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Topic: 8th Ward Councilman Sarginson steps down early

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El Supremo

Michael Sarginson resigns seat on Flint City Council

Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com By Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com
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on August 07, 2013 at 1:12 PM, updated August 07, 2013 at 2:16 PM

FLINT, MI – Eighth Ward Councilman Michael Sarginson has resigned with four months left on his term.

Sarginson sent his resignation letter to Flint City Clerk Inez Brown and emergency Manager Michael Brown on Monday, Aug. 5, Council President Scott Kincaid said.

“Mike claims that he can’t get any response from the mayor and the police chief,” Kincaid said. “He said he’s resigned from the city council and he’s going to leave Flint.”

Sarginson could not be reached for comment.

Kincaid said he hasn’t personally talked with Sarginson, but that he read the resignation letter.

“He’s turned everything in,” Kincaid said. “He’s done.”

City Charter calls for Sarginson’s seat to be filled with 30 days, Kincaid said.

Sarginson's term expires at the end of the year and he did not run in Tuesday's primary. Vicki VanBuren and Joyce Ellis-McNeal were the two top vote getters in the ward primary and will meet in the November election for the seat.

Kincaid said the public deserves an Eighth Ward council representative before November.

“I’m to the mindset that residents in the city need to have representation and the emergency manager doesn’t represent the city, he represents the governor,” Kincaid said.

Police Chief Alvern Lock could not be reached for comment.

“I thank Councilman Sarginson for his service to our city during these difficult recent years,” Mayor Dayne Walling said in a text message. “I have spoken with Councilman Sarginson about many issues that have been resolved but there are certainly many more still undone.”

City officials have not yet responded to a Freedom of Information Act request made by MLive-Flint Journal on Wednesday, Aug. 7, seeking Sarginson’s resignation letter.

Sixth Ward Councilman Sheldon Neeley said he had the closest relationship with Sarginson of all the council.

Neeley talked with Sarginson on Wednesday.

“He’s just frustrated,” Neeley said. “He hates to see his community suffer.”

Neeley was referring to the 38 homicides in Flint and what Neeley called a lack of action from the emergency manager and police chief to protect Flint residents.

“They won’t step up to the plate to protect residents,” Neeley said. “We’ve been stripped of our powers and people are dying in our community.”

Dominic Adams is a reporter for MLive-Flint Journal. Contact him at dadams5@mlive.com or 810-241-8803. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
Post Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:50 pm 
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El Supremo

Sarginson has seen an uptick in violent crime in his area, even in the better neighborhoods. He is a sensitive and compassionate individual and I can picture him becoming increasingly frustrated with the scenario he is facing.

He does have what appears to be two qualified candidates running for election in his ward. I don't know when he is leaving the ward, but that decision may have hastened his departure. I would rather that he be honest and resign if he no longer resides in the ward than to have him be deceptive. I believe him to be an honorable person.
Post Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:59 pm 
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Walling was going door-to-door campaigning in the 8th Ward for Eli Isaguirre for State Rep on a Saturday. Wonder if he knocked on Sarginson's door.
Flint city council member resigns
Posted: Aug 07, 2013 6:07 PM EST Updated: Aug 07, 2013 6:22 PM EST
By ABC12 News Team


(08/07/13) - A Flint city council member has walked away from his job.

We spoke on the phone with Flint city councilman Michael Sarginson. He tells ABC12 he resigned from his seat on Monday and that resignation went into effect immediately.

Sarginson says he stepped down because of lack of police officers on the street and high water bills.

We have emails out to city leaders and are waiting for a response.
Sarginson ran for office to represent the people in the 8th Ward. They suffer the same lack of officers and have the same high water bills. Would he have the entire City Council step down for the same reason? What would his father have done under the same circumstances?
Post Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:42 pm 
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Should know there's more to the story. It's just sad to see one in position of leadership leave but other residents are leaving for similar reasons.

Michael Sarginson says frustration with public safety in Flint forced him to walk away from city council seat

By Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com
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on August 07, 2013 at 7:15 PM, updated August 07, 2013 at 7:16 PM

FLINT, MI – Councilman Michael Sarginson said he resigned his Eighth Ward city council seat out of frustration.

He submitted his letter of resignation on Monday, Aug. 5.

“I had a problem in the neighborhood. I called for the police and I couldn’t get them to come out and help them with this problem,” Sarginson told MLive-Flint Journal on Wednesday, Aug. 7. “I had a councilman call the chief to send out a car and the chief assured me it was coming and it never came.”

Sarginson said he talked to Mayor Dayne Walling the next day and Walling allegedly said he would help take care of it.

“Nobody has gotten back with me,” Sarginson said. “It’s difficult to speak about this because I don’t want repercussions.

“It’s too dangerous in our own neighborhood. This should not be going on. I’m very frustrated. As a councilman, I’m supposed to alleviate these problems. I haven’t done a very good job.”

Walling said he followed through for Sarginson.

“I followed up with the Flint Police Department and was assured that there was timely and appropriate follow up with the individual whom Councilman Sarginson reported as the victim,” Walling said in an email to MLive-Flint Journal. “I believe a mistake was made in this information not being shared with the councilman at that time.”

Flint police Chief Alvern Lock said he had no comment about Sarginson’s allegations.

Sarginson said his girlfriend of 10 years will no longer stay at his home. He plans to move out of the city.

“This city has a lot of very good people in it,” Sarginson said. “The policies that the city is enacting are driving them out.”

City Charter calls for Sarginson’s seat to be filled with 30 days, council President Scott Kincaid said.

Sarginson’s term expires at the end of the year and he did not run in Tuesday’s primary. Vicki VanBuren and Joyce Ellis-McNeal were the two top vote getters in the ward primary and will meet in the November election for the seat.

“My inclination is to leave it vacant,” said emergency manager Michael Brown. “If there is something that is pressing, like the master plan, I would brief both candidates to make sure they’re up to speed.”

City officials have not yet responded to a Freedom of Information Act request made by MLive-Flint Journal on Wednesday, Aug. 7, seeking Sarginson’s resignation letter.

Sixth Ward Councilman Sheldon Neeley said he had the closest relationship with Sarginson of all the council.

Neeley talked with Sarginson on Wednesday.

“He’s just frustrated,” Neeley said. “He hates to see his community suffer.”

Neeley was referring to the 38 homicides in Flint and what Neeley called a lack of action from the emergency manager and police chief to protect Flint residents.

“They won’t step up to the plate to protect residents,” Neeley said. “We’ve been stripped of our powers and people are dying in our community.”

Dominic Adams is a reporter for MLive-Flint Journal. Contact him at dadams5@mlive.com or 810-241-8803. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
Post Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:08 pm 
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El Supremo

It was not just one issue. The city administration failed to respond to Sarginson about issues in his ward. Sarginson has a kind heart and it must have been frustrating to feel powerless to help his constituents. It is hard to call your residents and tell them the city won't respond to you.
Post Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:13 am 
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Raymond Sist

I'm not sure about his ward, but around here the residents know that the city couldn't care less about them.
Post Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:03 am 
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Say what you want, but Sarginson has a lot of nerve. I agree with the first comment following the story.

Flint city councilman who resigned wants the Rev. Reginald Flynn to represent Eighth Ward
Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com By Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com
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on August 19, 2013 at 5:20 PM, updated August 19, 2013 at 5:21 PM

FLINT, MI – Michael Sarginson no longer represents citizens in Flint’s Eighth Ward, but the former Flint city councilman has an idea who should replace him.

Sarginson recommended the Rev. Reginald Flynn, pastor at Foss Avenue Baptist Church, to serve out the remaining four months of Sarginson’s term.

Flynn could not be reached for comment on Monday, Aug. 19.

“He is an advocate for the community and a champion of causes for the spiritual community as a whole,” Sarginson said in a typed letter he signed and sent to council members and Flint City Clerk Inez Brown. “He has a love of Flint and a deeply rooted concern for this city and its ability to propel itself forward as it relates to fiscal responsibility, integrity and the vision of Flint for tomorrow.”

Sarginson resigned his seat Aug. 5, citing frustration with police response and Mayor Dayne Walling. Sarginson didn’t seek reelection.

Vicki VanBuren and Joyce Ellis-McNeal were the top two vote getters in the Eighth Ward primary and will meet in the November election for the seat.

“My inclination is to leave it vacant,” emergency manager Michael Brown previously told MLive-Flint Journal. “If there is something that is pressing, like the master plan, I would brief both candidates to make sure they’re up to speed.”

Both Brown and Sarginson could not be reached for comment.

Council President Scott Kincaid said the city charter calls for council to select a replacement within 30 days. He said Brown hasn’t gotten back with him about allowing city council to appoint a replacement.

Kincaid said Michael J. Thorp and Robert Johnson have submitted letters of interest in being appointed to the seat.

“Anytime a council person leaves a seat and makes a recommendation for who to fill their seat – I’d consider it,” Kincaid said, adding Flynn would be a good fit. “I think he’d make a good appointment.

“The ward should be represented by an elected official – or an appointed officials in this case.”

Flynn led multiple protests outside Flint City Hall in 2012 against Brown and the emergency manager law. Flynn was arrested following his one-man protest that May.

Dominic Adams is a reporter for MLive-Flint Journal. Contact him at dadams5@mlive.com or 810-241-8803. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

© 2013 MLive.com. All rights reserved.
Comment by hcrich:
As a resident in the 8th ward, I would prefer to choose my own representative. The seat can remain vacant until elections are held. Mr. Sarginson left of his own choosing, he let his constituents down and therefore we are no longer interested in his input nor are we interested in his opinions. He is a private citizen and can vote in the November election like every other private citizen.

Comment by Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com:
Brown contacted me me after the story published. "I will make a final decision tomorrow and I will put it in writing," he said. Brown said he had been working on "other higher priority" things and hasn't been able to focus on the Eighth Ward council seat.
Source: http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2013/08/former_flint_city_councilman_w.html
Accessed: August 19, 2013, 9:43 PM
Post Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:47 pm 
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El Supremo

No more nerve than Delrico Loyd wanting fellow UAW Claudia Croom to succeed him. No more nerve than Dale Weighill planning to step down and having Alex Harris replace him. Only with Weighill it was planned in advance and angry citizens confronted Weighill to stop it.

The problem is the relationship among council. I is sometimes a buddy system and a climate of"I'll vote for your proposal if you support mine". Often this loyalty test produces very bad results and council passes resolution tat end up biting the citizens n the rear.

Cronyism was behind many contracts such as the disastrous Department of Energy grant. Then council follows a leader and we get the Smith Village contract, complete with lawsuits, million dollar plus paybacks and city funding.

Sarginson is weak. I believe someone he trusts is influencing this letter as I hear Sarginson is out of Flint. Flynn is not the person as he and the organizations associated with him are attempting to get federal funding. There would be conflicts of interest.

"No man can have two masters."
Post Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:45 am 
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Raymond Sist

Since when did any politician represent anyone other than his/her own personal interests? Anyone thinking otherwise is seriously deluded. Believing anything a politician says should be classified as a mental illness.
Post Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:17 am 
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Flint emergency manager Michael Brown won't fill city council vacancy
By Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com
on August 21, 2013 at 8:00 AM, updated August 21, 2013 at 8:02 AM

Post Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:56 am 
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Newsflash: I think the remaining councilpersons should work together as a TEAM and VOLUNTEER to represent the 8th ward until a new 8th ward councilperson is elected. There's no reason to appoint someone to fill the vacancy for 2 months. They wouldn't have time to fulfill the requirements to be a councilperson--remember they have to take classes.

Flint City Council takes vote, asks Michael Brown to allow appointment in Eighth Ward
By Dominic Adams | dadams5@mlive.com
on August 26, 2013 at 10:00 PM

FLINT, MI – Flint City Council wants emergency manager Michael Brown to reverse his decision and allow council to appoint an Eighth Ward representative who would serve for about two months.

The 6-0 vote came after Vice President Bryant Nolden suggested the measure and Councilman Sheldon Neeley offered support during the city council’s meeting on Monday, Aug. 26.

“It would be less than American to deny the people an opportunity to be represented,” Neeley said. “The people in the Eighth Ward deserve to have someone represent them.”

The vote from council came without Brown allowing the vote beforehand. Under Michigan’s emergency manager law, the only powers city council has are those that Brown first approves.

The seat was vacated after Michael Sarginson resigned his seat Aug. 5, citing frustration with police response and Mayor Dayne Walling. Sarginson didn’t seek reelection.

Vicki VanBuren and Joyce Ellis-McNeal were the top two vote getters in the Eighth Ward primary and will meet in the November election for the seat.

Sarginson recommended the Rev. Reginald Flynn, pastor at Foss Avenue Baptist Church, serve out the remaining four months of Sarginson’s term.

Both Michael J. Thorp and Robert Johnson have said they’re interested in the seat.

“I just feel like the right thing to do is to wait until the people vote them into office,” Brown told MLive-Flint Journal on Wednesday, Aug. 21, about his decision to keep the seat vacant.
Dominic Adams is a reporter for MLive-Flint Journal. Contact him at dadams5@mlive.com or 810-241-8803. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

© 2013 MLive.com. All rights reserved.
Source: http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2013/08/flint_city_council_takes_vote.html
Accessed: August 26, 2013
Post Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:02 pm 
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