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Topic: City of Flint Website
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Marcos schreef:
... I'm not ignorant, tricked by lies, none of that...


Forgive me if this sounds like a personal attack, but I'm trying to make a point. I'm not suggesting that my opinion is any more important than yours, or that b/c of what I'm about to address, that you don't have a right to be heard......but:

at least use a spell checker dude! For cripes sake, how do expect to be taken seriously with errors like that? All you do is give pretentious and judgmental people all the more reason to not listen to your point of view. You actually do harm to the concept you are trying to gain support for.(sorry, I ended my sentence in a preposition)

My guess is you're a fairly bright individual, but just a tad careless with grammar, spelling and the other things by which people judge you. And my guess is that your response to that is............."I don't care what those people think.".........................well, "those people" run the country (But wait...........I just realized something.....except for Flint, where indeed you do have an inarticulate, dullard running the town).........so............I guess it really doesn't matter around here................continue on with your carelessness.
Post Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:01 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

I can't believe people are so selfish! What about the rest of US? So let's look at each one of your points individually.

Well look, here is my opinion. My hood is cleaner,
What about the rest of US? Sure he cleaned up over here on the east side. However, he has cut out most of the people that had been organizing and doing it on their own for years! KLEAN!? and others. Covering up brown graffiti with brown paint while refusing to go after those that paint it. After all, If he has graffiti to cover up. He is "DOING SOMETHING" even if it is something he fix so that it didn't keep happening again!

Well Congratulations! See, Since the Mayor has taken over. In 2004 He has hired more officers than we had in 2003, he has wasted more of the officers time at housing commission meetings for intimidation of the board, chasing Eric Mays, at council meetings, than any other Mayor! Then he has officers out there "Closing clubs" that are getting teens off the street and giving them supervision by Church Groups! Then calling that "FIGHTING CRIME! I'm glad your hood is safer. I feel sorry for the rest of us saps that ended up with the over 30 percent increase in crime because YOUR hood is now safer!

and more proud since he has taken office.
Again, I'm happy for you! WHat about the rest of US?

The city is in a better financial ground since he has taken office.
And what does that have to do with HIM? Ed Kurtz followed the Old City Council’s BUDGET! (whether you believe that or not is not important, it is the truth!) This Mayor has wasted MILLIONS!!! since he has been in office and has yet to open the Jail. We have a supposed 9.5 million surplus. Which he has borrowed at least 3 million from the sewer fund. This doesn't count anything left over from the takeover! The Money he has blown on LAWSUITS has got to be enormous! Pay outs to the City's Unions and wrongfully fired employees i well over a million! How much could we have settled on the Sewer Back Ups? And the next poor sucker that gets to be Mayor will eb stuck paying off his indulgences! All the while he is making a dollar a year!

He has attracted jobs by helping private/non-profit people bring business to downtown,
Really? He did that? I thought that was in the works before he ever became Mayor! I could be wrong. But I thought they were talking about it during the Takeover... before he was Mayor?

help bring manufacturing jobs near Bishop airport,
Great, How does that Help Flint? How many people associate Linden Rd with the city of Flint? Flint township maybe, but not The City of Flint. Why do you think they moved out there? And wasn't GM behind them needing to expand? Although, it is nice that those trucks aren't driving up and down our streets in Flint everyday and all hours of the night. And them sorry Saps that moved to Mundy Township get to put up with the Noise from their employees in the parking lot playing their stereos at 2 am. So Maybe there is something we can thank him for! But, he really didn’t' have anything to do with it. What happened to the Plants, the racetrack, the petting Zoo? Let's get real here! OK

help with the 450 Vanslyke project and an avid and vocal member of the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerence.
What help? This one should be interesting! Another one of those projects that had been in the works well before he was ever the mayor!

lets be honest, businesses want a safe,
Hell YA they want it safe. Why do you think the only jobs created at only 50 feet within side the City Limits on Property that was annexed years ago. I don't see anyone wanting to build a PLANT in the city! (Really in the city) And businesses that do move into the City such as 'The UncommonSense" get their property stolen only to have Police Laugh at them when they report it!

and low tax area
Then why is he proposing more tax increases? Are you paying any attention at all to what he is doing? He wants to raise Taxes! Not anyone else.

and half the time an educated workforce....
Ok great! I have a plan for that. Does the Mayor?

But the people want a clean, attractive area with neighborhood pride, one that feels government cares about and on that is safe...
So why does he play games with city services? When citizens call their councilman and they refer it to the Mayor does he use those services you are so quick to point out he is actually doing in YOUR HOOD, as a tool to undermine his opponents, or anyone that doesn't bow at his feet!

My neighborhood has gotten that from the Don and many others have too, my opinion will not change, I'm not ignorant, tricked by lies, none of that...
OK then why do you feel YOUR the only one that deserves the city services and the hell with the rest of us.

Granted that's not the words your saying! But that's the attitude you've taken. "My hood is better" "My hood is cleaner" "My hood is safer" Even though this Mayor is responsible for the not only the first real crime increase in over ten years. But a MAJOR INCREASE in crime due to abusive and negligence in the assignment of duties! Or that this Mayor sits by without any integrity whatsoever, blaming council people like Ms. Simms for areas in her ward that don’t get cleaned up because so many people in Flint are DUMB enough to believe that She can actually do anything about it. When it clearly is in his authority! If she was to attempt to do it! She would be slapped with a Lawsuit from the city attorney! Same thing with Scott Kincaid, This Mayor sits there and says publicly that the reason there is prostitution on Dort Hwy is because Scott Kincaid allows it. When, if the TRUTH be told, If the Mayor would open the city jail at 1.5 million a year, really work with the County it could actually only cost half a million a year. He could cut prostitution out of the city almost completely within just a few months. As well as many other crimes. He this Mayor was really serious about fighting crime. He would stop trying to play Police Chief and open the Jail and let officers do their jobs. Instead of chasing his political opponents around the city!
Post Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:23 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

Marcos????? Where did you go? Everything I've stated is facts! I made nothing up! you can verify everything either by the City Website, Local media or Freedom of information act requests. I do not lie!
Post Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:45 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

Oh and I don't make up my own truth! Truth is the Truth, and a lie is a lie, no matter what My perspective is!
Post Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:46 pm 
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Please explain what is IAF?

The International Academy has worked closely throughout many years with the Citizens Nuisance Task Force to do clean-ups. Art Wenzlaff has rolled up his sleeves planted flowers and rode the back of garbage trucks in the surrounding nhbhoods.

CNTF has worked with the mayor's acceptance but this program was started long prior to the current mayor. With the dismissal of CNTF ..Art Wenslaff has encouraged continued participation and members of the CNTF crew Known as the A team -always show up to support this good man.

Art is also working with community groups to apply for a South Side Weed and Seed Grant. Even if he does not reach this goal of fed. funds for the surrounding community. He is creating partnerships that are sustainable on South Saginaw St.

You must give credit where credit is due.

Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:19 am 
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"Genesee County has made history by being the first county is the state to provide free health insurance to low income. " Workers!!!

Steve, you know this is a start and many counties WILL FOLLOW!

SEN. Emerson supported this plan and spoke about his sons young friend in college working washing dishes that was found dead because he could not afford basic follow up care. Was treated for a cold that turned into pneumonia a simple cure that was unreachable for a young worker. In this day and age this death was unexcuseable. Took time off work so could not afford 70 bucks to go to the doctor.

The cost of health care will be addressed if we have the loud voice of many.
We are on the brink of change...and Genesee Health Care Plan will be the catalist.

Steve, you could give a rats behind about someone elses working college student. You could give a rats behind about a cancer survivor that only needs a yearly blood test but has been cherry picked. You could give a rats ass about a young person working with diabetes. They are freakin workin!
Would you rather they not try and just live on welfare?
Would you rather they go to city hospital and cost 175.left on non-paid Profit and loss- rather than affordable paid $10. on a plan at the doctors?

We shall never agree on this subject.

Open your mind- look at the whole picture, for once!

Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:32 am 
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Right on Rapunzel!
I need to use the plan. I am a small business owner who is lucky when I can pay myself minimum wage. There is no way I could afford health insurance. I made more and had benefits when I was working for a corporation but I really wanted to do this and do it in Flint. I know it is my choice, that I could go back to what I was doing but I am determined to keep going. The health plan is a big relief for me.
Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:44 am 
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Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:05 pm 
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International academy of flint shit, u said International Academy you think you would figure it out...
Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:55 pm 
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Adam Ford

Marcos schreef:
I ask those, Adam, Dayne, Norm, what have you all done for Flint. What capital have you invested in this city for the good of people. What foundations have you all supported? What neighborhood clean-ups have you started? What free services have you provided... Aam, what makes you such a great canidate for Mayor, I want to know and this is not a an attack, I really want to know. What past sucesses financial, family or civic have you accomplished? If not, are you a good orator,onw that can lead and articulate...

I bought a house in the city when I could be living elsewhere. This is either visionary or stupidity. If I win it would obviously be very visionary. I'm a member of the Flint Kiwanis and support the work they do. I've offered to do internet training but that hasn't got of the ground. I support free internet access to Flint but that is being blocked by the current administration. I'm hoping that if I don't win I will be able to retire when I'm 30. I've also subcontracted out to India and Canada on very miniscule projects but I think moving successful India and Chinese businesses to Flint might be a possibility if I pulled off a miracle win. I've requested the council enforce the charter and ordinances and reduce the oppression of home based businesses but have been completely unsuccessful at that. My biggest accomplishment will hopefully be getting on the ballot though.

On a personal note you should try asking the mayor those same questions. Unlike him my internet business endeavor http://mysearchisover.com is currently located in the city of Flint. I personally feel that the mayor should have accepted his salary and used his business skills to start a business in the city of Flint and creat jobs. I understand the mayor has paid for some city cleanups particularly when he was running for mayor. If I had the extra money I would spend it on investing and creating jobs which the maor has not done. Eventually the way things we are progressing we could have a very clean city and no jobs. Has the mayor even contacted Toyota?

Overall I think it's hard for any outcast me Norm, Dayne, Dale, Stanley? to get things done if they are blocked by the council and administration.

Overall I think I would not be that great of a mayor except for the plan, administration and execution that we will put into place. I think those will be what we need to "stop the bleeding". I think I can get us the best police chief in the nation and hopefully the best city administrator in the nation. A good mayor is only as good as the ideas, people etc that surround him are. I think Williamson has a great financial team and Bill Ayers is doing great but our police chief and parks department and our crucial economic development department seem to be failing.

On a seperate note this board may really light up this year so I may miss some stuff that gets posted.
Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:19 pm 
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Adam wrote in part..."On a seperate note this board may really light up this year so I may miss some stuff that gets posted."

Adam, explain. Not clear what you are referring too re: "light up".

Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:13 pm 
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Guest post
Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:46 pm 
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Larry schreef:
big i cant speak for adam but the flint talk board meaning this site has experienced at least 26% growth in the last year acording to my watch poosibly another 25% this year o7 would bring it to alot of posts thats what i think he ment that would bring the registerd flintoids to about 300 thats a big talk group
wouldent you say hey happy new year big mrs big and any mini bigs

thanks Larry, same to you and yours.

I understand the explanation. thanks for clearing that up for me. I do think you have captured Adam's intent.

Post Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:24 am 
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rapunzel schreef:

Just FYI^ The above was not my post!^ I did assume IAF was International. It seems someone else has learned to spell rapunzel.
The other posts on this thread were mine.

Post Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:42 am 
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rapunzel schreef:
rapunzel schreef:

Just FYI^ The above was not my post!^ I did assume IAF was International. It seems someone else has learned to spell rapunzel.
The other posts on this thread were mine.


on another thread, I explain why its important to the "regular" denizens of FT.com, that people "register".

You've just been spoofed and now have to spend time and energy responding to that. Where else might it have/will happen?...

more to the point, evertime I see a "Rap" post now, I won't trust it is actually YOUR point of view. Perhaps others won't either. Then you start to frozen out of the dialogues.

sorry. but the solution is simple.

Post Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:36 am 
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