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Topic: Imagine Flint-Master Plan Sub Plan Areas
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El Supremo

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Imagine Flint


The City of Flint Master Plan. HERE'S WHAT'S POSSIBLE. Welcome to ImagineFlint, the two-year process of creating a new Master Plan for the City of Flint.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:49 am 
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El Supremo

Imagine Flint > Documents > Links and Resources


Although the City of Flint is starting its first Master Plan process in over fifty years, many plans and strategies within the Flint area do exist. This online library has ...

Imagine Flint > About the Plan > Steering Committee


Imagine Flint - A website dedicated to the outreach process for Flint's new ... role of the Master Plan Steering Committee will be to channel community resources ...

[ More results from www.imagineflint.com ]
Post Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:58 am 
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El Supremo


Although the City of Flint is starting its first Master Plan process in over fifty years, many plans and strategies within the Flint area do exist. This online library has been created so that you can access existing city, neighborhood, and county-wide plans and strategies.

City-wide Plans
■Adversity to Advantage: New Vacant Land Uses in Flint
■City of Flint: 1920 Comprehensive Master Plan
■City of Flint: 1977 Comprehensive Master Plan Executive Summary (Not Officially Adopted)
■Flint & Genesee County Economic Development Strategy
■City of Flint Parks and Recreation Master Plan ‘07-‘12

Neighborhood/Sub-Area Plans
■City of Flint: Neighborhood Action Sessions
■Cultural Center Master Plan
■East Side Weed & Seed Plan
■Fairfield Village Neighborhood Plan
■Flint Farmers Market Revitalization Strategy
■Flint Park Lake Redevelopment Plan
■Flint River Corridor Alliance Plan
■Flint River District Strategy
■Grand Traverse Neighborhood
■Metawanene Hills Neighborhood
■Michigan State University Case Study: Flint, MI
■Mott Park Neighborhood
■North East Village Redevelopment Plan
■Re-imagining Chevy In The Hole Plan (Conceptual)
■Smith Village Redevelopment Plan
■South Side Neighborhood Plan
■Up Town Reinvestment Strategy
■U of M-Flint Campus Master Plan

County-Wide Plans
■Genesee County - Intermodal Freight Technical Report
■Genesee County - Land Use Analysis
■Genesee County - Land Use & Scenario Planning Report
■Genesee County Long Range (2035) Transportation Plan
■Genesee County Regional Trail Plan
■Vacant Property Now & Tomorrow - Genesee County Analysis

Additional Resources

■Flint Crime Data Report - 2008 (Published May, 2010)
Post Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:03 am 
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El Supremo


$1.6 million federal grant to fund greening of vacant Chevy in the Hole site in Flint

By Kristin Longley | klongley1@mlive.com
on January 27, 2013 at 7:00 AM, updated January 27, 2013 at 7:03 AM

A portion of the Chevy in the Hole site near the Flint River.Griffin Moores | MLive.com file photo
FLINT, MI -- A $1.6-million federal grant to help transform the vacant Chevy in the Hole manufacturing complex into a "green corridor" is on the horizon.

The grant funds are expected to pay for environmental studies, cleanups and soil capping on a 60-acre portion of the historic 200-acre site, where automobiles were manufactured as early as 1916 the famous Flint Sit-Down Strike gained steam in the 1930s.

The site has sat vacant and unused since 2004, when the last of the plants on the property was closed and demolished, but that's expected to change when the work is underway, officials said.

The trees that have already been planted there, combined with a vegetative cap expected to cover some of the vast acres of concrete, will make for a dramatic visual change this year, said Flint Mayor Dayne Walling.

"The Chevy in the Hole property has been a blighted scar in the heart of the city," Walling said. "Improving the site is a powerful sign of progress."

The Genesee County Board of Commissioners moved forward this week on approving the grant agreement, which says the Genesee County Land Bank will manage the grant funds and the work.

Ownership of the property is in the process of transferring to the city of Flint, which obtained it from the Flint Economic Development Corp. last year along with a covenant not to sue from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The agreement releases the city from environmental liability that may arise from contamination at the former industrial complex.

The purchasing agreement outlines nine tasks that must be completed. The grant funds will pay for much of the work, but not all, said Land Bank Lead Planner Christina Kelly.

The tasks include creating health and safety plans and conducting a risk assessment regarding contamination, which includes "volatile organic compounds," metals and other pollutants, as well as underground storage tanks, according to the purchase agreement.

The work plan also includes additional planting of trees and native vegetation, walkways, new groundwater monitoring wells and the soil cap, which will cover the concrete that already covers contaminated soils.

The U.S. EPA is also expected to be active in tackling "some real contaminated spots" that will not be covered by the soil cap, Kelly said. Additional federal help – aimed at former Delphi properties – could also be available in the near future for sites like Chevy in the Hole, she told the county Board of Commissioners this week.

“We’re going to get started right away – as fast as we can to get the cap in place,” Kelly said.

The site has already been the target of a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for tree planting that mitigates the pollutants present in the soil and groundwater through a process called "phytoremediation." The trees take the water from the ground, stabilize or reduce contaminants, and transpire the water as a neutral vapor.

County officials said additional work on the Chevy in the Hole site will be come as Kettering University begins demolition of about 20 homes that were purchased from the Land Bank.

County Treasurer Deb Cherry said the earth cap won’t signal the end of work at the site.

“I can’t even say how many millions it would cost to fully restore the site,” Kelly said. “This is a start.”

The city is required to provide a match for the federal grant, which will come in the form of about 11,000 cubic yards of screened compost that will be used for the soil cap. Since 2009, the city has been dumping the yard waste collected from residential properties at Chevy in the Hole.

Howard Croft, the city's appointed director of infrastructure and development, said the compost is a "creative way" to come with the grant match given the city's financial constraints. Croft will help oversee the project on behalf of the city's state-appointed emergency financial manager.

"We're trying to do the best we can with what we have right now," he said.

As one of the city's largest vacant properties, Chevy in the Hole is a visual reminder of the city's struggles as a post-industrial town.

The site was formerly home to the GM Motor Division and the Pressed Metal Division, and included the pre-World War II Chevrolet Assembly and Fisher Body plants, according to the purchase agreement.

In 1984, plants began to close and the site was later taken over by AC Spark Plug and then Delphi Automotive Systems in 1999.

Delphi conveyed the property to the Flint EDC for $1 in 2008, though the "EDC's ownership of the property has been disputed" because of concerns over the authorization of the transaction, the agreement says.

Both Delphi and the EDC agreed to convey any and all rights to the city of Flint in order for work to move forward at the site, it says. The city is protected by the covenant not to sue granted by the EPA.

Now, Croft said the Chevy in the Hole project is shaping up to be a positive one for Flint.

"The mayor has tried to champion a sustainable city," he said. "It’s a huge effort but everyone sees it as a huge win if we’re able to accomplish it."

Flint Journal staff writer Ron Fonger contributed to this report.


11000 cubic yards of topsoil will cover only approximately the size of 12 football fields at a 6 inch depth. That seems woefully short....


Basic assessments of the property were made some time ago, and the 'clean up' has been going on now for some time. While it's true that a few small portions of the site are too contaminated for most uses, most of that property will be suitable for various kinds of re-use / development in the future. It's a very smart move on the part of the City/County.


"The trees that have already been planted there." "cleanups and soil capping" So they're going to bury the trees they planted by capping the soil? Either this is an extremely disjointed story or proof of the lack of sense of politicians. Or both.
Post Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:13 am 
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El Supremo

Dayne Walling
Tuesday, February 5th, 2013 – 5:30 p.m.
Flint Public Library, Room 1B
1026 East Kearsley St.
Flint, MI 48503
I. Call to Order 5:30 p.m.
Jim Richardson, Co-Chair
II. Public Forum 5:35 – 5:45 p.m.
III. Planning Commission Update 5:45 – 5:50 p.m.
Bob Wesley, Planning Commission Chair
IV. Steering Committee Attendance/Participation 5:50 – 5:55 p.m.
Jim Richardson
V. Discussion – Existing Conditions Report 5:55 – 6:35 p.m.
Steering Committee
• Revisions
• Data Framing
VI. Discussion –Vision and Goals Workshop (Saturday, March 9th) 6:35 – 7:15 p.m.
Megan Hunter, Consultants, & Steering Committee
• Outreach
• Format & Framing
• Subareas
VII. Next Steps 7:15- 7:30 p.m.
• Existing Conditions (final revisions)
• Community Data Profile (final revisions)
• Data Summary
• Steering Committee Tasks
VIII. Adjournment 7:30 p.m.
*Note: This is a true working meeting of the Master Plan Steering Committee. Therefore, public comment will be limited to the first ten minutes in order to allow for dialogue between Steering Committee
Post Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:14 pm 
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El Supremo

Sub area plans

* Showcase a vision for key areas and assets of the City

* Intended to focus on specific geographic areas that are highly susceptible to change or desire for change

* Not intended to focus on residential areas/neighborhoods

* Areas selected often lack previous planning, a clear direction, or identity

* Properties within a subarea share some commonality, functionality, and proximity that establish a relationship with the identified boundaries

* Should identify priority and catalyst redevelopment sites, ke public improvements, circulation and parking strategies

* Is an element of the comprehensive plan, and can address infill areas, brownfields, corridors, design standards
Post Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:00 pm 
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El Supremo

Tuesday March 26 was the meeting to discuss the eight revised subareas.

Despite some groups representing the North Flint Reinvestment Group, that area was noticeably absent in the proposed sites.

#1. Pierson Road Corridor.
This sub-area actually combines two potential area and added the area around Flint Park lake. It starts at the Hallwood Plaza at Clio and Pierson described as a "mix of commercial and light industrial users; adjacent stable residential neighborhoods.
On the map it appears to travel east and encompass some areas on the south side of Pierson with a larger 3 block area starting at Fleming along Flint Park lake to 3 blocks west of Dupont. It continues along Pierson to Saginaw Street. It encompasses the North flint Plaza, Northridge Elementary and Bryant.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:13 pm 
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El Supremo

# 2 North Saginaw Corridor

This area starts at Hamilton to Stewart, and Industrial to approximately one block west of Saginaw. "Typical aging commercial corridor; Berston Field House and career Alliance.
Post Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:17 pm 
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El Supremo

#3 subarea Welch and Dupont

This area appears to start at Chevrolet, 3 blocks south of Welch to 3 blocks north of Welch. It seems to end 1 block east of M L King.

"Retail area at Chevrolet; closed Cook School; residential area."
Post Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:27 pm 
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El Supremo

Sub area #4 University Ave

Hurley, Kettering, Chevy-in-the-hole, Atwood stadium and residential areas surrounding key assets.
Post Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:36 pm 
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El Supremo

#5 Central Saginaw Corridor

Saginaw Street and M L King east to the river and north to almost the beginning of #3

The Saginaw-to- Harrison Corridor. University of Michigan gateway entrance to Smith Village: Doyle Ryder School, University Park.
Post Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:41 pm 
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El Supremo

Sub area #6 East side

Appears to be from the area of I-475 and the river on each side of Hamilton Avenue to about Kearsley Park Blvd. On the north is Leith Street and it goes south to about 3 blocks north of Robert T Longway. This encompasses Kearsley Park ,Knoblock Hardware and other commercial endeavors.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:51 pm 
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El Supremo

Sub area #7
Begins at Davison Road and extends south to the CN Railroad, just north of the I-69 at Dort Highway.

It runs from Dort Highway to Averill, except for the portion along Ronert T Longway which goes to Center Rd. It includes the Delphi East and AC delco. It encompasses light industrial and office as well as access to the rail
Post Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:52 pm 
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El Supremo

Sub area #8

South Saginaw Corridor

From the north at Lapeer Road and south to the City limits at Hemphill. The east side runs along Thread lake until almost Atherton and the travels along Saginaw Street. The west boundary runs almost to Grand Traverse.

Thread lake was considered as under utilized. Includes Saginaw street commercial , International Academy, the Great lakes Tech Center and more.
Post Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:12 am 
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Dave Starr

Looks like the Civic Park area is left out, as usual.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:15 am 
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