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Topic: Ed Usewick-sued over penis photo

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El Supremo

Genesee County 7th Circuit Court
14-102533 CD Fullerton

Deborah Salerno


Suski Used Cars,LLC.,
Suski Chevrolet Buick, Inc.,
Bentley's Best, LLC.,
Edward Usewick,
Cheyenne usewick

Salerno's attorneys, Kenneth Hardin ll P.C., and Tersa J. Gorman, PPLC, filed an action for a hostile work environment, sexual harassment and retaliatory conspiracy, in violation of the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
Post Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:02 pm 
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El Supremo

Salerno was a bookeeper for Bentley's Best Auto on 205 S. Dort. She reported directly to Cheyenne and Edward Usewick.

The Alegations:

About August 17,2013, Salerno reportedly found a picture text on her cell phone from Edward Usewick. The picture was of a fully erect penis. This unwelcome sexual conduct created an intimidating, hostile and offensive employment environment.

Salerno complained on or about August 28, 2013, to the Operations Manager, Fred Lynch about the photo of the fully erect penis. The photo of the fully erect penis was then shown to Defendants Director of Operations, Jimmy Johnson. Johnson then met behind closed doors with Edward Usewicks wife, Cheyenne Usewick.

After termination, Fred Lynch contacted Salerno and stated the defendants were threatening to "bury" Salerno if she sued for sexual harassment.

The next day, August 29,2013, Cheyenne usewck terminated Salerno's employment.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Thu May 01, 2014 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:17 pm 
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This is too funny. I worked in the same building as the two of them. Ed may be a lot of things but this isn't something he would do. I remember when she was claiming this but it was actually another girl that sent the a random porn picture over to her when they were drinking at Cruisens after work from a company auto trader pick up phone. This is likely to get dismissed. Ed Wishes this picture was of him without a doubt but Cheyenne will confirm there is no chance of that. LOL I however can tell you that this girl was a pill popper that would sleep with about any guy or girl that gave her attention. Including hooking up with the boss Fred Lynch. Those two had been hooking up for years. She is over weight and about 20 years older than Ed. I know for a fact the real reason why she got fired was her drug issues,not paying invoices properly, and that she over paid a girl in the office $8000.00 on her pay check then the girl quit so she would not have to pay the money back.
Post Thu May 01, 2014 11:41 am 
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El Supremo

The message should identify the sender of the photo. If the photo came from someone else, why would the attorney accept the case? maybe I watch too much CSI, but couldn't the sender of the photo be identified? What is a auto trader phone. You obviously saw the photo.
Post Thu May 01, 2014 4:37 pm 
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El Supremo

BFisher5890 schreef:
This is too funny. I worked in the same building as the two of them. Ed may be a lot of things but this isn't something he would do. I remember when she was claiming this but it was actually another girl that sent the a random porn picture over to her when they were drinking at Cruisens after work from a company auto trader pick up phone. This is likely to get dismissed. Ed Wishes this picture was of him without a doubt but Cheyenne will confirm there is no chance of that. LOL I however can tell you that this girl was a pill popper that would sleep with about any guy or girl that gave her attention. Including hooking up with the boss Fred Lynch. Those two had been hooking up for years. She is over weight and about 20 years older than Ed. I know for a fact the real reason why she got fired was her drug issues,not paying invoices properly, and that she over paid a girl in the office $8000.00 on her pay check then the girl quit so she would not have to pay the money back.

What I hear you saying is that this was a company phone and a company employee had access to the phone and sent the photo? Was the plaintiff drinking at Cruisins or was there a group drinking together? Does the company have a policy on the use of these phones? Did the female who allegedly sent the photo identify herself as Usewick?

Is your argument that this Plaintiff is deserving of a sick joke because of a defect in her sexuality? I searched and found no legal problems regarding the drug problem you allege.

Did her bosses generate a paper trail over the alleged improperly paid invoices and paycheck? Did the company attempt repayment of the $8,000 over payment on the check and did they file a civil lawsuit for recovery?
Post Thu May 01, 2014 7:27 pm 
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