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Topic: Ted Jankowski, humanitarian

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John Wilson

Ted, I just visited your Website and saw that you rescue abandoned animals, in particular, some Pit Bull Terrier dogs. I also loved your Flint-based naming scheme, Blazer, Chevy II, and (the exception) Porsche, which for some reason you spell Porscha.

My hats off to you.

Anyone else doing anything charitable or worthwhile like this? It certainly inspires me to see selfless acts.
Post Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:57 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

All of my dogs have been rescues. These dogs most of all are the most misunderstood. My first one I was too over bearing with him because he was a pit. Ruined his spirit. I didn't want to make that mistake with Chevy. And someone had already broken Porshca. Porscha I wanted the "A" sound on the end. Not the "che". I think I have conveyed visually how I wanted it to sound. Still the same idea. But with a Porsche not being an American made car. I opted to not actually spell it like the car. (Make sense?)

(I hope?)

I had Blazer for almost 15 years. He was a really good dog. These two do thier jobs very well. Chevy has her spirit in tach. She guards the house and property very well. And Porscha just follows along. Alone she is a worthless baby. Just as Blazer was.

Just so that you can understand how well this has worked for me. This last summer (and I believe I posted it when it happened) every car on my block except for mine. Was broken into. And a few of the houses. I went back and reviewed the tape for that night and never seen or heard a thing on it that might have helped identify the criminals. Chevy is very good about waking me up if something or someone is in the yard at night! Sad that anyonoe should have to live that way. But, it is the only way one can keep what they've earned in a city where criminals are picked up 3 to 6 times in a single night and released to picked up again for the same crimes.

This is because this Mayor refuses to open the City jail and appoint a chief to fight crime. As he continues to play games with the Police Department.
Post Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:05 pm 
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Ted, while I can appreciate what you say about the need to protect your property, I can't help but notice this comment: "My first one I was too over bearing with him because he was a pit. Ruined his spirit." Have you considered that your reaction to Marcus on a different thread could also be seen as overbearing and over-reacting and could thwart the very support you seek?
Post Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:33 am 
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Ted Jankowski

Actually, Yes I have. It's tuff.

I get frustrated with people that make unfounded blanket statements that as a whole are not true. I do tend to forget. that most people don't put the time in that I have to investigate this stuff.

However, When these people chime in. They talk as if they are an authority or they are stating an undeniable fact! When it's completely obvious to anyone who takes more than two minutes to look at some research and figure it out for themselves, that statements like "My hood is safer". Cannot be true. Since the officers that respond to crime are suppose to cover the entire city. And if Crime is up 30 percent overall. It seems completely unreasonable that the rest of the city would become more dangerous just so his little part of the city would become safer!

While I believe my will to do what is right, or just is one of my best traits. I do understand I have the tendency at times to be over bearing. However, over reacting NO. Here's why. I don't see how one can be over reacting when people are all up in arms over a city councilperson trying to the corrupt system in government to actually work for the people. Then sit back and accept the Mayor actively extorting 189,000.0 out a businessman to do business in the city. That benefits his pocketbook! Just as this Clown we have has cost this city millions, YES Millions in settlements way more in just two years than any other Mayor has in any of their FOUR years in office! Yet, what I find is over reacting is making a big deal out of what ms. Poplar had done, while all the while ignoring everything that they mayor has already done. That is far worse than what she has done!

So yes while I may be harsh at times as I’ve become a bit tired of stupidity. I do respond with a preponderance of document able facts. If they don’t want to listen to reason. I’m not wasting too much time with them. I do not have much patience for people whose attitude is “Good for me and Screw you”. If your going to be the Mayor it’s got to be what is best for the community. Not just for his pocketbook or his cronies!
Post Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:00 am 
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Ted Jankowski schreef:
Actually, Yes I have. It's tuff.

I get frustrated with people that make unfounded blanket statements that as a whole are not true. I do tend to forget. that most people don't put the time in that I have to investigate this stuff.

However, When these people chime in. They talk as if they are an authority or they are stating an undeniable fact! When it's completely obvious to anyone who takes more than two minutes to look at some research and figure it out for themselves, that statements like "My hood is safer". Cannot be true. Since the officers that respond to crime are suppose to cover the entire city. And if Crime is up 30 percent overall. It seems completely unreasonable that the rest of the city would become more dangerous just so his little part of the city would become safer!

While I believe my will to do what is right, or just is one of my best traits. I do understand I have the tendency at times to be over bearing. However, over reacting NO. Here's why. I don't see how one can be over reacting when people are all up in arms over a city councilperson trying to the corrupt system in government to actually work for the people. Then sit back and accept the Mayor actively extorting 189,000.0 out a businessman to do business in the city. That benefits his pocketbook! Just as this Clown we have has cost this city millions, YES Millions in settlements way more in just two years than any other Mayor has in any of their FOUR years in office! Yet, what I find is over reacting is making a big deal out of what ms. Poplar had done, while all the while ignoring everything that they mayor has already done. That is far worse than what she has done!

So yes while I may be harsh at times as I’ve become a bit tired of stupidity. I do respond with a preponderance of document able facts. If they don’t want to listen to reason. I’m not wasting too much time with them. I do not have much patience for people whose attitude is “Good for me and Screw you”. If your going to be the Mayor it’s got to be what is best for the community. Not just for his pocketbook or his cronies!

WHile I do tend to agree more with your assessments than disagree, I feel your reactions above are missing the boat vis a vis Marcos. Not that there is an obvious disagreement with your opinions on the donald, clearly there is. However, you seem to believe that Marcos is not, and can not be honest in his opinions.

To wit:
" people that make unfounded blanket statements that as a whole are not true ." - His statement is founded and true..to him. His senses tell him so, his eyes see different things than yours. The difference is, as you demonstrated, you are both looking/seeing different things to base your opinions on. Yes, his criteria may seem more simplistic and superficial, but that is his choice. He associates any positives to the mayor and the mayor alone...just like ancient tribesman might associate a good harvest with proper and timely sacrifice of a virgin maiden, not the confluence of good weather, agricultural husbandry etc. He may be "wrong" in his association, but he's not being dishonest.....

" I do tend to forget. that most people don't put the time in that I have to investigate this stuff " - I'd say its more than most people. You do more investigation than 99.99% of people. And I have the time [right now] just not the desire. However, I'd caution you to reflect on your own motivations. Are you investigating merely to support your own biases; forcing the "facts" to support your conclusions...or are you investigating to find the "truth"...regardless what it might be. Becareful, because even people promoting the truth might sour the public on accepting it if they become strident and abusive.

" They talk as if they are an authority or they are stating an undeniable fact !" - It is a "fact" to them. Their reality is their reality. Not yours and mine. He may in fact not have experienced a break-in or loss of property. It may because he's unaware of what's really going on around him. fact is, he didn't respond to my specific questions either. Clearly for him, and others, they hold the mayor responsible for any and all good things that have happened. And any of the bad things that are issues to you and me, don't even show up on their radar screen as criteria. They tend to accept the "Wizard of Flint[Oz]" for what he is..they don't lift the curtain to see the charlatan manipulating the image, hell they don't even see the curtain.

Fact is, its human nature to look at the same object and through different eyes see two very different things. Someone sees a gem; another sees a turd. But both believe what they are seeing is the truth, and can't figure out why the other guy sees something different.

But, keep on keepin' on.....maybe someone will actually open their gaze wider, read more, explore more, consider other viewpoints and reformulate their own beliefs. All you can do is keep on making your case "why I believe the way I do"...with the supporting facts...without demanding that the reader accept your case, in fact invite questions, challenges. It allows the other party some ownership in the truth.

I've been on record though, that as long as the donald delivers tangible improvements, and whats more tangible than better roads and reduced blight [crime isn't..its abstract it impacts only those specifically its victim] that EVERYONE sees, he'll be a formidible candidate to depose.

Post Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:36 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

Roscoe Van Zandt schreef:
Ted, I just visited your Website and saw that you rescue abandoned animals, in particular, some Pit Bull Terrier dogs. I also loved your Flint-based naming scheme, Blazer, Chevy II, and (the exception) Porsche, which for some reason you spell Porscha.

My hats off to you.

Anyone else doing anything charitable or worthwhile like this? It certainly inspires me to see selfless acts.

That is very inspiring, Good Work Ted. See we have tons of people all over Flint doing stuff like this. Its awesome.
Post Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:03 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

WHile I do tend to agree more with your assessments than disagree, I feel your reactions above are missing the boat vis a vis Marcos. Not that there is an obvious disagreement with your opinions on the donald, clearly there is. However, you seem to believe that Marcos is not, and can not be honest in his opinions.

True, however, I don't use as much of my own personal stories because of criticism such as that! I use the facts. Not mine, but the city's own. It's not that I don't believe that what he says he believes. It's that what he is saying isn't based on anything but what is being done for him! To say that 'his hood is safer' cannot be true. Since, crime is up city wide. His perception that it’s safer is not necessarily the truth. It's not MY OPINION that crime is up. It's a fact! It's not my opinion that having the jail open would cut down on crime. Without the jail open police arrest the same criminal for car theft 3 to 6 times in the same day (IT’S HAPPENED) because the county jail will not take the criminal and the City Jail isn't open. It's not my opinion that police officers are being pulled off 911 calls to respond to the Mayor's whims of chasing after his political opponents. It’s a fact! It has happened. It is not an opinion when it has be documented to have happened!

To wit:
" people that make unfounded blanket statements that as a whole are not true ." - His statement is founded and true..to him. His senses tell him so, his eyes see different things than yours. The difference is, as you demonstrated, you are both looking/seeing different things to base your opinions on. Yes, his criteria may seem more simplistic and superficial, but that is his choice. He associates any positives to the mayor and the mayor alone...just like ancient tribesman might associate a good harvest with proper and timely sacrifice of a virgin maiden, not the confluence of good weather, agricultural husbandry etc. He may be "wrong" in his association, but he's not being dishonest.....

Ok True to him is true to everyone. There is not a truth that says 2+2 = 4 for everyone else, and 2+2 =5 to him. I like your analogy. Right on point. This is what drives me to continue to dispute these claims. Although, I am becoming weary in the fight to bring light on this subject. I have become somewhat burnt out. Especially when I see the local media going out of its way to make up stories that support the Mayor when the real story is he didn't really do what they claim he did in the story. AND THEY KNOW IT! Believe me. I try not to be too overbearing. But it is part of my personality. That's actually what I liked about the Don! However, I never expected that he really had no intention of doing what he said he was.

" I do tend to forget. that most people don't put the time in that I have to investigate this stuff " - I'd say its more than most people. You do more investigation than 99.99% of people. And I have the time [right now] just not the desire. However, I'd caution you to reflect on your own motivations. Are you investigating merely to support your own biases; forcing the "facts" to support your conclusions...or are you investigating to find the "truth"...regardless what it might be. Be careful, because even people promoting the truth might sour the public on accepting it if they become strident and abusive.

Actually that's very insightful. I have over the last three years changed some of my opinions 180 degrees based on the facts I've looked into. Mostly dealing with the former Mayor and Police Chief! I still haven't apologized to Stanley. I have however, apologized to Barksdale.

" They talk as if they are an authority or they are stating an undeniable fact !" - It is a "fact" to them. Their reality is their reality. Not yours and mine. He may in fact not have experienced a break-in or loss of property. It may because he's unaware of what's really going on around him. fact is, he didn't respond to my specific questions either. Clearly for him, and others, they hold the mayor responsible for any and all good things that have happened. And any of the bad things that are issues to you and me, don't even show up on their radar screen as criteria. They tend to accept the "Wizard of Flint[Oz]" for what he is..they don't lift the curtain to see the charlatan manipulating the image, hell they don't even see the curtain.

See that's were I would disagree. Back to my 2+2 example. You are correct though. It's just like not seeing the forest because all the trees are in the way. I'm still learning more and more about this. I talked to Chief Barksdale for almost two hours the other night. Just when I thought I really had a grasp on it. He came along and bashed me with a whole new direction. There is stuff going on at the State Level to actually bring more criminals to Flint. See when I hear about this stuff. It almost seems unbelievable. I have to let it soak in awhile. Your advice is sound and I am listening. I'm currently reviewing daily my show for the New Year! It's going to be about City government and mainly the Council's authority. I've been straining to remember those things I didn't understand from when I first started to pay attention. It should be another excellent show! IF! I can bring out the things I believe most people don't understand and get it across so they can!

Fact is, its human nature to look at the same object and through different eyes see two very different things. Someone sees a gem; another sees a turd. But both believe what they are seeing is the truth, and can't figure out why the other guy sees something different.

I understand that, but don't accept it. God gave us the ability to reason. He even gave it to animals. People should be able to (at the least) come to a reasonable consensus. Is it green? Light Green? or Teal? We can at the very least all say it is a green. It's the with literature. Reading “Tom Sawyer” there are ideas that Sam puts into the story that are lessons or parables that all can understand when they read it. Do some get more out of the book? Sure, Some even get less. However, the messages and their meaning are all the same when reading the same thing. Remember the movie with Danny Devito when he was teaching Shakespeare to army students? What was he really teaching?

But, keep on keepin' on.....maybe someone will actually open their gaze wider, read more, explore more, consider other viewpoints and reformulate their own beliefs. All you can do is keep on making your case "why I believe the way I do"...with the supporting facts...without demanding that the reader accept your case, in fact invite questions, challenges. It allows the other party some ownership in the truth.

Thanks, keep on me. I do sometimes forget and become weary. I do need to ask more questions to encourage more dialogue. This is one of my weaknesses!

I've been on record though, that as long as the donald delivers tangible improvements, and what’s more tangible than better roads and reduced blight [crime isn't..its abstract it impacts only those specifically its victim] that EVERYONE sees, he'll be a formidable candidate to depose.

Your right there. People see the streets being paved and think "well at least he doing something" or "He's doing more than any other Mayor" There is a psychology behind that! George Bush Senior wrote the book on it when he was head of the CIA! (Sorry I don't have a link to that. As it was classified and you would have had to have a secret classification to have read it. I got the opportunity to during my tour in Panama writing Frag orders, and PSY-OPS during my stay at COMMARFOR) The only way to defeat the façade is to keep pounding the drum of truth. Your are correct in what your pointing out. My TACT is a bit lacking. LOL Something I've bent over backwards to freely admit. Something that Hitler wrote (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Lie) in Mein Kampf . “telling a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe anyone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". “

Hitler wrote in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf (James Murphy translation, page 134):
All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes. ...

This is part of the reason this war in Iraq is so difficult to fight. It is not about Manpower or troops on the ground. It’s about ideas. And at this stage of the War manpower on the ground isn’t what is needed. We needed to change hearts and minds. We didn’t they way GW thought it would. He was too naive! This was a country that was run and maintained by a ruthless dictator! If you disagreed, he may just kill the whole town. Does everyone accept Paul’s teaching of repaying evil with good? “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” And does it work with everyone? It is more difficult to proclaim and act upon the truth. Lies feed ones own pride! Truth challenges not only what we are doing but what we’ve done. It causes our conscience to kick in. We all don’t like arguing with our conscience! Even ME!
Post Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:08 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

Biggie, I was really hoping to continue this line. Thought you might still have something to add.
Post Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:03 pm 
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