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Topic: 7 homicides in 7 days, and city hall - - - - - - -

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Raymond Sist

Mayor Walling - This is one of the worst weeks in Flint history. Other than that, silence. No action.

Chief Lock - total silence

Mike Brown - silence

City council - send a letter to the Justice Department supporting an investigation of George Zimmerman. On the homicides, silence.

Dan Kildee - asks the ATF to send more federal agents to Flint. He's not city hall, but.............
Post Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:56 am 
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El Supremo

Oh and the State Police put out a plea for people to fill out anonymous forms about criminals in Flint. They keep saying they are here to help us.

Can anyone say why crime appears to be increasing under their watch (their expensive watch).
Post Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:49 pm 
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Because they didn't hire the 10 Police Officers they promised to hire? Because drugs and drug gangs rule sections of the city ? Because the FPD has had an exodus of talent going back years ? Because Flint has lacked leadership for decades ? Because GM abandoned the City that gave it birth ? Because the UAW was greedy and didn't see the big picture or think in the long term ? Because the FPD is not even at half strength ? ect ect ect ??
Post Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:11 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
Oh and the State Police put out a plea for people to fill out anonymous forms about criminals in Flint. They keep saying they are here to help us.

Can anyone say why crime appears to be increasing under their watch (their expensive watch).
"Increasing under their watch?!" As if they're the only ones watching? Flint is fortunate to have the assistance of multiple agencies in fighting crime. The problem is how to prevent crime, and that solution lies with the perpetrators.
Post Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:05 pm 
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El Supremo

The cost of a new State Trooper is nearly twice that of a new Flint Police Officer. The troopers don't have to answer 911 calls. There are so few police officers on the streets that Flint has had to call in assistance from nearly every agency around. One day Flint also had the U of M Police, the Mott College Police, the Genesee County Sheriff and even some Park rangers helping.

Citizens supported the millage because they anticipated more police officers. The millage actually planned to lay off police as of 2014.

The perpetrators are not going to help with crime elimination. The crime is increasing. Sometimes I look at the scanner sites and it is depressing. Citizens are placing dates on their expected exodus from Flint. So tell me how the policies of the State Police and the administration are working on the perpetrators to reduce crime. Who is gong to turn out the lights when some parts of Flint are gone?
Post Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:53 pm 
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El Supremo

ATF is evaluating Kildee's request and crunching the numbers to see if they can help. That is good as the State police don't seem to be able to get a handle on the drug problem, especially the heroin flowing through the east side. The ATf has established some excellent task forces employing local agencies in the past. may have to give Kildee this one.

I notice that Brown is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He claims to be in the process of releasing statistics demonstrating a reduction in crime. No one I have spoken to believes that line and most are saying they must be manufactured or Flint is nor reporting all crime. A lot of the comments can't be listed here.

If the programs are working so well, then why are so many people leaving? Watch the curbs as people are cleaning house to eliminate what they don't want to take.

Also, if all is so well, why is Brown finally getting off his duff and hiring more police and bringing in more State Police. Brown must be expecting future retirements as his budgets reflect declining police personnel.

Has anyone noticed that the State Police may have assumed the detective role for the Flint Police? They are the ones presenting the cases to the judges and they are making the public safety statements.
Post Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:31 am 
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