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Topic: HUD allocations 2013-2014 & David Solis

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El Supremo


Resolution Authorizing Submission of the 2013-14 Annual Action Plan of the Consolidated Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,
and Approval of the Proposed Uses and Funding Recommendations
for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Funds for the 2013-14 Program Year

The City of Flint anticipates it will receive Title I Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement funds in the amount of $3,678,1?8.00 in HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) entitlement funds in the amount of $725,840.00 , and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) in the
amount of $261,123.00 for federal fiscal year 2013-14, covering the period of July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014, as well as any subsequent years that HUD continues to make any balances available to the City; pursuant to submission of an application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The City of Flint anticipates receipt of program income in an amount up to $60,000.00 from CDBG and HOME repayments of rehabilitation and economic development loans.

In order to receive this funding, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires the City of Flint to submit an annual Action Plan of the Consolidated Plan as a component of the 5-year Consolidated Plan. This plan includes the annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) application.

DCED staff reviewed applications and City Administration finalized funding recommendations to for the proposed Action Plan in March 2013.
It is resolved, that City Officials approve the funding amounts and projects for the agencies listed below for the City’s FY2013-14 Community Development Block Grant program in the amount of $3,678,128.00, FY 2013-14 HOME Investment Partnership program in the amount of $725,840.00, and FY2013-14 Emergency Solutions Grant program in the amount of $261,123.00, and include any program income which might become available as a result of receipt of these funds.

City of Flint — Administration $715,625.00
USC — Capacity Building $20,000.00



United Way — Youth Recreation $100,000.00
Big Brothers/Sisters — Community Based Mentoring $46,000.00
Boys and Girls Club — Youth Recreation $46,000.00
YWCA — Victim Advocacy Program $15,000.00
COF Police Dept — Police Activities League $24,000.00
WOW Outreach — Lifeline Program $20,000.00
Legal Services — Fair Housing Center $18,000.00
Legal Services — Credit Repair/Bankruptcy Center $24,000.00


Smith Village — Streets $56,302.00
Smith Village — Rehabilitation $443,698.00

GCCARD — Citywide Emergency Home Repairs $235,000.00
Disability Network — Ramps and Modifications $10,000.00

DCED — NSP1 Housing Completion $109,211.00
COF Parks — Berston Facility Improvements $52,000.00
COF Parks — Berston Playground $8,000.00
COF Fire — Fire Radios $63,000.00



COF Infrastructure — Neighborhood Cleanups $113,000.00
COF Development Division — Commercial Demolition $449,491.00
COF Development Division — Weed/Trash Abatement $300,000.00

COF Police Dept — Code Enforcement $142,000.00
COF Transportation — Sidewalk Repairs $75,000.00
TOTAL CDBG USES $3,678,128.00


The City of Flint as a Participating Jurisdiction is entitled to receive an estimated
$725,840.00 in 2013-14 HOME Investment Partnership funds from the U.S. Department of HUD under the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. The primary purpose of the funds is to expand and maintain the stock of affordable housing. Pursuant to this purpose, and incorporating any changes that might be made as a result of the public hearing, the City of Flint proposes to use approximately $725,840.00 in HOME funds made available with the 2013-14 program year for the following activities:

City of Flint — Administration $72,584.00

Salem Housing CDC $20.000.00

COF DCED — Smith Village New Construction S633,256.00
TOTAL HOME USES: $725,840.00


The City of Flint will receive $261,123.00 in 2013-14 under subtitle B of Title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, as amended by the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 (Hearth Act). These funds are to be used to provide shelter, services and homeless prevention, rapid re-housing assistance to families and individuals, as well as to support the required data collection and administrative activities. Pursuant to this purpose, the City of Flint proposes to use $261,123.00 in ESG funds in the following manner:

City of Flint - Administration $19,584.00

Genesee County Youth Corporation - REACH $18,400.00
My Brother’s Keeper — In Safe Hands $10,400.00
YWCA — DVSAS Safehouse $7,360.00
Shelter of Flint $18,400.00

Genesee County Youth Corporation - REACH $23,200.00
My Brother’s Keeper — In Safe Hands $24,800.00
YWCA - DVSAS Safehouse $14,400.00
Shelter of Flint $49,600.00

Legal Services — Housing Utility Law Assistance $8,000.00
Resource Genesee — Homeless Prevention $40,000.00

Resource Genesee — Rapid Rehousing $12,800.00

Metro Community Development — Data Collection $14,179.00
TOTAL ESG USES $261,123.00

Further Resolved, that funds in an estimated amount of up to $50,000.00 in CDBG program income received from loan repayments, shall be made available for use as part of the FY 2013- 14 Community Development Block Grant program;
Further Resolved, that funds in an estimated amount of up to $10,000.00 in HOME program income received from loan repayments, shall be made available for use as part of the FY 2013- 14 HOME Investment Partnership program;

Further Resolved, that all subrecipient agencies shall conform to the standards and bidding procedures maintained by the City of Flint and such bid processes shall be approved as to form by the Chief Legal Officer of the City of Flint. Subrecipients may not obligate any funds, incur any costs, nor implement any physical activities until the Department of Community and Economic Development has completed the ERR and/or received a release of funds from the U.S. Department of HUD and has issued a written notice to proceed to the subrecipient.

Further Resolved, pending approval of the City of Flint FY 2014 Budget and following
notification that HUD has approved the 2013-14 Annual Action Plan through execution of a Grant Agreement with the City of Flint, the appropriate City Officials are authorized to do all things necessary to enter into sub-grantee agreements with the various agencies listed above.

Further resolved, upon receipt of these CDBG funds, the estimated revenues shall beincreased to recognize receipt of such funds and an appropriation in the amount of $3,678,128.00 shall be made to the Department of Community and Economic Development to fund the FY 2013-14 Community Development Block Grant program; Further resolved, upon receipt of these HOME funds, the estimated revenues shall be increased to recognize receipt of such funds and an appropriation in the amount of $725,840.00 shall be made to the Department of Community and Economic Development to fund the FY 2013-14 HOME Investment Partnerships program;

Further resolved, upon receipt of these ESG funds, the estimated revenues shall be increased
to recognize receipt of such funds and an appropriation in the amount of $261,123.00 shall be made to the Department of Community and Economic Development to fund the FY 2013-14 Emergency Solutions Grant program;
Further Resolved, that the appropriate officials are hereby authorized to do all things
necessary to set up the appropriate accounts in the 274 Fund.

Further Resolved, that the appropriate city officials are hereby authorized to do all things necessary to move remaining unspent CDBG, HOME and ESG funds to fiscal year 2014.

Peter . Bade, Chief Legal Officer ~ra~ A rose, Finance Director
Michael K. Brown, Emergency Manager

July 15, 2013
Agenda Item Title:
Resolution authorizing approval and submission of the 2013-14 Action Plan of the Consolidated Plan, including funding recommendations by the City of Flint for the uses of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds to the U.S. Department of HUD for the 2013-14 Program Year.

Author: Suzanne Wilcox, Program Manager
Recluestor: Department of Community and Economic Development

Background/Summary of Proposed Action:
Approval of the attached resolution authorizes submission of the 1-year Annual Action Plan, including funding recommendations for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and HOME Investment

Partnership (HOME) programs.
HUD has notified the City of Flint that its estimated 2013-14 allocations will be:
CDBG $3,678,128.00
HOME $725,840.00
ESS $261.123.00

The City may receive program income and plans to use the following additional funds as part of its CDBG allocation:
$50,000 Program income from repayments for housing rehab and economic development loans.
The City may also use the following additional funds as part of its HOME allocation:
$10,000 Program income from repayments for housing rehab loans.

The total HUD allocation, including program income for FY12-13 will be $4,725,091.00

In March 2013, DCED staff reviewed all agency CDBG and HOME funding requests. City Administration finalized its recommendations in June, 2013. The final proposed recommendations are included in the attached resolution.

The Department of Community and Economic Development published a notice of opportunity to comment on June 21, 2013. A 30-day public comment period was held from June 21, 2013 — July 21, 2013, and a public hearing was held on July 11, 2013 to receive citizen comments and concerns regarding the proposed Consolidated Plan and 1-year Annual Action Plan. The City will submit its 2013-
14 Annual Action Plan to HUD by July 22, 2013

HUD regulation 570.302 requires the City, prior to release of grant funds, to annually submit an Action Plan describing all activities and programs to be funded with CDBG, HOME and ESG funds for the upcoming fiscal year. The Department of Community and Economic Development requires approval of the attached resolution prior to entering into contracts with the agencies. Upon submission of the Plan,
HUD has 45 days to review and approve the documents, prior to entering into contracts with the proposed subrecipients.
Financial ImDlications (i.e.. budget, account information’~With HUD approval of the proposed Consolidated Plan and 1-year Action Plan, the City of Flint will
receive access to $3,728,128.00 in CDBG funds, $735,840.00 in HOME funds, and $261,123 in ESG funds to carry out housing, demolition, public services, homeless, and other eligible programs.

CDBG program income for FY 2013-14 is estimated at $50,000. HOME program income for FY 2013-14 is estimated at $10,000.

Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that appropriate officials authorize the submission of the 2013-14 Annual Action Plan to HUD. Staff also recommends approval of the attached resolution and list of agencies to receive CDBG a • HOME funding as • . ft of the City’s proposed 2013-14 Annual Action Plan.
‘Tracy Atkinson
Chief Officer

David Solis
Economic Development Director
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:47 am 
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El Supremo

Flint severed ties as to control over Flint Housing during the Willamson time as mayor. However, under the charter, Flint still names the Board of Directors for Flint Housing. The Board of Directors still selects the Director of the agency.

David Solis is a Board of Director for Flint Housing. He is also the Chairman of the Bard of Directors for United Way. According to the Public disclosure published Tuesday, August 27, 2013, the city has determined that Solis has no conflict of interest in his role as an administrator in Planning and Development Departments when both agencies are to receive money through federal funds.

HUD initially found Nancy Jurkiewicz -Rich had a conflict in her roles with DCED and the Flint Area Enterprise community and her contracts had to be rewritten to eliminate the conflict.

Council members n some communities have been prosecuted for their roles n approving contacts for the nonprofits on whose boards they served. But then I got into an argument with a HUD official over DCED department heads serving on community boards and allocating money to the same agency. Perhaps the problem lies I the attitudes of our Detroit HUD office.
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:06 pm 
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El Supremo

Davis Solis is a covered person under 24 CFR 570.611 (c).

(b) Conflicts prohibited. The general rule is that no persons described in paragraph (c) of this section who exercise or have exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to CDBG activities assisted under this part, or who are in a position to participate in a decisionmaking process or gain inside information with regard to such activities, may obtain a financial interest or benefit from a CDBG-assisted activity, or have a financial interest in any contract, subcontract, or agreement with respect to a CDBG-assisted activity, or with respect to the proceeds of the CDBG-assisted activity, either for themselves or those with whom they have business or immediate family ties, during their tenure or for one year thereafter. For the UDAG program, the above restrictions shall apply to all activities that are a part of the UDAG project, and shall cover any such financial interest or benefit during, or at any time after, such person's tenure.

(c) Persons covered. The conflict of interest provisions of paragraph (b) of this section apply to any person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of the recipient, or of any designated public agencies, or of subrecipients that are receiving funds under this part.

(d) Exceptions. Upon the written request of the recipient, HUD may grant an exception to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section on a case-by-case basis when it has satisfactorily met the threshold requirements of (d)(1) of this section, taking into account the cumulative effects of paragraph (d)(2) of this section.

(1) Threshold requirements. HUD will consider an exception only after the recipient has provided the following documentation:

(i) A disclosure of the nature of the conflict, accompanied by an assurance that there has been public disclosure of the conflict and a description of how the public disclosure was made; and

(ii) An opinion of the recipient's attorney that the interest for which the exception is sought would not violate State or local law.

(2) Factors to be considered for exceptions. In determining whether to grant a requested exception after the recipient has satisfactorily met the requirements of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, HUD shall conclude that such an exception will serve to further the purposes of the Act and the effective and efficient administration of the recipient's program or project, taking into account the cumulative effect of the following factors, as applicable:

(i) Whether the exception would provide a significant cost benefit or an essential degree of expertise to the program or project that would otherwise not be available;

(ii) Whether an opportunity was provided for open competitive bidding or negotiation;

(iii) Whether the person affected is a member of a group or class of low- or moderate-income persons intended to be the beneficiaries of the assisted activity, and the exception will permit such person to receive generally the same interests or benefits as are being made available or provided to the group or class;

(iv) Whether the affected person has withdrawn from his or her functions or responsibilities, or the decision making process with respect to the specific assisted activity in question;

(v) Whether the interest or benefit was present before the affected person was in a position as described in paragraph (b) of this section;

(vi) Whether undue hardship will result either to the recipient or the person affected when weighed against the public interest served by avoiding the prohibited conflict; and

(vii) Any other relevant considerations.

[60 FR 56916, Nov. 9, 1995]

Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:13 pm 
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El Supremo

Federal funding is one way to increase revenues!

United Way of Genesee County extends term of interim executive director as fundraising increases

Cathy Shafran | cshafran@mlive.com By Cathy Shafran | cshafran@mlive.com
on March 05, 2012 at 3:55 PM

FLINT, Michigan – Citing a reverse trend of declining donations, the United Way of Genesee County Board of Trustees has voted to extend the term of its interim executive director, Jerry W. Leman.

Leman was named to the post on an interim basis last May, shortly after the United Way Board decided not to renew the contract of former executive director Ron Butler. The decision was attributed, in part, to sharp declines in fund-raising .

United Way officials point out this year the agency is on track to surpass the $2.6 million raised a year ago, and has extended its $2.8 million 2011 goal by $100,000.

The United Way board has agreed to extend Leman's contract through December 2012. A search committee will be formed in October to search for a permanent replacement.

In a statement, board chairman David Solis praised Leman's efforts "to rebuild trust in the agency and increase support for programs that serve more than 35,000 people in Genesee County.

Leman is a long-time General Motors executive and community activist.
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:20 pm 
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El Supremo

Solis seems to wear many hats. He signed the Action Plan as the Director of Economic development, but he signed resolution 2013 EM 031 as Administrator I & D Community Development.

At a July Master Planning meeting, it came out that the planners were meeting with Flint Housing and trying to come up with more scattered housing sites. Since at times Solis was over planning.
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:45 pm 
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