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Topic: NY demonstrators-the need for independant prosecutor

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El Supremo


Nick Bernabe
December 3, 2014

(TheAntiMedia) New York, NY — Protests are already brewing in New York City and around the country following the Grand Jury ruling that police officer Daniel Pantaleo will not be charged in the choking death of Eric Garner. The incident went viral after a video taken by someone who witnessed the killing was posted online. Eric Garner was killed over suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes.

Twitter user The Dream Defenders posted this Tweet, saying that Garner’s family will be at Times Square at 5pm EST, and a march at Union Square at 7pm. Live streaming video will be posted at the bottom of this article. If there is an action planned in your area please post the details in the comments and we will update the article.

TheGothamist reported that protesters will shut down the tree lighting at the Rockefeller Center in NYC tonight.

Protests are also erupting in Ferguson, MO and elsewhere around the country.

Protesters are meeting at 5pm in Los Angeles

This is a developing story and will be updated with more information when it becomes available.

Live video from NYC Eric Garner #ShutItDown protests:

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Protests in Los Angeles:

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Live video from the the Ferguson, MO area:

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Washington DC

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

This article is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TheAntiMedia.org. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive our latest articles.

Author: Nick Bernabe

Nick Bernabe is the founder and editor of TheAntiMedia.org. He contributes articles to multiple independent news sites and is a San Diego based activist.

Marco Iagulli

December 3, 2014

Protest about Cops doing wrong!
It's bad cops, not always a race issue.
Make it about BAD COP TRAINING and the courts protecting the cops when they do wrong!
not always about race.
You could have tons more white people support here if you also brought up the cop crimes against all people.
Where is the protesting of the black cop shooting a white unarmed boy?
No blacks protesting about the Black Cop shooting and killing the Unarmed White Boy…. or any other cop crimes that are out of line.
I agree that profiling does happen. But why only look for a "white on black" situation and claim race factors but not the other way around?
I have found huge amounts of cops doing crazy shit like this towards white people too!

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Marco Iagulli

December 3, 2014


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Gary Marino

December 3, 2014

Fmr. NYS Supreme Court Justice Sol Wachtler once complained that "a Prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to Indict a Ham Sandwich" The only way someone can escape Indictment is if the DA doesn't want them to be indicted. It all comes down to how the Prosecutor Presents the case to the Grand Jury in a Secret proceeding. It's a very Farce. Wake Up, Already. They'll Indict a Ham Sandwich, but Not the whole fuckin Pig. Because they are ALL Pigs. They just give us the Illusion of Justice… Whenever we wake up and actually Demand it, they want to break out the Riot … The State will Almost Never Indict itself for Murder…

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Brian Austin Padua

December 4, 2014

case 1 against this cop, the tax payers shelled out 30K, the 2nd against this cop is still pending… ERIC GARDNER WAS THE 3rd and yet the cop is still off the hook?
wheres the accountability??????????????????

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:11 am 
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El Supremo


Matt Agorist
December 3, 2014

(TheFreeThoughtProject) New York, NY — On July 17 of this year, Officer Daniel Pantaleo of the NYPD, placed Eric Garner in a chokehold ruled illegal by the department, eventually killing the man. The entire incident was caught on video.

Today, in a devastating blow to justice, a grand jury decided not to indict Panteleo in the murder of Garner.

Pantaleo placed father of 6, Eric Garner, in a chokehold and slammed his head to the pavement, piling on top of him as he gasped for air.

The continuous pleas for help were bone chilling as he was telling the cops that he couldn’t breathe.

The video went ultra viral, helping to expose the atrocious acts of the NYPD.

The world watched in horror as NYPD cops killed a man on film.

Most of us could see this violence for exactly what it was, murder. The New York City Medical Examiner’s office even released a statement ruling the official cause of death a homicide due to “compression of neck, chest and positioning during restraint by police.”

This decision not to indict will undoubtedly and justifiably be met with heavy protests.

Police in New York City began preparing for potential protests before the grand jury decision was announced.

“We, as you might expect, are planning accordingly,” New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said at a news conference on Tuesday.

Bratton did not reveal how many officers were placed out on the streets ahead of the announcement, but he said that officers have been told to walk a fine line between allowing the protesters to express their anger while keeping public order.

“If they engage in criminal activity, such as vandalism ‒ actual crime ‒ they will be arrested, quite simply,” he said. “But we have the ability to have a level of tolerance ‒ breathing room, if you will.”

Our hearts go out to Garner’s family, this decision is truly devastating.
Post Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:19 am 
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El Supremo

Nick Bernabe
December 3, 2014

(TheAntiMedia) New York, NY — Protests are already brewing in New York City and around the country following the Grand Jury ruling that police officer Daniel Pantaleo will not be charged in the choking death of Eric Garner. The incident went viral after a video taken by someone who witnessed the killing was posted online. Eric Garner was killed over suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes.

This article is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TheAntiMedia.org. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive our latest articles.

Author: Nick Bernabe

Nick Bernabe is the founder and editor of TheAntiMedia.org. He contributes articles to multiple independent news sites and is a San Diego based activist.

Marco Iagulli

December 3, 2014

Protest about Cops doing wrong!
It's bad cops, not always a race issue.
Make it about BAD COP TRAINING and the courts protecting the cops when they do wrong!
not always about race.
You could have tons more white people support here if you also brought up the cop crimes against all people.
Where is the protesting of the black cop shooting a white unarmed boy?
No blacks protesting about the Black Cop shooting and killing the Unarmed White Boy…. or any other cop crimes that are out of line.
I agree that profiling does happen. But why only look for a "white on black" situation and claim race factors but not the other way around?
I have found huge amounts of cops doing crazy shit like this towards white people too!

Gary Marino

December 3, 2014

Fmr. NYS Supreme Court Justice Sol Wachtler once complained that "a Prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to Indict a Ham Sandwich" The only way someone can escape Indictment is if the DA doesn't want them to be indicted. It all comes down to how the Prosecutor Presents the case to the Grand Jury in a Secret proceeding. It's a very Farce. Wake Up, Already. They'll Indict a Ham Sandwich, but Not the whole fuckin Pig. Because they are ALL Pigs. They just give us the Illusion of Justice… Whenever we wake up and actually Demand it, they want to break out the Riot … The State will Almost Never Indict itself for Murder…

Brian Austin Padua

December 4, 2014

case 1 against this cop, the tax payers shelled out 30K, the 2nd against this cop is still pending… ERIC GARDNER WAS THE 3rd and yet the cop is still off the hook?
wheres the accountability??????????????????
Post Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:35 am 
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El Supremo


Jury Fails To Indict New York City Cop In Chokehold Death (VIDEO)

Author: Ryan Denson December 3, 2014 3:33 pm

Oh look: another cop kills an unarmed black man and gets away with it. A grand jury has declined to indict NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner, a Staten Island man who died shortly after being placed in a chokehold by police, including Pantaleo, for selling un-taxed cigarettes earlier this year in July.

The New York City Medical Examiner had ruled Garner’s death to be a homicide, and was caused by “compression of neck (chokehold), compression of chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police,” as well as other complicated health factors such as asthma. At the time of his death, the 43-year-old father of six was heard in the video pleading “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe,” but to no avail from Pantaleo.

Officials had said he died of a heart attack en route to a hospital after his limp body was immediately put into an ambulance and rushed from the scene. Before he took his final breaths, someone recorded the last moments on camera, sparking national outrage. The details of his take down and subsequent murder spread through the Internet and became a viral video.

The police had suspected him of illegal vending, and Garner was arrested moths before his death on the same suspicion and he had a lengthy criminal record, which included over 30 arrests.

Before today’s verdict, Pantaleo was stripped of his badge and his gun, and had been placed on modified duty.

Of the 23 members of the Garner grand jury presiding over the case, 14 were white, nine were non-white and at least five were black, according to two people familiar with the grand jury’s racial makeup.

“That man lost his life for something that is really minor and low level. Over enforcement or aggressive enforcement of low level offenses and misdemeanors have the potential to turn into something serious like an Eric Garner,” said Candis Tolliver, assistant advocacy director for the New York Civil Liberties Union.

“We hope that the grand jury will do the right thing. We hope that there is accountability in this case,” she said. “We do not know what will happen but we will be watching because what our communities need is accountability when police act aggressively or use unnecessary force against our community members.”

According to MSNBC, Stuart London, Pantaleo’s lawyer, said that Officer Pantaleo testified last Friday for two hours and was asked more than 20 questions. Pantaleo was either the last or among the last witnesses to testify before the grand jury.

Two lawsuits had previously been filed against Pantaleo in which the plaintiffs in both suits alleged false arrest, unlawful imprisonment and civil rights violations among other serious charges. The one suit from 2013 was dismissed in January, while the second case, filed in February 2014, remains open.

This case highlights a slew of white cops killing unarmed black Americans, prompting talks of a new civil rights movement to end discrimination. The videos show that his body was lifeless the entire time after the chokehold had happened. Yet the police continued to poke him and nudge him, hoping to keep the peace and shield onlookers from what they did to him.

Here are the videos:
Post Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:40 am 
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El Supremo

Gary Marino

December 3, 2014

Fmr. NYS Supreme Court Justice Sol Wachtler once complained that "a Prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to Indict a Ham Sandwich" The only way someone can escape Indictment is if the DA doesn't want them to be indicted. It all comes down to how the Prosecutor Presents the case to the Grand Jury in a Secret proceeding. It's a very Farce. Wake Up, Already. They'll Indict a Ham Sandwich, but Not the whole fuckin Pig. Because they are ALL Pigs. They just give us the Illusion of Justice… Whenever we wake up and actually Demand it, they want to break out the Riot … The State will Almost Never Indict itself for Murder…


The above quote has been used several times since the Darren Wilson grand jury. The media has recently had former prosecutors,other law enforcement officials and politician to debate the current implementation of the grand jury system. The argument revolves around the fairness of a prosecutor taking an officer he knows and works with to a grand jury. The prosecutor depends on the fidelity of these officers in order to perform the responsibilities of their job.

That is why there is an increasing demand for independent prosecutors when the cases involve police officers. However, to be clear, the prosecutor must not be allowed to chose the special prosecutor. Locally as well as in other communities, when a prosecutor selects another prosecutor in conflict of interest cases and other problems, the initial prosecutor can dictate how they want the case to proceed. Therefore there is no real justice.
Post Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:53 am 
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El Supremo

NYPD cop who choked Eric Garner wasn’t indicted — but man who recorded the incident was

Arturo Garcia
Arturo Garcia
03 Dec 2014 at 17:59 ET

While a Staten Island grand jury decided on Wednesday not to indict the New York City police officer involved in the death of Eric Garner, prosecutors were able to secure an indictment against the man who filmed the fatal encounter.

As the Staten Island Advance reported, 22-year-old Ramsey Orta was indicted this past August, 13 days after being arrested and charged with felony counts of third-degree criminal weapon possession and criminal firearm possession.

Authorities argued that Orta stuffed an unloaded gun inside 17-year-old Alba Lekaj’s waistband outside a hotel. But Orta has said that the charges against him were trumped up as retaliation for filming Garner being grabbed from behind by Officer Daniel Pantaleo. The city’s medical examiner determined that Garner’s death was a “homicide by chokehold.”

“When they searched me, they didn’t find nothing on me,” Orta said to the Advance regarding his arrest. “And the same cop that searched me, he told me clearly himself, that karma’s a b*tch, what goes around comes around,” Orta said, adding later, “I had nothing to do with this. I would be stupid to walk around with a gun after me being in the spotlight.”

Orta had two other cases against him pending at the time of his indictment, including charges of robbery and hitting a man who was collecting bottles outside his home.

Just before Orta’s indictment, his wife, 30-year-old Chrissie Ortiz, was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault for allegedly attacking another woman. Ortiz had also called the charges against him “total B.S.”

“It’s obvious what they’re doing: they’re trying to shut him up,” Ortiz said at the time of her husband’s indictment. “They’re trying to keep him away. They’re trying to find anything to crucify him. They’re bringing up his past, when they should be bringing up the officer’s past, who committed this murder.”
Post Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:59 am 
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