after retiring from flint. Employment and contractual agreements should be filed with the City clerk and the agreement with Jones was not filed.

Kincaid said he was glad the Detroit Free Press investigated. Politics brought him (Jones) here and the bottom line is the state directed the city to hire him. Look at our crime stats, said kincaid. he noted that not only was there no decrease in crime but Flint is having the worst January in history for homicides.
Post Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:52 am 
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