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Topic: another pinocchio for Snyder ad on Schauer

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El Supremo

Republican ad knocks Mark Schauer for nursing home fee ...


Apr 16, 2014 · The program was designed to win federal match dollars and then return them to nursing homes that participate in Michigan ... nursing home beds." ... tax
Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:32 pm 
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El Supremo

BWAHAHAHA!!! Republican Governors Association attacks Mark ...
http://www.eclectablog.com/2014/04/bwahahaha-republican-governors-association-attacks-mark-schauer-over-bill-gov-snyder-extended-in-2011.html - 100k - Cached - Similar pages
Apr 16, 2014 ... The program is known as the nursing home Quality Assurance Assessment ...

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: RGA attacks Schauer for ...
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/04/17/1292603/-Daily-Kos-Elections-Morning-Digest-RGA-attacks-Schauer-for-supporting-program-Snyder-approved - 105k - Cached - Similar pages
Apr 17, 2014 ... ... for allegedly supporting "a new fee on nursing home beds" when he ... Those

Republican governors group attacks Democrat for supporting plan ...
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/04/16/1292523/-Republican-governors-group-attacks-Democrat-for-supporting-plan-supported-by-Republican-governors - 78k - Cached - Similar pages
Apr 16, 2014 ... In the spot above, the Republican Governors Association slams ... for allegedly

Campaign Commercial: Republican Hypocrisy in new - Right Michigan
http://rightmi.com/campaign-commercial-republican-hypocrisy-in-new-snyder-attack-ad/ - 62k - Cached - Similar pages
3 days ago ... The “new attack ad” released for TV viewers attacking his opponent for a 2002 ...
Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:34 pm 
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El Supremo

Republican ad knocks Mark Schauer for nursing home fee extended by Gov. Rick Snyder

Print Jonathan Oosting | joosting@mlive.com By Jonathan Oosting | joosting@mlive.com

on April 16, 2014 at 1:51 PM, updated April 16, 2014 at 10:41 PM
LANSING, MI -- The Republican Governors Association released what it called a "new attack ad" on Wednesday, criticizing Michigan Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer for a 2002 state House vote that imposed a new per-bed fee on nursing homes.

The only problem?

The "Medicaid Quality Assurance Assessment Program" was backed by Republican Gov. John Engler, won bipartisan support in the state Legislature and was later extended by Gov. Rick Snyder, who Schauer is challenging.

The program was designed to win federal match dollars and then return them to nursing homes that participate in Michigan's Medicaid program.

"By continuing the assessment, the state receives more in federal matching Medicaid funds than what is paid out by nursing homes," according to a 2011 press release from Snyder's office. "These funds are then directed to nursing homes in Michigan that provide Medicaid services."

The RGA ad notes that Schauer voted for the original legislation. It features a puzzled young woman questioning the fee and suggests that Michigan is "coming back without more fees on nursing home beds."

It's the fourth in a series of RGA ads painting Schauer as a "politician who has made wrong, expensive choices" in the state Legislature and Congress. The new commercial suggests that some of his past votes, including the nursing home fee, "defy logic."

The Schauer campaign wasted little time firing back, noting that several prominent Michigan Republicans also voted for the nursing home assessment program in 2002, including then-state Reps. Randy Richardville and Ruth Johnson, before Republican governors signed off.

"Chris Christie's RGA has hit a new low by attacking Mark Schauer for a bill that was signed and extended by Rick Snyder," said communications director Zack Pohl."This is the height of hypocrisy, and Rick Snyder should be ashamed. It's clear this governor will say anything to distract voters from his job-killing tax on seniors' retirement."

An RGA press secretary was not available by phone and did not immediately responded to an email request for comment.

Snyder campaign spokesperson Emily Benavides referred questions to Washington D.C., noting "we have no input on the tone or content" of RGA ads. She also questioned whether the Schauer campaign was trying to change the subject after rolling out an education proposal earlier in the day that she criticized for a lack of specifics.

The RGA has been running Michigan television ads for several weeks now in Detroit, Flint and Grand Rapids markets. The state is expected to see significant political spending from outside groups in 2014.

See the latest ad below.

Jonathan Oosting is a Capitol reporter for MLive Media Group. Email him, find him on Facebook or follow him on Twitter.
Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:38 pm 
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El Supremo

BWAHAHAHA!!! Republican Governors Association attacks Mark Schauer over bill Gov. Snyder extended in 2011

By Eclectablog on April 16, 2014 in Bwahahahahaha, Mark Schauer, Michigan Republicans, Republicans, Rick Snyder

I don’t know what happened here. Maybe Republican Governors Association Vice Chair Chris Christie is too busy dealing with his George Washington Bridgegate problem to be doing his job.

This morning, the RGA released another attack video on Mark Schauer for supporting a bill that required criminal background checks for nursing home employees, paid for by a small fee on nursing homes of $2.77 per bed daily. The program is known as the nursing home Quality Assurance Assessment Program.

Here’s the thing: the original bill was passed with bipartisan support in 2002 and signed into law by Repubilican governor John Engler. It was supposed to sunset in 2011 but a bill extending it until 2015 was passed by the legislature, again with bipartisan support, and signed into law by none other than Republican Governor Rick Snyder.

H.B. 4734, sponsored by state Rep. Matt Lori, amends the public health code to delay the sunset date on the nursing home Quality Assurance Assessment Program from Oct. 1, 2011 to Oct. 1, 2015. Delaying the sunset was included as part of the governor’s Fiscal Year 2012-13 budget proposal. By continuing the assessment, the state receives more in federal matching Medicaid funds than what is paid out by nursing homes. These funds are then directed to nursing homes in Michigan that provide Medicaid services. The bill is now P.A. 144.

Hell, the bill was even introduced by a Republican!!! LOLZ.

So, they are attacking Mark Schauer over a law he supported 12 years ago and was extended just three years ago by a REPUBLICAN governor via a bill introduced by a Republican legislator.

The mind it boggles, the hypocrisy it reeks.

Oh, and can I just say that their “the shower is over” tagline is one of the worst political marketing moves ever made? When you’re running against a candidate who is working hard to expand his name recognition, mentioning his name in the tagline of EVERY SINGLE AD is unbelievably stupid. Then again, these are Republicans we’re talking about.
Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:41 pm 
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El Supremo

Wed Apr 16, 2014 at 11:52 AM PDT.

Republican governors group attacks Democrat for supporting plan supported by Republican governors

David NirFollow
Daily Kos Elections.

This is what happens when outside groups, desperate for simple slogans to use in their attack ads, go off half-cocked:

In the spot above, the Republican Governors Association slams Democrat Mark Schauer, who is running for governor in Michigan, for allegedly supporting "a new fee on nursing home beds" when he served in the legislature. I mean, look at that crazy libruhl—taxing the elderly and infirm just so they can have a place to lay their heads at night! Can you imagine the kind of person who would support such a thing?
Here's one: Republican Gov. Rick Snyder—the very man Schauer is running against. Of course, the law is nothing like the RGA's caricature. Rather, according to a press release Snyder issued when he extended the program in 2011, "the state receives more in federal matching Medicaid funds than what is paid out by nursing homes." Those matching funds are then returned to the nursing homes, who wind up as net beneficiaries.

Indeed, the original legislation passed with broad bipartisan support, and it was signed into law by another Republican governor, John Engler. So a group devoted to electing Republican governors is attacking a program supported by Republican governors—and one that brings in more money for the state, no less. Makes perfect sense to me.
Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:43 pm 
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El Supremo

Michigan Politics

Campaign Commercial: Republican Hypocrisy in new “Snyder Attack Ad”

by rabman13 • April 23, 2014 • 1 Comment

The “new attack ad” released for TV viewers attacking his opponent for a 2002 state House vote that imposed a new per-bed fee on nursing homes will only work for the die hard “sheeple” Republican voters who would cast a vote for Satan if he had an (R) after his name! A Engler Snyder

The problem is, The “Medicaid Quality Assurance Assessment Program” was backed by Republican Gov. John Engler (R) in 2002, which was supported by a majority of Republicans in the state Legislature and was later extended by Gov. Rick Snyder (R) in 2011.

The program was designed to win federal match dollars and then return them to nursing homes that participate in Michigan’s Medicaid program.

“By continuing the assessment, the state receives more in federal matching Medicaid funds than what is paid out by nursing homes,” according to a 2011 press release from Snyder’s office.

“These funds are then directed back to the nursing homes in Michigan that provide SnyderCaid services.”

Kowall Papageorge Richardville SnyderSeveral so-called Michigan Republicans also voted in favor of the nursing home assessment program (bed tax) in 2002 while serving as State Representatives by casting their “yes” vote. They are included in the photo above with Snyder they are current State Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville along with two other current State Senators Mike Kowall and John Pappageorge.

2002 Senate Bill 1323: Michigan Medicaid Quality Assurance Assessment “bed tax”
Public Act 562 of 2002 Signed by Governor John Engler (R) on October 1, 2002
Introduced by Sen. Loren Bennett (R) impose a new “bed tax” on nursing homes, hospitals, and HMOs, which is designed to allow the state to garner a greater amount of federal Medicaid dollars. These would be returned to the health providers, resulting in a net gain for most of them.

Watch the Snyder supported TV commercial on nursing bed fees
Talk about calling the kettle black here folks I mean, look at that crazy uninformed liberal saying taxing the elderly and infirm just so they can have a place to lay their heads at night!

Can you imagine the kind of person who would support such a thing? The Republican majority passed this not once but twice under two different Republican governors. Hmmm…

2007 House Bill 4185: Revise Michigan Medicaid Quality Assurance Assessment “bed tax” earmark
Public Act 85 of 2007 Signed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm on September 30, 2007
Introduced by Rep. George Cushingberry (D) on January 31, 2007, to earmark $66.4 million of the “Michigan Medicaid Quality Assurance Assessment” (MMQAA) bed tax on nursing homes and hospitals to the state general fund to cover Medicaid expenditures in hospitals in 2007 and 2008.

2011 House Bill 4734: Eliminate sunset on MMQAA health care provider tax
Public Act 144 of 2011 Signed by Gov. Rick Snyder on September 20, 2011
Introduced by Rep. Matt Lori (R) on August 24, 2011, to extend an Oct. 1, 2011 sunset on the “Michigan Medicaid Quality Assurance Assessment” (MMQAA) tax on health care facilities until Oct. 1, 2015. This is a bed tax or fee on health care providers that is used to generate more federal Medicaid matching funds, resulting in a net gain for some but not all of the providers.

Note: All Republicans in both the House and Senate voted in favor of this 2011 House Bill 4185 with the exception of Senator Joe Hune.
Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:49 pm 
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