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Topic: Undersheriff Chris Swanson

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El Supremo

The Flint Journal has written a story about a deputy allegedly writing to Chris Swanson's wife and alleging Swanson was having an affair. I also heard some scandalous tales that I totally dismissed because Swanson is not that stupid.

Why the outrage against Swanson? I believe it is because he is looking more and more like future Sheriff material. I have observed him in the County Commission meetings and the guy has is act together. By that I mean he has done his homework, managed the budget, and met with all of the appropriate department heads.
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:42 am 
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El Supremo

Missionary trip anyone?

Volunteers leave their comfort zone to help less fortunate

Posted: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 9:19 am | Updated: 4:30 pm, Wed Jul 10, 2013.

Posted on July 10, 2013
William Axford
by William Axford

Genesee County Undersheriff Chris Swanson always knew he wanted to do missionary work at least once in his life. After a chance encounter through an acquaintance, Swanson secured his 20-year dream in about five minutes.

 After spending a week in Haiti helping locals build a new compound, Swanson said humanitarian efforts overseas is one of the most rewarding experiences of his life.

“It taught me to be content,” Swanson said. “It made me thankful for my home, family, health and clean water. It made me realize I can be much more content with what I have and made me realize I don’t need everything I do have.”

 Missionary work overseas is a staple of churches and organizations across the country. Swanson became involved in work with Haiti after meeting with board members of the Construction World Evangelism (CWE), a construction and medical ministry group. During his time in Haiti, Swanson worked alongside his son and 14 other people from around the country to help build a foundation for a new building.

 Missionary work is not for the faint of heart. Swanson admits he was not prepared for the devastation he encountered in Haiti, a country in the Caribbean, which is still recovering from a 2010 earthquake. He said running water was a luxury in the country and it was not uncommon to see frequent heaps of garbage.

While the need for social work exists within our own country, some countries like Haiti don’t have the infrastructure of social programs and organizations to help the less fortunate like America does.

 “Over there, they have zero opportunity. They can only depend on what they can do and what missionaries bring,” Swanson said.

 Missionaries are often drawn to a country via an organization already established in an area of the world. Jeannie Dillon of Holly is set to do missionary work for 12 days in South Africa at the end of this month, along with 19 other members from her church. Members of Dillon’s church have close ties to the founders of the Keys of Hope, a foundation focused on reducing the spread of HIV and educating women.

 For Dillon, knowing that she can improve the lives of complete strangers in a brief amount of time is worth a 24-hour flight and being exposed to a different culture.

 “It’s all about raising hope. I’m hoping to take my compassion and love for people with me,” said Dillon, whose group will build a daycare center and educate women on childcare.

 Being involved in missionary work isn’t as easy as jumping on a plane however. Dillon had to raise $4,000 for the trip and pass medical examinations. Sicknesses like malaria and typhoid fever are a part of life in South Africa, prompting the need for vaccines and further health education.

 If Dillon’s experience is anything like Swanson’s, she’ll learn just as much about herself as she does about a foreign country.

“Making the decision to go on mission trips is never going to be convenient but I say do it anyway,” Swanson said. “It changed me and way I think my life needs to be. I wasn’t just bringing them something, they were giving me something much more.” .

Posted in News on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 9:19 am. Updated: 4:30 pm.
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:01 am 
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El Supremo

Overtime is a crucial part of the Sheriff's department and partly because of training requirements, especially for the corrections officers at the jail. Swanson approached the County Commissioners at their last meeting with a proposal to hire training officers to temporarily cover for officers attending state mandated training. The training officers will already be certified and will not require additional training and may be laid off officers.

Swanson discussed that while some training has been ongoing, it had to be completed using overtime to maintain required staffing levels. County budget shortfalls has impacted the ability of the department to implement the total required training. The state has declared the county training to be in noncompliance and extensive training routines must occur. The the use of the training officer new hires will save money in the overtime budget and will ensure adequate coverage for the officers in training. Some training can be in house.

It was interesting to see the Commissioner reaction to the proposal. It was called innovative and creative. Swanson had covered all base.s and anticipated all arguments
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:21 am 
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El Supremo

The Sheriff's department, like City hall is a political beast. People who supported another candidate or dislike a policy that impacts them strikes back with baseless and scurrilous accusations. There have been unsubstantiated and frankly vicious, rumors from both places.

There has been two lawsuits against City Hall for slander. Tina Conley won a settlement and the Appeals Court ruled that John Carpenter's lawsuit against Walling and Poplar should not have been dismissed by the Circuit Court. Carpenter has already turned down one settlement offer.
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:29 am 
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El Supremo

Chris Swanson led an excellent investigation into the activities of former Grand Blanc Superintendent Delaney, which unfortunately former prosecutor Busch deep sixed. I read the report and it was thorough and in my mind should have led to prosecution.

Swanson and Sheriff Pickell worked to reduce the critical time for paramedic response to heart attack victims in remote sections of the county. They understood the response needed to be faster in order to save lives.

Swanson, with APA Karen Hanson, led the investigation into the 108 loan for OK Industries, Joseph Giacalone and Dan Robins. It as sad to see the criminal investigation turned into a civil matter and while the defendants went into other businesses, the city is still repaying the 108 loan. I believe it is criminal to use the money intended for a city business for a company in Lennon and a defendant's child support payments.
Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:42 am 
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El Supremo

While other police agencies have knowledge of the influx of heroin entering our county, the Sheriff department and Swanson are the only department addressing the issue.

Heroin use on the rise in Genesee County
Posted: Jul 12, 2013 5:42 PM EDT Updated: Jul 12, 2013 6:09 PM EDT

By Kristen Abraham - bio | email

(07/12/13) - It's considered an epidemic - heroin use is on the rise once again.

The Genesee County Sheriff's Department reports two people overdosed on the drug just this Thursday.

Undersheriff Chris Swanson says it's not just Genesee County seeing the trend - it's statewide, in fact all over the country.

"On a daily basis, we're seeing anywhere from two to six overdoses in the county. Most overdoses are heroin, and second leading cause is prescription pills. Heroin is unforgiving," he said.

We also talked to Genesee Health Systems formerly Community Health. Their data shows admissions for heroin addictions into treatment facilities are also on the rise.

Seventy-eight cases were reported in 2008. More than 1,500 last year.

Prescription pain killers and heroin use counts for almost half of their admissions.

Experts in the field say it's a trend that isn't slowing down any time soon. Genesee County Sherriff's Department says there's influx of the drug coming in from the East Coast.

Police say it's not just an inner city drug anymore, it's in the suburbs too. It has no racial or gender boundaries. Men, women, black, white are addicted to the drug.

It's been two years since heroin overdoses took the lives of two Fenton teenagers. Lapeer County is also battling the drug.

One way to fight back is by education. The sheriff's department established a program called "Chasing the Dragon", designed to teach teens about the dangers of heroin.

"People need to know the crushing blows that it takes on families, devastation it causes. We keep fighting, and you can keep pressure on, educating, and have that law enforcement presence, we can't give up," Swanson said.

If you'd like more information on Chasing the Dragon program, contact the Genesee County Sheriff's department.
Post Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:35 am 
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